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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Lindheimer, Marshall
Item TypeName
Concept Water-Electrolyte Balance
Academic Article Effect of ovarian sex steroids on osmoregulation and vasopressin secretion in the rat.
Academic Article Role of hemodynamic factors in osmoregulatory alterations of rat pregnancy.
Academic Article Water homeostasis and vasopressin release during rodent and human gestation.
Academic Article Water metabolism and vasopressin secretion during pregnancy.
Academic Article Effect of administered mineralocorticoids or ACTH in pregnant women. Attenuation of kaliuretic influence of mineralocorticoids during pregnancy.
Academic Article Osmoregulation during pregnancy in the rat. Evidence for resetting of the threshold for vasopressin secretion during gestation.
Academic Article Serial evaluation of vasopressin release and thirst in human pregnancy. Role of human chorionic gonadotrophin in the osmoregulatory changes of gestation.
Academic Article Suppression of AVP release by drinking despite hypertonicity during and after gestation.
Academic Article Pregnancy and the kidney.
Academic Article Influence of humoral and volume factors on altered osmoregulation of normal human pregnancy.
Academic Article Role of posture in sodium, water, and potassium homeostasis of an abnormal pregnancy.
Academic Article Response of the renin-aldosterone system and antidiuretic hormone to oral water loading and hypertonic saline infusion during and after pregnancy.
Academic Article Osmoregulation in the pregnant Brattleboro rat.
Academic Article Postural effects on Na and steroid excretion, and serum renin activity during pregnancy.
Academic Article Intermittent intestinal obstruction simulating hyperemesis gravidarum.
Academic Article Osmoregulation of thirst and vasopressin release in pregnancy.
Academic Article Mechanism of impaired water excretion in the hypothyroid rat.
Academic Article Sodium metabolism, aldosterone and the hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.
Academic Article Osmoregulation and vasopressin secretion during pregnancy in Brattleboro rats.
Academic Article Altered osmotic thresholds for vasopressin secretion and thirst in human pregnancy.
Academic Article Renal sodium and water handling in pregnancy.
Academic Article Osmoregulation in pseudopregnant and prolactin-treated rats: comparison with normal gestation.
Academic Article Volume homeostasis and osmoregulation in human pregnancy.
Academic Article Water homeostasis and vasopressin secretion during gestation.
Academic Article Osmotic and volume control of vasopressin release in pregnancy.
Academic Article Osmoregulation, the secretion of arginine vasopressin and its metabolism during pregnancy.
Academic Article Further characterization of the influence of supine posture on renal function in late pregnancy. Effect of rapid saline infusions on renal sodium, water and uric acid metabolism.
Academic Article Effect of hypotonic expansion on sodium, water, and urea excretion in late pregnancy: the influence of posture on these results.
Search Criteria
  • Water Electrolyte Balance