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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Alverdy, John
overview John Alverdy, MD, has run a continuously funded NIH-funded laboratory that studies the molecular interactions of bacteria and the intestinal mucosa in order to understand how life-threatening infections arise after trauma and major surgery and during critical illness. He has developed several anti-infective polymer-based compounds that can attenuate the virulence of several multi-drug resistant pathogens that cause life threatening infections in surgical patients and works with the IME to synthesize, refine, and scale the compounds for pre-clinical testing. The Alverdy lab seeks to better understand the regulation of virulence expression among potential pathogens through investigating the characteristics of the microbial context, molecular machinery that senses that context, and ultimately the lethal combinations of virulence expression that leads to disease. The majority of our work has focused on the sense and response virulence mechanisms of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a well characterized and clinically important pathogen. We have shown a remarkable potential for this organisms to respond to host environmental cues related to stress, ischemia, immune activation and nutrient depletion. With this core model of environmental regulation of virulence expression, we are pursuing applications in intestinal transplantation, anastomotic and radiation physiology, necrotizing enterocolitis and ischemia/reperfusion injury. We are also investigating similar sense and response mechanisms in other clinically important organisms, including Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans. Finally, we are interested in developing virulence-based therapies to prevent virulence activation through modifications in microenvironment of the stressed host such as phosphate repletion and polymer-mediated mucosal replacement therapies. The ultimate goal of understanding microbial virulence is to provide clinical tools to improve the care of patients. However the complexity of the host-pathogen interaction and the vast amounts of mechanistic information available constitutes a formidable barrier to translational research. Computational agent based modeling is a well suited to dynamically represent mechanistic detail in a modifiable context to recapitulate cellular behavior at the tissue, organ and patient levels.
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Alverdy, John
Item TypeName
Concept Gastric Mucosa
Concept Intestinal Mucosa
Academic Article Characteristics of the intestinal epithelial barrier during dietary manipulation and glucocorticoid stress.
Academic Article The effect of dexamethasone and endotoxin administration on biliary IgA and bacterial adherence.
Academic Article Cholecystokinin modulates mucosal immunoglobulin A function.
Academic Article Effect of immunonutrition on virulence strategies in bacteria.
Academic Article Surgical stress, bacteria, and mucosal immune function.
Academic Article Perturbed bioelectrical properties of the mouse cecum following hepatectomy and starvation: the role of bacterial adherence.
Academic Article Surgical stress shifts the intestinal Escherichia coli population to that of a more adherent phenotype: role in barrier regulation.
Academic Article The effect of glucocorticoid administration on bacterial translocation. Evidence for an acquired mucosal immunodeficient state.
Academic Article High-molecular-weight polyethylene glycol prevents lethal sepsis due to intestinal Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Academic Article The impact of stress and nutrition on bacterial-host interactions at the intestinal epithelial surface.
Academic Article Components of intestinal epithelial hypoxia activate the virulence circuitry of Pseudomonas.
Academic Article Luminal bacterial flora determines physiological expression of intestinal epithelial cytoprotective heat shock proteins 25 and 72.
Academic Article Soluble factors from Lactobacillus GG activate MAPKs and induce cytoprotective heat shock proteins in intestinal epithelial cells.
Academic Article Chronic acid water feeding protects mice against lethal gut-derived sepsis due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Academic Article Recognition of intestinal epithelial HIF-1alpha activation by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Academic Article Identification of multi-drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical isolates that are highly disruptive to the intestinal epithelial barrier.
Academic Article Pseudomonas aeruginosa expresses a lethal virulence determinant, the PA-I lectin/adhesin, in the intestinal tract of a stressed host: the role of epithelia cell contact and molecules of the Quorum Sensing Signaling System.
Academic Article Depletion of intestinal phosphate after operative injury activates the virulence of P aeruginosa causing lethal gut-derived sepsis.
Academic Article The Bacillus subtilis quorum-sensing molecule CSF contributes to intestinal homeostasis via OCTN2, a host cell membrane transporter.
Academic Article Structure-function aspects of PstS in multi-drug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Academic Article Oral PEG 15-20 protects the intestine against radiation: role of lipid rafts.
Academic Article Laser capture microdissection and metagenomic analysis of intact mucosa-associated microbial communities of human colon.
Academic Article Prevention of siderophore- mediated gut-derived sepsis due to P. aeruginosa can be achieved without iron provision by maintaining local phosphate abundance: role of pH.
Academic Article Novel model to study combined effects of microorganisms and oxidants on development of intestinal necrosis.
Academic Article Protective effects of nonionic triblock copolymers on bile acid-mediated epithelial barrier disruption.
Academic Article Redefining the role of intestinal microbes in the pathogenesis of necrotizing enterocolitis.
Academic Article Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence expression is directly activated by morphine and is capable of causing lethal gut-derived sepsis in mice during chronic morphine administration.
Academic Article The effect of parenteral nutrition on gastrointestinal immunity. The importance of enteral stimulation.
Academic Article The effect of nutrition on gastrointestinal barrier function.
Academic Article Causes and consequences of bacterial adherence to mucosal epithelia during critical illness.
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Academic Article The key role of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA-I lectin on experimental gut-derived sepsis.
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Academic Article Phosphate-containing polyethylene glycol polymers prevent lethal sepsis by multidrug-resistant pathogens.
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Academic Article Agent-based model of epithelial host-pathogen interactions in anastomotic leak.
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Search Criteria
  • Mucous Membrane