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Lipid-induced insulin resistance is associated with increased monocyte expression of scavenger receptor CD36 and internalization of oxidized LDL.
Molecular testing of rhabdomyosarcoma in clinical trials to improve risk stratification and outcome: A consensus view from European paediatric Soft tissue sarcoma Study Group, Children's Oncology Group and Cooperative Weichteilsarkom-Studiengruppe.
Mutations that alter the transmembrane signalling pathway in an ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporter.
Systemic mastocytosis, in the context of a deleterious germline SDHC variant, treated with ripretinib.
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Systemic mastocytosis, in the context of a deleterious germline SDHC variant, treated with ripretinib.
Systemic mastocytosis, in the context of a deleterious germline SDHC variant, treated with ripretinib. JAAD Case Rep. 2023 Jul; 37:119-122.
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Lucy Godley
Angad Chadha