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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Grant, Jon E.
Item TypeName
Concept Forensic Psychiatry
Concept Geriatric Psychiatry
Concept Psychiatry
Concept Diagnosis, Dual (Psychiatry)
Academic Article Genome-wide linkage analysis of obsessive-compulsive disorder implicates chromosome 1p36.
Academic Article An open-label study of naltrexone in the treatment of kleptomania.
Academic Article Sexual orientation of men with pathological gambling: prevalence and psychiatric comorbidity in a treatment-seeking sample.
Academic Article Phenomenology and treatment of behavioural addictions.
Academic Article Temperament and early environmental influences in kleptomania.
Academic Article Neurocognitive response to deep brain stimulation for obsessive-compulsive disorder: a case report.
Academic Article The Gambling Symptom Assessment Scale (G-SAS): a reliability and validity study.
Academic Article Adolescent kleptomania treated with naltrexone--a case report.
Academic Article N-acetyl cysteine, a glutamate-modulating agent, in the treatment of pathological gambling: a pilot study.
Academic Article Relationship of nicotine dependence, subsyndromal and pathological gambling, and other psychiatric disorders: data from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions.
Academic Article A double-blind placebo-controlled study of the efficacy and safety of paroxetine in the treatment of pathological gambling.
Academic Article Pathological skin picking in individuals with body dysmorphic disorder.
Academic Article A clinical comparison of pathologic skin picking and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Academic Article One-year follow-up of subsyndromal gambling disorder in non-treatment-seeking young adults.
Academic Article A single-blind study of 'as-needed' ecopipam for gambling disorder.
Academic Article Preliminary validity and reliability testing of a structured clinical interview for pathological gambling.
Academic Article Late-onset obsessive compulsive disorder: clinical characteristics and psychiatric comorbidity.
Academic Article N-Acetylcysteine in the treatment of pediatric trichotillomania: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled add-on trial.
Academic Article A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the opiate antagonist, naltrexone, in the treatment of kleptomania.
Academic Article Atomoxetine modulates right inferior frontal activation during inhibitory control: a pharmacological functional magnetic resonance imaging study.
Academic Article Losing control: assaultive behavior as a predictor of impulse control disorders in young adults.
Academic Article Clinical characteristics and associated psychopathology of 22 patients with kleptomania.
Academic Article Impulse-control disorders in a college sample: results from the self-administered Minnesota Impulse Disorders Interview (MIDI).
Academic Article Clinical characteristics of trichotillomania with trichophagia.
Academic Article Age at onset and clinical correlates in body dysmorphic disorder.
Academic Article Co-occurrence of personality disorders in persons with kleptomania: a preliminary investigation.
Academic Article Hoarding disorder: a new diagnostic category in ICD-11?
Academic Article Open-label pilot study of memantine in the treatment of compulsive buying.
Academic Article Traumatic event exposure and gambling: associations with clinical, neurocognitive, and personality variables.
Academic Article Addicted to hair pulling? How an alternate model of trichotillomania may improve treatment outcome.
Academic Article Body-focused repetitive behavior disorders in ICD-11.
Academic Article Nalmefene in the treatment of pathological gambling: multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
Academic Article Double-blind, placebo-controlled, pilot trial of paliperidone augmentation in serotonin reuptake inhibitor-resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Academic Article Effectiveness of pharmacotherapy for pathological gambling: a chart review.
Academic Article Substance use disorders in individuals with body dysmorphic disorder.
Academic Article A retrospective follow-up study of body dysmorphic disorder.
Academic Article Neurocognitive dysfunction in strategic and non-strategic gamblers.
Academic Article Kleptomania treated with tolcapone, a catechol-O-methyl-transferase (COMT) inhibitor.
Academic Article Measuring "waiting" impulsivity in substance addictions and binge eating disorder in a novel analogue of rodent serial reaction time task.
Academic Article Prevalence and correlates of being overweight or obese in college.
Academic Article Reduced brain white matter integrity in trichotillomania: a diffusion tensor imaging study.
Academic Article Quality of life in kleptomania and pathological gambling.
Academic Article A pilot study of impulsivity and compulsivity in pathological gambling.
Academic Article Compulsive sexual behavior in young adults.
Academic Article Impact of ADHD symptoms on clinical and cognitive aspects of problem gambling.
Academic Article Stealing among high school students: prevalence and clinical correlates.
Academic Article Childhood-onset pathologic skin picking: clinical characteristics and psychiatric comorbidity.
Academic Article Cross-cultural comparison of compulsive stealing (kleptomania).
Academic Article [Kleptomania: clinical characteristics and treatment].
Academic Article Prevalence and characteristics of compulsive buying in college students.
Academic Article Examining the psychometric properties of the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale in a sample of compulsive pornography users.
Academic Article Neurocognitive deficits associated with shoplifting in young adults.
Academic Article Lamotrigine treatment of pathologic skin picking: an open-label study.
Academic Article The effectiveness of a cognitive-behavioral intervention for pathological gambling: a country-wide study.
Academic Article Commentary: illegal behavior and pathological gambling.
Academic Article Update on pathological skin picking.
Academic Article Impulse control disorders in adult psychiatric inpatients.
Academic Article Impulse-control disorders in adolescent psychiatric inpatients: co-occurring disorders and sex differences.
Academic Article N-acetylcysteine, a glutamate modulator, in the treatment of trichotillomania: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
Academic Article Excluding the typical patient: thirty years of pharmacotherapy efficacy trials for obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Academic Article Imaginal desensitisation plus motivational interviewing for pathological gambling: randomised controlled trial.
Academic Article Clinical characteristics and psychiatric comorbidity of pyromania.
Academic Article Correlates of occupational disability in a clinical sample of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Academic Article Guest editorial: rethinking the obsessive compulsive spectrum.
Academic Article Recognizing and treating body dysmorphic disorder.
Academic Article Characteristics of geriatric patients seeking medication treatment for pathologic gambling disorder.
Academic Article Pharmacotherapy outcome in older pathological gamblers: a preliminary investigation.
Academic Article Impulse control disorders: updated review of clinical characteristics and pharmacological management.
Academic Article Obsessive compulsive personality disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder: clinical characteristics, diagnostic difficulties, and treatment.
Academic Article Shopping problems among high school students.
Academic Article Clinical characteristics and psychiatric comorbidity in males with exhibitionism.
Academic Article Strategic vs nonstrategic gambling: characteristics of pathological gamblers based on gambling preference.
Academic Article Neurocognitive functioning in compulsive buying disorder.
Academic Article Double-blind naltrexone and placebo comparison study in the treatment of pathological gambling.
Academic Article Successful treatment of nondelusional body dysmorphic disorder with olanzapine: a case report.
Academic Article Impulse-control disorders in children and adolescents with obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Academic Article Personality dimensions and disorders in pathological gambling.
Academic Article Multicenter investigation of the opioid antagonist nalmefene in the treatment of pathological gambling.
Academic Article What clinicians need to know about DSM-5.
Academic Article Tobacco use and pathological gambling.
Academic Article Demographic and clinical features of 131 adult pathological gamblers.
Academic Article Prevalence and clinical features of body dysmorphic disorder in adolescent and adult psychiatric inpatients.
Academic Article A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the opiate antagonist naltrexone in the treatment of pathological gambling urges.
Academic Article Retrospective review of treatment retention in pathological gambling.
Academic Article DSM-5 field survey: skin picking disorder.
Academic Article Augmentation with naltrexone to treat compulsive sexual behavior: a case series.
Academic Article Family history and psychiatric comorbidity in persons with kleptomania.
Academic Article A case of kleptomania and compulsive sexual behavior treated with naltrexone.
Academic Article Changes in psychiatric consultations over ten years.
Academic Article Personality dimensions in pathological gambling disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Academic Article Update on pathological gambling.
Academic Article Gender differences in pathological gamblers seeking medication treatment.
Academic Article Skin picking disorder in university students: health correlates and gender differences.
Academic Article Skin picking disorder.
Academic Article Personality disorders in gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender chemically dependent patients.
Academic Article Trichotillomania and Pathologic Skin Picking: clinical comparison with an examination of comorbidity.
Academic Article Pathologic gambling and bankruptcy.
Academic Article Compulsive buying treated with motivational interviewing and imaginal desensitization.
Academic Article Impulse control disorders and "behavioural addictions" in the ICD-11.
Academic Article Sexual obsessions and clinical correlates in adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Academic Article Disorders of compulsivity: a common bias towards learning habits.
Academic Article Problematic Internet use and associated risks in a college sample.
Academic Article Pharmacotherapy for methamphetamine dependence: a review of the pathophysiology of methamphetamine addiction and the theoretical basis and efficacy of pharmacotherapeutic interventions.
Academic Article Understanding and treating kleptomania: new models and new treatments.
Academic Article Impulse control disorders: clinical characteristics and pharmacological management.
Academic Article SPECT imaging and treatment of pyromania.
Academic Article White matter integrity in kleptomania: a pilot study.
Academic Article A randomized, placebo-controlled trial of N-acetylcysteine plus imaginal desensitization for nicotine-dependent pathological gamblers.
Academic Article Clinical characteristics and medical complications of pathologic skin picking.
Academic Article Motor inhibition and cognitive flexibility in pathologic skin picking.
Academic Article A 6-month follow-up of imaginal desensitization plus motivational interviewing in the treatment of pathological gambling.
Academic Article Paraphilias in adult psychiatric inpatients.
Academic Article Predictors of life disability in trichotillomania.
Academic Article Prevalence and correlates of fire-setting in the United States: results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC).
Academic Article Longitudinal course of body-focused repetitive behaviors in obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Academic Article The importance of cross-cultural research in addictions.
Academic Article Reduced cortical thickness in gambling disorder: a morphometric MRI study.
Academic Article Clinical and cognitive correlates of young adult at-risk gamblers with and without depression.
Academic Article Is anorexia nervosa a subtype of body dysmorphic disorder? Probably not, but read on...
Academic Article Electronic gaming machines and gambling disorder: A cross-cultural comparison between treatment-seeking subjects from Brazil and the United States.
Academic Article Neural and psychological underpinnings of gambling disorder: A review.
Academic Article Impulsivity in body-focused repetitive behavior disorders: Disparate clinical associations between three distinct measures.
Academic Article Long-term deep-brain stimulation treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Academic Article Abnormal brain activation in excoriation (skin-picking) disorder: evidence from an executive planning fMRI study.
Academic Article Body focused repetitive behavior disorders: Significance of family history.
Academic Article A cross-cultural study of gambling disorder: a comparison between women from Brazil and the United States.
Academic Article N-Acetylcysteine in the Treatment of Excoriation Disorder: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
Academic Article Psychosocial dysfunction associated with skin picking disorder and trichotillomania.
Academic Article Are obsessive-compulsive symptoms impulsive, compulsive or both?
Academic Article White matter tract integrity in treatment-resistant gambling disorder.
Academic Article Neurocognitive Deficits Associated with Antisocial Personality Disorder in Non-treatment-seeking Young Adults.
Academic Article Sex differences in trichotillomania.
Academic Article Standards of care for obsessive-compulsive disorder centres.
Academic Article Depression in university students: associations with impulse control disorders.
Academic Article Does comorbidity matter in body-focused repetitive behavior disorders?
Academic Article How Similar Are the Disorders Included Under the Umbrella of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Related Disorders?-Reply.
Academic Article Racial-ethnic related clinical and neurocognitive differences in adults with gambling disorder.
Academic Article Low-Dose d-Cycloserine for Depression?
Academic Article Trichotillomania.
Academic Article Childhood, adolescent and adult age at onset and related clinical correlates in obsessive-compulsive disorder: a report from the International College of Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders (ICOCS).
Academic Article Problematic sexual behavior in young adults: Associations across clinical, behavioral, and neurocognitive variables.
Academic Article The intersection of obesity and the longitudinal course of problem gambling.
Academic Article Problematic internet use (PIU): Associations with the impulsive-compulsive spectrum. An application of machine learning in psychiatry.
Academic Article Trichotillomania and co-occurring anxiety.
Academic Article Cold pressor pain in skin picking disorder.
Academic Article Associations between self-harm and distinct types of impulsivity.
Academic Article Refining Treatment Approaches in Comorbid Trichotillomania and Bipolar Disorder: Response to Sharma and Baczynski.
Academic Article Neurocognitive and clinical correlates of gambling behavior based on mode of gambling.
Academic Article Predictors of comorbid obsessive-compulsive disorder and skin-picking disorder in trichotillomania.
Academic Article Gambling disorder, DSM-5 criteria and symptom severity.
Academic Article Trichotillomania and its clinical relationship to depression and anxiety.
Academic Article Neurocognitive dysfunction in problem gamblers with co-occurring antisocial personality disorder.
Academic Article A cross-cultural clinical comparison between subjects with obsessive-compulsive disorder from the United States and Brazil.
Academic Article Predictors of comorbid eating disorders and association with other obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders in trichotillomania.
Academic Article Cognitive-behavioral group therapy for intermittent explosive disorder: description and preliminary analysis.
Academic Article How to measure monetary losses in gambling disorder? An evidence-based refinement.
Academic Article Symptom severity and its clinical correlates in kleptomania.
Academic Article Age at first sexual activity: Clinical and cognitive associations.
Academic Article Latent traits of impulsivity and compulsivity: toward dimensional psychiatry.
Academic Article Behavioral Addictions and Criminal Responsibility.
Academic Article Major depressive disorder and depressive symptoms in intermittent explosive disorder.
Academic Article Exposure and Ritual Prevention Therapy for Trichotillomania: Two Case Reports.
Academic Article Impact of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder symptoms in Internet users.
Academic Article Prerequisites for Appropriate Clinical Staging of Major Psychiatric Disorders
Academic Article Naltrexone and Disulfiram Treatment Response in Veterans With Alcohol Dependence and Co-Occurring Problem-Gambling Features.
Academic Article Differences in the cognitive profile of depression between racial groups.
Academic Article Relationship between quality of life in young adults and impulsivity/compulsivity?.
Academic Article Salivary sex hormones in adolescent females with trichotillomania.
Academic Article A structural MRI study of excoriation (skin-picking) disorder and its relationship to clinical severity.
Academic Article Stealing behavior and impulsivity in individuals with kleptomania who have been arrested for shoplifting.
Academic Article Clinical correlates of symptom severity in skin picking disorder.
Academic Article Balancing validity, utility and public health considerations in disorders due to addictive behaviours.
Academic Article Pulling your hair out in geriatric psychiatry: a case report.
Academic Article Gambling and its clinical correlates in university students.
Academic Article Minnesota Impulse Disorders Interview (MIDI): Validation of a structured diagnostic clinical interview for impulse control disorders in an enriched community sample.
Academic Article Compulsive sexual behaviour disorder in the ICD-11.
Academic Article The placebo effect and its clinical associations in gambling disorder.
Academic Article A Pilot Examination of Oxidative Stress in Trichotillomania.
Academic Article Body dysmorphic disorder and its relationship to sexuality, impulsivity, and addiction.
Academic Article E-cigarette use (vaping) is associated with illicit drug use, mental health problems, and impulsivity in university students.
Academic Article Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder).
Academic Article Cognitive deficits in problematic internet use: meta-analysis of 40 studies.
Academic Article Fractionation of impulsive and compulsive trans-diagnostic phenotypes and their longitudinal associations.
Academic Article Longitudinal subtypes of disordered gambling in young adults identified using mixed modeling.
Academic Article Problematic use of the Internet is a unidimensional quasi-trait with impulsive and compulsive subtypes.
Academic Article Neurocognitive findings in young adults with binge eating disorder.
Academic Article Racial-ethnic differences in impulsivity and compulsivity in recreational gambling.
Academic Article Gambling and substance use: Comorbidity and treatment implications.
Academic Article Prevalence, gender correlates, and co-morbidity of trichotillomania.
Academic Article Memantine treatment of trichotillomania.
Academic Article Problematic Internet use (PIU), personality profiles and emotion dysregulation in a cohort of young adults: trajectories from risky behaviors to addiction.
Academic Article Reward-related attentional capture and cognitive inflexibility interact to determine greater severity of compulsivity-related problems.
Academic Article Cariprazine treatment of borderline personality disorder: A case report.
Academic Article Firearm ownership among young adults: Associations with impulsivity and impulse control disorders.
Academic Article Cognitive Functioning in Trichotillomania Across the Lifespan.
Academic Article Sleep quality and its clinical associations in trichotillomania and skin picking disorder.
Academic Article Screening for adult ADHD using brief rating tools: What can we conclude from a positive screen? Some caveats.
Academic Article The Influence of Trait Compulsivity and Impulsivity on Addictive and Compulsive Behaviors During COVID-19.
Academic Article Personality traits and their clinical associations in trichotillomania and skin picking disorder.
Academic Article Behavioral activation and inhibition in compulsive buying and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Academic Article Clinical presentation of body-focused repetitive behaviors in minority ethnic groups.
Academic Article Structural gray matter differences in Problematic Usage of the Internet: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Academic Article Interstitial laser anterior capsulotomy for obsessive-compulsive disorder: lesion size and tractography correlate with outcome.
Academic Article Automatic and focused hair pulling in trichotillomania: Valid and useful subtypes?
Academic Article Nutrition in Skin Picking Disorder and Trichotillomania.
Academic Article Natural recovery in trichotillomania.
Academic Article Examining the relationship between altered brain functional connectome and disinhibition across 33 impulsive and compulsive behaviours.
Academic Article A double-blind placebo-controlled study of brexpiprazole for the treatment of borderline personality disorder.
Academic Article Legal settlements and the reporting of adverse drug events: Insights from the aripiprazole products liability litigation.
Academic Article Item-level analysis of mental health symptom trajectories during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK: Associations with age, sex and pre-existing psychiatric conditions.
Academic Article Skin picking disorder: Does a person's sex matter?
Academic Article Quality of life in trichotillomania: An assessment of specific life domains.
Academic Article Gambling disorder in the UK: key research priorities and the urgent need for independent research funding.
Academic Article Associations between COVID-19 pandemic impact, dimensions of behavior and eating disorders: A longitudinal UK-based study.
Academic Article Comorbid trichotillomania and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults.
Academic Article Commentary on the article: "Maintenance of wellness in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder who discontinue medication after exposure/response prevention augmentation A randomized clinical trial" Foa EB et al., JAMA Psychiatry. 2022;79(3):193-200 (1).
Academic Article Characteristics and treatment seeking in an adult Hispanic population with trichotillomania and skin picking disorder.
Academic Article Characteristics of 262 adults with skin picking disorder.
Academic Article The role of gender in a large international OCD sample: A Report from the International College of Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders (ICOCS) Network.
Academic Article Characterizing the building blocks of Problematic Use of the Internet (PUI): The role of obsessional impulses and impulsivity traits among Italian young adults.
Academic Article Advances in problematic usage of the internet research - A narrative review by experts from the European network for problematic usage of the internet.
Academic Article Commentary on Efficacy of deep brain stimulation for treatment-resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder: systematic review and meta-analysis.
Academic Article Internet severity and activities addiction questionnaire (ISAAQ): Psychometrics of item response theory and clustering of online activities.
Academic Article Distress-driven impulsivity interacts with trait compulsivity in association with problematic drinking: A two-sample study.
Academic Article Significance of family history in understanding and subtyping trichotillomania.
Academic Article Does gambling differ in people with a minority sexual orientation?
Academic Article A cross-national validation of the Internet Severity and Activities Addiction Questionnaire (ISAAQ).
Academic Article Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study of Memantine in Trichotillomania and Skin-Picking Disorder.
Academic Article Suicidal ideation and attempts in trichotillomania.
Academic Article Identifying the most important research, policy and practice questions for substance use, problematic alcohol use and behavioural addictions in autism (SABA-A): A priority setting partnership.
Academic Article Temperament in trichotillomania and skin picking disorder.
Academic Article Conceptualising compulsivity through network analysis: A two-sample study.
Academic Article Clinical characteristics of trichotillomania.
Academic Article Trichotillomania in sexual minority individuals.
Academic Article Impulsivity across psychiatric disorders in young adults.
Academic Article Increased apathy post-interstitial laser capsulotomy for refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Academic Article Elevated rates of GI-focused inflammatory illnesses in trichotillomania and skin picking disorder: A survey study.
Academic Article Validation of an abbreviated Big Five personality inventory at large population scale: Psychometric structure and associations with common psychiatric and neurological disorders.
Search Criteria
  • Psychiatry