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A model of action potentials and fast Ca2+ dynamics in pancreatic beta-cells.
AUA Policy Statement on the Use of Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Diagnosis, Staging and Management of Prostate Cancer.
Evaluation of Kinetic Entropy of Breast Masses Initially Found on MRI using Whole-lesion Curve Distribution Data: Comparison with the Standard Kinetic Analysis.
Kinetic curves of malignant lesions are not consistent across MRI systems: need for improved standardization of breast dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI acquisition.
Large tracheoesophageal granular cell tumor: An atypical case presentation, location, and management.
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Large tracheoesophageal granular cell tumor: An atypical case presentation, location, and management.
Large tracheoesophageal granular cell tumor: An atypical case presentation, location, and management. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2022 Mar; 92:106844.
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Elizabeth Blair
Nicole A. Cipriani