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This page shows the details of why an item matched the keywords from your search.
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Kent, Stephen
Item TypeName
Concept Amino Acid Sequence
Concept Carbohydrate Sequence
Concept Aspartic Acid
Concept Carbon Isotopes
Concept Cysteine
Concept Insulin
Concept Disulfides
Concept Fluorenes
Concept Glycoproteins
Concept Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid
Concept Chromatography, Liquid
Concept Erythropoietin
Concept Hypoglycemic Agents
Concept Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay
Concept Escherichia coli
Concept Isoelectric Focusing
Concept Glycopeptides
Concept Immunization, Secondary
Concept Molecular Sequence Data
Concept Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Concept Mercaptoethanol
Concept Oxygen Isotopes
Concept Ligands
Concept Oxazoles
Concept Proinsulin
Concept Ribosomes
Concept Humans
Concept Water
Concept HIV Protease
Concept Epitope Mapping
Concept Kv1.3 Potassium Channel
Concept Inteins
Concept Amino Acid Substitution
Concept Polyethylene Glycols
Concept Proline
Concept Chemokine CCL1
Concept Receptors, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
Concept Stereoisomerism
Concept Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Interactions
Concept Molecular Structure
Concept Surface Plasmon Resonance
Concept Insulin Lispro
Concept Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A
Concept Eye
Concept Fluorescent Dyes
Concept Thermus
Concept HIV-1
Academic Article Design and folding of [GluA4(ObetaThrB30)]insulin ("ester insulin"): a minimal proinsulin surrogate that can be chemically converted into human insulin.
Academic Article An investigation into the origin of the dramatically reduced reactivity of peptide-prolyl-thioesters in native chemical ligation.
Academic Article Racemic protein crystallography.
Academic Article Rapid formal hydrolysis of peptide-athioesters.
Academic Article A functional role of Rv1738 in Mycobacterium tuberculosis persistence suggested by racemic protein crystallography.
Academic Article Bringing the science of proteins into the realm of organic chemistry: total chemical synthesis of SEP (synthetic erythropoiesis protein).
Academic Article Efficient Total Chemical Synthesis of (13) C=(18) O Isotopomers of Human Insulin for Isotope-Edited FTIR.
Academic Article Crystallization of Enantiomerically Pure Proteins from Quasi-Racemic Mixtures: Structure Determination by X-Ray Diffraction of Isotope-Labeled Ester Insulin and Human Insulin.
Academic Article Elucidation of the Covalent and Tertiary Structures of Biologically Active Ts3 Toxin.
Academic Article Racemic & quasi-racemic protein crystallography enabled by chemical protein synthesis.
Academic Article Low-Fouling Fluoropolymers for Bioconjugation and In Vivo Tracking.
Concept Bevacizumab
Concept Epoetin Alfa
Concept NAV1.4 Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel
Search Criteria
  • NAV1
  • 4
  • Voltage
  • Gated
  • Sodium Channel