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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Coccaro, Emil
Item TypeName
Academic Article Norepinephrine function in personality disorder: plasma free MHPG correlates inversely with life history of aggression.
Academic Article Platelet serotonin content correlates inversely with life history of aggression in personality-disordered subjects.
Academic Article A family history study of intermittent explosive disorder.
Academic Article Lifetime history of cigarette smoking associated with aggression and impulsivity in both healthy and personality disordered volunteers.
Academic Article Life history of impulsive behavior: development and validation of a new questionnaire.
Academic Article Plasma homovanillic acid correlates inversely with history of childhood trauma in personality disordered and healthy control adults.
Academic Article Cerebrospinal fluid GABA concentration: relationship with impulsivity and history of suicidal behavior, but not aggression, in human subjects.
Academic Article Cerebrospinal fluid oxytocin, life history of aggression, and personality disorder.
Academic Article Inverse relationship between numbers of 5-HT transporter binding sites and life history of aggression and intermittent explosive disorder.
Academic Article Assessment of behavioral and cognitive impulsivity: development and validation of the Lifetime History of Impulsive Behaviors Interview.
Academic Article Plasma homovanillic acid correlates inversely with history of learning problems in healthy volunteer and personality disordered subjects.
Academic Article History of mild to moderate traumatic brain injury and aggression in physically healthy participants with and without personality disorder.
Academic Article History of childhood maltreatment in intermittent explosive disorder and suicidal behavior.
Academic Article GH response to intravenous clonidine challenge correlates with history of childhood trauma in personality disorder.
Academic Article Reduced frontal grey matter, life history of aggression, and underlying genetic influence.
Academic Article Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Aggression, Impulsivity, and History of Other- and Self-Directed Aggression.
Academic Article History of childhood abuse and alcohol use disorder: Relationship with intermittent explosive disorder and intoxicated aggression frequency.
Academic Article Life history of experienced and witnessed aggression: Development of a new assessment instrument.
Grant Impulsive Aggression : A Twin Study of Behavior and 5-HT
Grant Intermittent Explosive Disorder: A Family Study
Grant Development of fMRI Studies of Social-Emotional Information Processing
Grant Social Information Processing: Assessment Development
Grant Fluoxetine and Divalproex:Treatment Correlates in Intermittent Explosive Disorder
Search Criteria
  • History