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Search Results (11)

Ketoglutaric AcidsConcept Why?
CCCTC-Binding Factor Translates Interleukin 2- and a-Ketoglutarate-Sensitive Metabolic Changes in T Cells into Context-Dependent Gene Programs.Academic Article Why?
Effects of maternal treatment with ß-hydroxy-ß-metylbutyrate and 2-oxoglutaric acid on femur development in offspring of minks of the standard dark brown type.Academic Article Why?
OGFOD1, a member of the 2-oxoglutarate and iron dependent dioxygenase family, functions in ischemic signaling.Academic Article Why?
Weinmann, AmyPerson Why?
Role of Isocitrate Dehydrogenase 2 on DNA Hydroxymethylation in Human Airway Smooth Muscle Cells.Academic Article Why?
The absence of unique kainic acid-like molecules in urine, serum, and CSF from Huntington's disease patients.Academic Article Why?
Metabolites, genome organization, and cellular differentiation gene programs.Academic Article Why?
Structural and kinetic isotope effect studies of nicotinamidase (Pnc1) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.Academic Article Why?
The effect of ketone bodies on renal ammoniogenesis.Academic Article Why?
The Saccharomyces cerevisiae histone demethylase Jhd1 fine-tunes the distribution of H3K36me2.Academic Article Why?
Chen, JingPerson Why?
He, ChuanPerson Why?
Zmuda, Ann M.Person Why?
A non-heme iron-mediated chemical demethylation in DNA and RNA.Academic Article Why?
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  • Ketoglutaric Acids
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