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Search Results (55)


Faculty Rank
Name Institution Why
Ilaria RebayUniversity of Chicago Why?
Sally Horne-BadovinacUniversity of Chicago Why?
Marvin W. MakinenUniversity of Chicago Why?
Panfeng FuUniversity of Chicago Why?
Amittha WickremaUniversity of Chicago Why?
Somnath MukherjeeUniversity of Chicago Why?
Yusuke NakamuraUniversity of Chicago Why?
Engin OzkanUniversity of Chicago Why?
Suzanne D. ConzenUniversity of Chicago Why?
Soma DasUniversity of Chicago Why?
Christopher WeberUniversity of Chicago Why?
Maria-Luisa AlegreUniversity of Chicago Why?
Pall MelstedUniversity of Chicago Why?
Mark HoffmanUniversity of Chicago Why?
Thomas F. GajewskiUniversity of Chicago Why?
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Search Criteria
  • Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases
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