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Search Results (4170)

Inhibition of B-cell receptor signaling disrupts cell adhesion in mantle cell lymphoma via RAC2.Academic Article Why?
He, Tong-ChuanPerson Why?
Cell-Cell Signaling In Embryonic and Retinal DevelopmentGrant Why?
Signaling Cell Death from the Endoplasmic ReticulumGrant Why?
Zhou, BinPerson Why?
Oakes, ScottPerson Why?
Signaling cell death from the endoplasmic reticulum stress response.Academic Article Why?
Oligodendrocyte-substratum adhesion activates the synthesis of specific lipid species involved in cell signaling.Academic Article Why?
High-throughput co-culture system for analysis of spatiotemporal cell-cell signaling.Academic Article Why?
Cell signaling pathways in vertebrate lens regeneration.Academic Article Why?
Stability analysis in spatial modeling of cell signaling.Academic Article Why?
Constructing and Analyzing Computational Models of Cell Signaling with BioModelAnalyzer.Academic Article Why?
Involvement of the protein tyrosine kinase p56lck in T cell signaling and thymocyte development.Academic Article Why?
Functional analysis of Cdc42 in actin filament assembly, epithelial morphogenesis, and cell signaling during Drosophila development.Academic Article Why?
Identification and validation of genetic variants that influence transcription factor and cell signaling protein levels.Academic Article Why?
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