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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Reid, Russell R.
keywords Sutures, Cranial
overview Russell R. Reid, MD, PhD, is a highly skilled surgeon who specializes in pediatric plastic surgery. He has particular expertise in the area of craniofacial and maxillofacial surgery, which includes surgery of the face, jaw, palate, and skull. An accomplished author, Dr. Reid has published book chapters and several peer-reviewed journal articles on a variety of topics, from craniofacial surgery techniques to wound healing. Dr. Reid's research interests include the regeneration of bone for the repair of complex craniofacial defects, the biology of skull and facial sutures, and genetic expression in craniofacial development. He also studies bone substitutes and the survival of bone-cartilage grafts.
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Reid, Russell R.
Item TypeName
Concept Cranial Sutures
Concept Sutures
Academic Article Role of RANK-RANKL-OPG axis in cranial suture homeostasis.
Academic Article Squamosal suture synostosis: a cause of atypical skull asymmetry.
Academic Article Osteoprotegerin deficiency results in disruption of posterofrontal suture closure in mice: implications in nonsyndromic craniosynostosis.
Academic Article Molecular basis of cranial suture biology and disease: Osteoblastic and osteoclastic perspectives.
Academic Article BMP9 induces osteogenesis and adipogenesis in the immortalized human cranial suture progenitors from the patent sutures of craniosynostosis patients.
Academic Article Whole-Proteome Analysis of Human Craniosynostotic Tissue Suggests a Link between Inflammatory Signaling and Osteoclast Activation in Human Cranial Suture Patency.
Academic Article Evolution of operative techniques for the treatment of single-suture metopic synostosis.
Academic Article The changing epidemiologic spectrum of single-suture synostoses.
Academic Article "Differential responsiveness to BMP9 between patent and fused suture progenitor cells from craniosynostosis patients."
Academic Article Differential Responsiveness to BMP9 between Patent and Fused Suture Progenitor Cells from Craniosynostosis Patients.
Academic Article The 27 Facial Sutures: Timing and Clinical Consequences of Closure.
Academic Article The biomechanics of chewing and suckling in the infant: A potential mechanism for physiologic metopic suture closure.
Search Criteria
  • Sutures