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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Alegre, Maria-Luisa
Item TypeName
Concept Mice, Inbred BALB C
Academic Article Impaired negative selection in CD28-deficient mice.
Academic Article Role of STAT4 and STAT6 signaling in allograft rejection and CTLA4-Ig-mediated tolerance.
Academic Article Role of STAT6 signaling in the induction and long-term maintenance of tolerance mediated by CTLA4-Ig.
Academic Article Secondary lymphoid organs are important but not absolutely required for allograft responses.
Academic Article Impaired NF-kappaB activation in T cells permits tolerance to primary heart allografts and to secondary donor skin grafts.
Academic Article TCR-independent CD30 signaling selectively induces IL-13 production via a TNF receptor-associated factor/p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase-dependent mechanism.
Academic Article CTLA-4 engagement regulates NF-kappaB activation in vivo.
Academic Article Transplantation tolerance in NF-kappaB-impaired mice is not due to regulation but is prevented by transgenic expression of Bcl-xL.
Academic Article Cutting edge: Cbl-b: one of the key molecules tuning CD28- and CTLA-4-mediated T cell costimulation.
Academic Article Role of natural killer cell subsets in cardiac allograft rejection.
Academic Article Fas mediates cardiac allograft acceptance in mice with impaired T-cell-intrinsic NF-kappaB signaling.
Academic Article T-cell receptor-induced NF-kappaB activation is negatively regulated by E3 ubiquitin ligase Cbl-b.
Academic Article IL-6 induced by Staphylococcus aureus infection prevents the induction of skin allograft acceptance in mice.
Academic Article High TCR stimuli prevent induced regulatory T cell differentiation in a NF-?B-dependent manner.
Academic Article TLR engagement prevents transplantation tolerance.
Academic Article Epidermal Langerhans cells promote skin allograft rejection in mice with NF-kappa B-impaired T cells.
Academic Article Prevention of allograft tolerance by bacterial infection with Listeria monocytogenes.
Academic Article Infection with the intracellular bacterium, Listeria monocytogenes, overrides established tolerance in a mouse cardiac allograft model.
Academic Article Role of T-cell-specific nuclear factor ?B in islet allograft rejection.
Academic Article Expression and function of CTLA-4 in Th1 and Th2 cells.
Academic Article Protective immunity against recurrent Staphylococcus aureus skin infection requires antibody and interleukin-17A.
Academic Article Proteomic Identification of saeRS-Dependent Targets Critical for Protective Humoral Immunity against Staphylococcus aureus Skin Infection.
Academic Article High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity Enhances Allograft Rejection.
Academic Article The composition of the microbiota modulates allograft rejection.
Academic Article Delayed Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte-Associated Protein 4-Immunoglobulin Treatment Reverses Ongoing Alloantibody Responses and Rescues Allografts From Acute Rejection.
Academic Article Adoptive Transfer of Tracer-Alloreactive CD4+ T Cell Receptor Transgenic T Cells Alters the Endogenous Immune Response to an Allograft.
Academic Article Erosion of Transplantation Tolerance After Infection.
Academic Article Tracking of TCR-Transgenic T Cells Reveals That Multiple Mechanisms Maintain Cardiac Transplant Tolerance in Mice.
Academic Article T Cell Receptor-Regulated TGF-ß Type I Receptor Expression Determines T Cell Quiescence and Activation.
Academic Article Exercise increases skin graft resistance to rejection.
Academic Article Resilience of T cell-intrinsic dysfunction in transplantation tolerance.
Academic Article Transplantation tolerance modifies donor-specific B cell fate to suppress de novo alloreactive B cells.
Academic Article Taurodeoxycholic acid and valine reverse obesity-associated augmented alloimmune responses and prolong allograft survival.
Academic Article Oral alloantigen exposure promotes donor-specific tolerance in a mouse model of minor-mismatched skin transplantation.
Academic Article Oral administration of the commensal Alistipes onderdonkii prolongs allograft survival.
Academic Article Low-affinity CD8+ T cells provide interclonal help to high-affinity CD8+ T cells to augment alloimmunity.
Academic Article Pregnancy dedifferentiates memory CD8+ T cells into hypofunctional cells with exhaustion-enriched programs.
Search Criteria
  • Mice Inbred BALB C