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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Naclerio, Robert
Item TypeName
Concept Nasal Provocation Tests
Academic Article Immunologic changes after nasal provocation with allergen.
Academic Article Effects of loratadine and terfenadine on the induced nasal allergic reaction.
Academic Article Duration of action of intranasal atropine on methacholine-induced nasal secretions.
Academic Article Inhibition of mediator release during the early reaction to antigen.
Academic Article A double-blind study of the discontinuation of ragweed immunotherapy.
Academic Article Origin of late phase histamine release.
Academic Article Lack of effect of hot, humid air on response to nasal challenge with histamine.
Academic Article Low dose clemastine inhibits sneezing and rhinorrhea during the early nasal allergic reaction.
Academic Article Relationship between histamine and physiological changes during the early response to nasal antigen provocation.
Academic Article The impact of immunotherapy on the pathophysiology of ragweed pollen allergy.
Academic Article Unilateral nasal allergen challenge leads to bilateral release of prostaglandin D2.
Academic Article Bilateral increases in histamine after unilateral nasal allergen challenge.
Academic Article Response of nasal mucosa to histamine or methacholine challenge: use of a quantitative method to examine the modulatory effects of atropine and ipratropium bromide.
Academic Article Nasal provocation with allergen induces a secondary serum IgE antibody response.
Academic Article Pharmacology of nasal provocation with bradykinin: studies of tachyphylaxis, cyclooxygenase inhibition, alpha-adrenergic stimulation, and receptor subtype.
Academic Article Warming of feet elevates nasal mucosal surface temperature and reduces the early response to nasal challenge with allergen.
Academic Article Hot, humid air partially inhibits the nasal response to allergen provocation.
Academic Article Ipratropium bromide (Atrovent nasal spray) reduces the nasal response to methacholine.
Academic Article Superiority of an intranasal corticosteroid compared with an oral antihistamine in the as-needed treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis.
Academic Article Effects of intranasal azelastine on the response to nasal allergen challenge.
Academic Article Steroid-induced reduction of histamine release does not alter the clinical nasal response to cold, dry air.
Academic Article Ketotifen reduces sneezing but not histamine release following nasal challenge with antigen.
Academic Article Tryptase and histamine as markers to evaluate mast cell activation during the responses to nasal challenge with allergen, cold, dry air, and hyperosmolar solutions.
Academic Article Effects of fexofenadine on the early response to nasal allergen challenge.
Academic Article Natural and induced allergic responses increase the ability of the nose to warm and humidify air.
Academic Article Hot, humid air increases cellular influx during the late-phase response to nasal challenge with antigen.
Academic Article Effects of immunotherapy on the early, late, and rechallenge nasal reaction to provocation with allergen: changes in inflammatory mediators and cells.
Academic Article The role of leukotrienes in allergic rhinitis: a review.
Academic Article Antigen-provoked increase in histamine reactivity. Observations on mechanisms.
Academic Article Immunotherapy decreases antigen-induced eosinophil cell migration into the nasal cavity.
Academic Article Studies on the relationships between sensitivity to cold, dry air, hyperosmolal solutions, and histamine in the adult nose.
Academic Article Localized antigen challenge of the nasal mucosa.
Academic Article Cold air-induced rhinitis.
Academic Article Nasal challenge with allergen leads to maxillary sinus inflammation.
Academic Article Mediator release after allergic and physical nasal challenges.
Academic Article Elucidating the mechanism underlying the ocular symptoms associated with allergic rhinitis.
Academic Article Nasal challenge with cold, dry air results in release of inflammatory mediators. Possible mast cell involvement.
Academic Article Nasal challenge with ragweed pollen in hay fever patients. Effect of immunotherapy.
Academic Article In vivo release of inflammatory mediators by hyperosmolar solutions.
Academic Article Attenuation of allergen sensitivity early in the course of ragweed immunotherapy.
Academic Article Leukotriene B4 as a mediator of early and late reactions to antigen in humans: the effect of systemic glucocorticoid treatment in vivo.
Academic Article Responses to ragweed-pollen nasal challenge before and after immunotherapy.
Academic Article Comparison of the in-vivo and in-vitro response to ragweed immunotherapy in children and adults with ragweed-induced rhinitis.
Academic Article Inhibition of mediator release in allergic rhinitis by pretreatment with topical glucocorticosteroids.
Academic Article Nasal ocular reflexes and eye symptoms in patients with allergic rhinitis.
Academic Article Plasma kallikrein during experimentally induced allergic rhinitis: role in kinin formation and contribution to TAME-esterase activity in nasal secretions.
Academic Article Pharmacology of upper airways challenge.
Academic Article Influx of kininogens into nasal secretions after antigen challenge of allergic individuals.
Academic Article Physiologic responses and histamine release after nasal antigen challenge. Effect of atropine.
Academic Article Demonstration of bilateral cholinergic secretory response after unilateral nasal cold, dry air challenge.
Academic Article The effect of azelastine on the early allergic response.
Academic Article Arachidonic acid metabolites during nasal challenge.
Academic Article Topical intranasal ioxaglate meglumine 39.3% and ioxaglate sodium 19.6% (Hexabrix) reduces the acute response to nasal challenge with allergen.
Academic Article Inflammatory mediators in nasal secretions during induced rhinitis.
Academic Article Epithelial shedding is associated with nasal reactions to cold, dry air.
Academic Article Cold dry air-induced rhinitis: effect of inhalation and exhalation through the nose.
Academic Article The role of inflammatory mediators in allergic rhinitis.
Academic Article Nasal provocation with bradykinin induces symptoms of rhinitis and a sore throat.
Academic Article Concentrations of glandular kallikrein in human nasal secretions increase during experimentally induced allergic rhinitis.
Academic Article The effect of terfenadine on unilateral nasal challenge with allergen.
Academic Article Effect of genetic background on the response to bacterial sinusitis in mice.
Academic Article Effects of antihistamines on inflammatory mediators.
Academic Article In vivo human models for the study of anticholinergic drugs.
Academic Article Experimentally induced nasal allergic responses.
Academic Article Onset and duration of inhibition of ipratropium bromide nasal spray on methacholine-induced nasal secretions.
Academic Article Characterization of phospholipase A2 from human nasal lavage.
Academic Article Effect of oxymetazoline on the early response to nasal challenge with antigen.
Academic Article Role of human basophils and mast cells in the pathogenesis of allergic diseases.
Academic Article Demonstration of inhibition of mediator release from human mast cells by azatadine base. In vivo and in vitro evaluation.
Academic Article Nasal allergen challenge generates 1-0-hexadecyl-2-lyso-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine.
Academic Article Basophil influx occurs after nasal antigen challenge: effects of topical corticosteroid pretreatment.
Academic Article Fluticasone furoate nasal spray reduces the nasal-ocular reflex: a mechanism for the efficacy of topical steroids in controlling allergic eye symptoms.
Academic Article The effect of intranasal carbon dioxide on the acute response to nasal challenge with allergen.
Academic Article Evidence of maxillary sinus inflammation in seasonal allergic rhinitis.
Academic Article Studies on the allergic and nonallergic nasal inflammation.
Academic Article Inhibition of the response to nasal provocation with bradykinin by HOE-140: efficacy and duration of action.
Academic Article Basophils and eosinophils in allergic rhinitis.
Academic Article Local application of atropine attenuates the upper airway reaction to cold, dry air.
Academic Article The histology of allergic rhinitis and its comparison to cellular changes in nasal lavage.
Academic Article The nasal response to histamine challenge: effect of the pollen season and immunotherapy.
Academic Article Terfenadine, an H1 antihistamine, inhibits histamine release in vivo in the human.
Academic Article Effect of terfenadine on nasal provocation.
Academic Article Relationship between the early, late, and rechallenge reaction to nasal challenge with antigen: observations on the role of inflammatory mediators and cells.
Academic Article The effect of a histamine synthesis inhibitor on the immediate nasal allergic reaction.
Academic Article Mediator release after nasal airway challenge with allergen.
Academic Article Unilateral nasal allergic reactions increase bilateral sinus eosinophil infiltration.
Search Criteria
  • Nasal Provocation Tests