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Search Results
Koktzoglou, Ioannis
One or more keywords matched the following properties of
Koktzoglou, Ioannis
MRI, MR angiography, vascular disease, atherosclerosis, deep learning, quantitative image analysis
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Koktzoglou, Ioannis
Item Type
Vascular Diseases
Peripheral Vascular Diseases
Academic Article
Peripheral arterial disease in a symptomatic diabetic population: prospective comparison of rapid unenhanced MR angiography (MRA) with contrast-enhanced MRA.
Academic Article
Quiescent-interval single-shot unenhanced magnetic resonance angiography of peripheral vascular disease: Technical considerations and clinical feasibility.
Academic Article
Quiescent-inflow single-shot magnetic resonance angiography using a highly undersampled radial k-space trajectory.
Academic Article
Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging of aorto-iliac and ilio-femoral vascular calcifications using proton density-weighted in-phase stack of stars.
Academic Article
Feasibility of Image Fusion for Concurrent MRI Evaluation of Vessel Lumen and Vascular Calcifications in Peripheral Arterial Disease.
Academic Article
Noncontrast Magnetic Resonance Angiography for the Diagnosis of Peripheral Vascular Disease.
Academic Article
Dynamic quantitative nonenhanced magnetic resonance angiography of the abdominal aorta and lower extremities using cine fast interrupted steady-state in combination with arterial spin labeling: a feasibility study.
Academic Article
Diagnostic accuracy of non-contrast quiescent-interval slice-selective (QISS) MRA combined with MRI-based vascular calcification visualization for the assessment of arterial stenosis in patients with lower extremity peripheral artery disease.
Search Criteria
Vascular Diseases