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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Cox, Nancy Jean
Item TypeName
Concept Quantitative Trait, Heritable
Academic Article The genetics of asthma. Mapping genes for complex traits in founder populations.
Academic Article A statistical method for identification of polymorphisms that explain a linkage result.
Academic Article Methods for analysis and visualization of SNP genotype data for complex diseases.
Academic Article Relationship of calpain-10 genotype to phenotypic features of polycystic ovary syndrome.
Academic Article Variation within the type 2 diabetes susceptibility gene calpain-10 and polycystic ovary syndrome.
Academic Article Genetic epidemiology of diabetes.
Academic Article Variants affecting exon skipping contribute to complex traits.
Academic Article The importance of genealogy in determining genetic associations with complex traits.
Academic Article Partitioning the heritability of Tourette syndrome and obsessive compulsive disorder reveals differences in genetic architecture.
Academic Article Meta-analysis of lipid-traits in Hispanics identifies novel loci, population-specific effects, and tissue-specific enrichment of eQTLs.
Academic Article Pharmacogenomic variants have larger effect sizes than genetic variants associated with other dichotomous complex traits.
Academic Article Survey of the Heritability and Sparse Architecture of Gene Expression Traits across Human Tissues.
Academic Article Using an atlas of gene regulation across 44 human tissues to inform complex disease- and trait-associated variation.
Academic Article Multi-tissue transcriptome analyses identify genetic mechanisms underlying neuropsychiatric traits.
Search Criteria
  • Quantitative Trait Heritable