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Traumatic diaphragmatic injury in the American College of Surgeons National Trauma Data Bank: a new examination of a rare diagnosis.
Adaptively introgressed Neandertal haplotype at the OAS locus functionally impacts innate immune responses in humans.
Vulnerable and Stabilized States After Cerebral Ischemic Events: Implications of Kinetic Modeling in the SOCRATES, POINT, and THALES Trials.
Brief Report: Discordance Between Liquid and Tissue Biopsy-Based Next-Generation Sequencing in Lung Adenocarcinoma at Disease Progression.
Structural Insights into the Roles of PARP4 and NAD + in the Human Vault Cage.
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Structural Insights into the Roles of PARP4 and NAD + in the Human Vault Cage.
Structural Insights into the Roles of PARP4 and NAD + in the Human Vault Cage. bioRxiv. 2024 Jun 27.
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Anthony Kossiakoff