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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Leventhal, Bennett
Item TypeName
Concept Adolescent Psychiatry
Concept Child Psychiatry
Academic Article Evidence of linkage between the serotonin transporter and autistic disorder.
Academic Article Maternal smoking during pregnancy and the risk of conduct disorder in boys.
Academic Article Transmission disequilibrium mapping at the serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) region in autistic disorder.
Academic Article Association testing of the positional and functional candidate gene SLC1A1/EAAC1 in early-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Academic Article Evidence for a susceptibility locus on chromosome 10p15 in early-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Academic Article Interaction of prenatal exposure to cigarettes and MAOA genotype in pathways to youth antisocial behavior.
Academic Article A randomized controlled comparison of family-based treatment and supportive psychotherapy for adolescent bulimia nervosa.
Academic Article 5-HTTLPR Genotype-Specific Phenotype in Children and Adolescents With Autism.
Academic Article Triiodothyronines, depression, and fasting.
Academic Article Child and adolescent psychiatry in the Far East: A 5-year follow up on the Consortium on Academic Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in the Far East (CACAP-FE) study.
Academic Article Prevalence of autism spectrum disorders in a total population sample.
Academic Article Bipolar disorder and ADHD.
Academic Article Association studies of serotonin system candidate genes in early-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Academic Article A comparison of DSM-IV pervasive developmental disorder and DSM-5 autism spectrum disorder prevalence in an epidemiologic sample.
Academic Article Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and whole-blood serotonin levels: effects of comorbidity.
Academic Article Depressive and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in hyperserotonemic parents of children with autistic disorder.
Academic Article Fenfluramine and cerebral glucose.
Academic Article Editorial: a global perspective on child and adolescent mental health.
Academic Article Platelet 5-HT2 serotonin receptor binding sites in autistic children and their first-degree relatives.
Academic Article Transmission disequilibrium testing of arginine vasopressin receptor 1A (AVPR1A) polymorphisms in autism.
Academic Article Sadistic abuse of haloperidol.
Academic Article Data-Driven Phenotypic Categorization for Neurobiological Analyses: Beyond DSM-5 Labels.
Academic Article Research Review: 'Ain't misbehavin': Towards a developmentally-specified nosology for preschool disruptive behavior.
Academic Article High throughput fluorescent CE-SSCP SNP genotyping.
Academic Article Double-blind, placebo-controlled study of amantadine hydrochloride in the treatment of children with autistic disorder.
Academic Article Orofacial movement disorder: tic or tardive dyskinesia?
Academic Article Genetic epidemiology and insights into interactive genetic and environmental effects in autism spectrum disorders.
Academic Article Autistic disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Academic Article Combining information from multiple sources in the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders.
Academic Article Mutation screening of the UBE3A/E6-AP gene in autistic disorder.
Academic Article Free serotonin in plasma: autistic children and their first-degree relatives.
Academic Article Genomic organization of the SLC1A1/EAAC1 gene and mutation screening in early-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Academic Article The Treatment for Adolescents With Depression Study (TADS): outcomes over 1 year of naturalistic follow-up.
Academic Article Fluoxetine treatment of children and adults with autistic disorder and mental retardation.
Academic Article Down's syndrome with mania.
Academic Article Effect of alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking on antidepressant levels of depressed patients.
Academic Article Observational Assessment of Preschool Disruptive Behavior, Part II: validity of the Disruptive Behavior Diagnostic Observation Schedule (DB-DOS).
Academic Article Autism and related conditions.
Academic Article Multisite, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of porcine secretin in autism.
Academic Article Tryptophan loading in hyperserotonemic and normoserotonemic adults.
Academic Article School bullying and youth violence: causes or consequences of psychopathologic behavior?
Academic Article Between a ROC and a hard place: decision making and making decisions about using the SCQ.
Academic Article Observational Assessment of Preschool Disruptive Behavior, Part I: reliability of the Disruptive Behavior Diagnostic Observation Schedule (DB-DOS).
Academic Article A developmental framework for distinguishing disruptive behavior from normative misbehavior in preschool children.
Academic Article An open-label trial of escitalopram in pervasive developmental disorders.
Academic Article The irony of autism.
Academic Article Consultation with young autistic children and their families.
Academic Article Lumpers and splitters: who knows? Who cares?
Academic Article Shaping the future of child and adolescent psychiatry.
Academic Article Medical recognition of bullying and its related morbidity.
Academic Article Pharmacotherapy of restricted/repetitive behavior in autism spectrum disorder:a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Academic Article Supporting children of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Academic Article Clinical Decision Support Systems: An Innovative Approach to Enhancing Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services.
Academic Article Synaptic processes and immune-related pathways implicated in Tourette syndrome.
Academic Article Investigation of previously implicated genetic variants in chronic tic disorders: a transmission disequilibrium test approach.
Academic Article Editorial: Advances in social cognition assessment and intervention in autism spectrum disorder.
Grant AACAP Physician Scientist Program in Substance Use
Academic Article Nurturing the next generation of clinician-scientists in child and adolescent psychiatry: recommendations from a WPA Presidential Task Force.
Academic Article Scoping Review: Digital Mental Health Interventions for Children and Adolescents Affected by War.
Academic Article The blueprint for advancing psychiatric education and scientific publications.
Academic Article Patients and family attitudes about clinical and research sharing of electronic clinical data.
Search Criteria
  • Psychiatry