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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Te, Helen S.
overview Dr. Helen S. Te is a clinical hepatologist who has been on faculty at the University of Chicago Medicine since 2000. She has directed the Adult Liver Transplant Program since 2006. Her clinical practice consists of both general hepatology and transplant hepatology patients, and she finds patients with cirrhosis and liver transplant recipients to be the most challenging yet most rewarding to care for. She uses a personalized approach and nimble innovations as the basic elements of her routine management of these patients. Beyond her clinical abilities, Dr. Te is a deeply committed to her patients and she is a fierce advocate for them. Her dedication has earned her peer recognition with the America’s Top Doctor and Chicago Magazine Top Doctor awards since 2011. Dr. Te has also authored and published multiple articles in respected journals in her field, and has held multiple leadership positions in national professional societies.
Search Criteria
  • Gastroenterology