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Search Results (347)

Godley, LucyPerson Why?
Van Besien, KoenPerson Why?
BRCA2 mutation and the risk of hematologic malignancy.Academic Article Why?
Overexpression of survivin initiates hematologic malignancies in vivo.Academic Article Why?
All in the family: Clueing into the link between metabolic syndrome and hematologic malignancies.Academic Article Why?
Genetic predisposition to hematologic malignancies: management and surveillance.Academic Article Why?
Heritability of hematologic malignancies: from pedigrees to genomics.Academic Article Why?
Heterozygous germ line CSF3R variants as risk alleles for development of hematologic malignancies.Academic Article Why?
Perturbations of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine patterning in hematologic malignancies.Academic Article Why?
Reality check: Real-world evidence to support therapeutic development in hematologic malignancies.Academic Article Why?
Brca1 deficiency causes bone marrow failure and spontaneous hematologic malignancies in mice.Academic Article Why?
Clinical and molecular epidemiology of human rhinovirus infections in patients with hematologic malignancy.Academic Article Why?
De Novo Development of Bronchiectasis in Patients With Hematologic Malignancy.Academic Article Why?
Delays in referral and diagnosis for chronic hematologic malignancies: a literature review.Academic Article Why?
Disease- and Therapy-Specific Impact on Humoral Immune Responses to COVID-19 Vaccination in Hematologic Malignancies.Academic Article Why?
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