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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Tung, Avery
Item TypeName
Concept Respiration
Concept Positive-Pressure Respiration
Concept Respiration, Artificial
Academic Article Indications for mechanical ventilation.
Academic Article Modeling the effect of progressive endotracheal tube occlusion on tidal volume in pressure-control mode.
Academic Article Mask ventilation, hypocapnia, and seizure duration in electroconvulsive therapy.
Academic Article Effect of inspiratory time on tidal volume delivery in anesthesia and intensive care unit ventilators operating in pressure control mode.
Academic Article Critical care of the cardiac patient.
Academic Article A Randomized Trial Comparing the Effect of Fiberoptic Selection and Guidance Versus Random Selection, Blind Insertion, and Direct Laryngoscopy, on the Incidence and Severity of Epistaxis After Nasotracheal Intubation.
Academic Article Procedural Challenges During Intubation in Patients With Oropharyngeal Masses: A Prospective Observational Study.
Academic Article Design of Clinical Trials Evaluating Sedation in Critically Ill Adults Undergoing Mechanical Ventilation: Recommendations From Sedation Consortium on Endpoints and Procedures for Treatment, Education, and Research (SCEPTER) Recommendation III.
Academic Article A Roadmap to Optimize Intraoperative Mechanical Ventilation.
Academic Article Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation utilization in burn patients with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome.
Search Criteria
  • Respiration