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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Pamer, Eric
Item TypeName
Concept Antigen Presentation
Academic Article Differing roles of inflammation and antigen in T cell proliferation and memory generation.
Academic Article Early programming of T cell populations responding to bacterial infection.
Academic Article Immunology. Giving credit where credit is due.
Academic Article Innate immune activation and CD4+ T cell priming during respiratory fungal infection.
Academic Article A Listeria monocytogenes pentapeptide is presented to cytolytic T lymphocytes by the H2-M3 MHC class Ib molecule.
Academic Article Voriconazole inhibits fungal growth without impairing antigen presentation or T-cell activation.
Academic Article Monocytes and infection: modulator, messenger and effector.
Academic Article The selection of M3-restricted T cells is dependent on M3 expression and presentation of N-formylated peptides in the thymus.
Academic Article Mechanisms of MHC class I--restricted antigen processing.
Academic Article Processing of Listeria monocytogenes antigens and the in vivo T-cell response to bacterial infection.
Academic Article Peptide presentation by the MHC class Ib molecule, H2-M3.
Academic Article MHC class I antigen processing of Listeria monocytogenes proteins: implications for dominant and subdominant CTL responses.
Academic Article The CD40-CD154 system in anti-infective host defense.
Academic Article Two Listeria monocytogenes CTL epitopes are processed from the same antigen with different efficiencies.
Academic Article MHC class I/peptide stability: implications for immunodominance, in vitro proliferation, and diversity of responding CTL.
Academic Article CD8 T cell detection of bacterial infection: sniffing for formyl peptides derived from Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Academic Article Inflammatory monocytes facilitate adaptive CD4 T cell responses during respiratory fungal infection.
Academic Article Listeriolysin is processed efficiently into an MHC class I-associated epitope in Listeria monocytogenes-infected cells.
Academic Article Antigen presentation in the immune response to infectious diseases.
Academic Article A nonamer peptide derived from Listeria monocytogenes metalloprotease is presented to cytolytic T lymphocytes.
Academic Article Absence of MHC class II on cDCs results in microbial-dependent intestinal inflammation.
Academic Article Efficiency of MHC class I antigen processing: a quantitative analysis.
Academic Article MHC class I restricted T cell responses to Listeria monocytogenes, an intracellular bacterial pathogen.
Academic Article Effect of antigen-processing efficiency on in vivo T cell response magnitudes.
Academic Article The Listeria monocytogenes-secreted p60 protein is an N-end rule substrate in the cytosol of infected cells. Implications for major histocompatibility complex class I antigen processing of bacterial proteins.
Academic Article Rapid reconstitution of Epstein-Barr virus-specific T lymphocytes following allogeneic stem cell transplantation.
Academic Article Feedback regulation of pathogen-specific T cell priming.
Grant Inflammation and T cell immunity to Listeria
Search Criteria
  • Antigen Presentation