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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Nakamura, Yusuke
Item TypeName
Concept Bone Marrow Cells
Concept B-Lymphocytes
Concept Eukaryotic Cells
Concept Dendritic Cells
Concept Epithelial Cells
Concept Killer Cells, Natural
Concept T-Lymphocytes, Helper-Inducer
Concept Germ Cells
Concept HeLa Cells
Concept Plasma Cells
Concept Sensory Receptor Cells
Concept Stem Cells
Concept CHO Cells
Concept Th1 Cells
Concept Tumor Cells, Cultured
Concept 3T3 Cells
Concept CD4-Positive T-Lymphocytes
Concept Lymphocytes, Tumor-Infiltrating
Concept T-Lymphocyte Subsets
Concept Receptors, Antigen, T-Cell, alpha-beta
Concept CD8-Positive T-Lymphocytes
Concept Th2 Cells
Concept Embryonic Stem Cells
Concept Epitopes, T-Lymphocyte
Concept Jurkat Cells
Concept NIH 3T3 Cells
Concept COS Cells
Concept HCT116 Cells
Concept HEK293 Cells
Concept Insulin-Secreting Cells
Concept T-Lymphocytes, Cytotoxic
Concept Leukemia-Lymphoma, Adult T-Cell
Concept HL-60 Cells
Concept T-Lymphocytes, Regulatory
Concept Hep G2 Cells
Concept Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
Concept Cells, Cultured
Concept Kupffer Cells
Concept Lymphocytes
Concept Receptors, Antigen, T-Cell
Concept T-Lymphocytes
Concept Neoplastic Stem Cells
Concept U937 Cells
Academic Article The Id2 gene is a novel target of transcriptional activation by EWS-ETS fusion proteins in Ewing family tumors.
Academic Article An integrated database of chemosensitivity to 55 anticancer drugs and gene expression profiles of 39 human cancer cell lines.
Academic Article Ring finger protein 43 as a new target for cancer immunotherapy.
Academic Article Implication of allelic polymorphism of osteopontin in the development of lupus nephritis in MRL/lpr mice.
Academic Article Mouse homologue of a novel human oncofetal antigen, glypican-3, evokes T-cell-mediated tumor rejection without autoimmune reactions in mice.
Academic Article Genetic variations in the gene encoding ELMO1 are associated with susceptibility to diabetic nephropathy.
Academic Article Overexpression of peptidyl-prolyl isomerase-like 1 is associated with the growth of colon cancer cells.
Academic Article Genetically manipulated human embryonic stem cell-derived dendritic cells with immune regulatory function.
Academic Article Identification of a novel tumor-associated antigen, cadherin 3/P-cadherin, as a possible target for immunotherapy of pancreatic, gastric, and colorectal cancers.
Academic Article Proliferation potential-related protein, an ideal esophageal cancer antigen for immunotherapy, identified using complementary DNA microarray analysis.
Academic Article Single nucleotide polymorphism in ABCG2 is associated with irinotecan-induced severe myelosuppression.
Academic Article Enhanced RASGEF1A expression is involved in the growth and migration of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.
Academic Article Phase I clinical trial using peptide vaccine for human vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 in combination with gemcitabine for patients with advanced pancreatic cancer.
Academic Article Possible involvement of NEDD4 in keloid formation; its critical role in fibroblast proliferation and collagen production.
Academic Article ADAM8 as a novel serological and histochemical marker for lung cancer.
Academic Article A genome-wide association study identifies novel loci for paclitaxel-induced sensory peripheral neuropathy in CALGB 40101.
Academic Article Chondrolectin is a novel diagnostic biomarker and a therapeutic target for lung cancer.
Academic Article Functional SNPs in CD244 increase the risk of rheumatoid arthritis in a Japanese population.
Academic Article Aromatase inhibitors, estrogens and musculoskeletal pain: estrogen-dependent T-cell leukemia 1A (TCL1A) gene-mediated regulation of cytokine expression.
Academic Article Characterization of a cleavage stimulation factor, 3' pre-RNA, subunit 2, 64 kDa (CSTF2) as a therapeutic target for lung cancer.
Academic Article A single-nucleotide polymorphism in ANK1 is associated with susceptibility to type 2 diabetes in Japanese populations.
Academic Article ORAI1 genetic polymorphisms associated with the susceptibility of atopic dermatitis in Japanese and Taiwanese populations.
Academic Article Induction of tenascin-C by tumor-specific EWS-ETS fusion genes.
Academic Article Enhanced expression of RAD51 associating protein-1 is involved in the growth of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma cells.
Academic Article Genome-wide gene-expression profiles of breast-cancer cells purified with laser microbeam microdissection: identification of genes associated with progression and metastasis.
Academic Article Genome-wide gene expression profile analysis of esophageal squamous cell carcinomas.
Academic Article Genome-wide analysis of gene-expression profiles in chronic myeloid leukemia cells using a cDNA microarray.
Academic Article Critical roles of mucin 1 glycosylation by transactivated polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 6 in mammary carcinogenesis.
Academic Article Association between genetic variation in the gene for death-associated protein-3 (DAP3) and adult asthma.
Academic Article Functional SNPs in the lymphotoxin-alpha gene that are associated with susceptibility to myocardial infarction.
Academic Article Dual-specificity phosphatase 5 (DUSP5) as a direct transcriptional target of tumor suppressor p53.
Academic Article Molecular features of hormone-refractory prostate cancer cells by genome-wide gene expression profiles.
Academic Article Molecular features of triple negative breast cancer cells by genome-wide gene expression profiling analysis.
Academic Article Genome-wide screening by cDNA microarray of genes associated with matrix mineralization by human mesenchymal stem cells in vitro.
Academic Article Ubiquitination and downregulation of BRCA1 by ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2T overexpression in human breast cancer cells.
Academic Article An intronic SNP in a RUNX1 binding site of SLC22A4, encoding an organic cation transporter, is associated with rheumatoid arthritis.
Academic Article Variants in KCNQ1 are associated with susceptibility to type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Academic Article Involvement of RQCD1 overexpression, a novel cancer-testis antigen, in the Akt pathway in breast cancer cells.
Academic Article C12orf48, termed PARP-1 binding protein, enhances poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) activity and protects pancreatic cancer cells from DNA damage.
Academic Article MELK inhibitor, novel molecular targeted therapeutics for human cancer stem cells.
Academic Article Novel 5 alpha-steroid reductase (SRD5A3, type-3) is overexpressed in hormone-refractory prostate cancer.
Academic Article ITPKC functional polymorphism associated with Kawasaki disease susceptibility and formation of coronary artery aneurysms.
Academic Article Phosphorylation and activation of cell division cycle associated 5 by mitogen-activated protein kinase play a crucial role in human lung carcinogenesis.
Academic Article Critical roles of LGN/GPSM2 phosphorylation by PBK/TOPK in cell division of breast cancer cells.
Academic Article Histidine augments the suppression of hepatic glucose production by central insulin action.
Academic Article TSPYL5 SNPs: association with plasma estradiol concentrations and aromatase expression.
Academic Article Preapoptotic protease calpain-2 is frequently suppressed in adult T-cell leukemia.
Academic Article Genome-wide analysis of organ-preferential metastasis of human small cell lung cancer in mice.
Academic Article Genome-wide cDNA microarray analysis of gene expression profiles in pancreatic cancers using populations of tumor cells and normal ductal epithelial cells selected for purity by laser microdissection.
Academic Article Association of the gene encoding wingless-type mammary tumor virus integration-site family member 5B (WNT5B) with type 2 diabetes.
Academic Article A functional polymorphism in the 5' UTR of GDF5 is associated with susceptibility to osteoarthritis.
Academic Article Genetic variation in PSCA is associated with susceptibility to diffuse-type gastric cancer.
Academic Article Novel lipogenic enzyme ELOVL7 is involved in prostate cancer growth through saturated long-chain fatty acid metabolism.
Academic Article Identification of sequence polymorphisms in CALM2 and analysis of association with hip osteoarthritis in a Japanese population.
Academic Article Involvement of the tubulin tyrosine ligase-like family member 4 polyglutamylase in PELP1 polyglutamylation and chromatin remodeling in pancreatic cancer cells.
Academic Article Cancer peptide vaccine therapy developed from oncoantigens identified through genome-wide expression profile analysis for bladder cancer.
Academic Article Development of an orally-administrative MELK-targeting inhibitor that suppresses the growth of various types of human cancer.
Academic Article Lysyl 5-hydroxylation, a novel histone modification, by Jumonji domain containing 6 (JMJD6).
Academic Article Cyclin K as a direct transcriptional target of the p53 tumor suppressor.
Academic Article Identification of the interferon regulatory factor 5 gene (IRF-5) as a direct target for p53.
Academic Article Histone lysine methyltransferase Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome candidate 1 is involved in human carcinogenesis through regulation of the Wnt pathway.
Academic Article Functional promoter polymorphism in the TBX21 gene associated with aspirin-induced asthma.
Academic Article p53CSV, a novel p53-inducible gene involved in the p53-dependent cell-survival pathway.
Academic Article Critical role of lysine 134 methylation on histone H2AX for ?-H2AX production and DNA repair.
Academic Article SMYD3 interacts with HTLV-1 Tax and regulates subcellular localization of Tax.
Academic Article Cell-permeable peptide DEPDC1-ZNF224 interferes with transcriptional repression and oncogenicity in bladder cancer cells.
Academic Article Tumor suppressive role of a 2.4 Mb 9q33-q34 critical region and DEC1 in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
Academic Article The Xq22 inversion breakpoint interrupted a novel Ras-like GTPase gene in a patient with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and profound mental retardation.
Academic Article Isolation and characterization of a novel human gene, VANGL1, as a therapeutic target for hepatocellular carcinoma.
Academic Article Isolation of a novel human gene, APCDD1, as a direct target of the beta-Catenin/T-cell factor 4 complex with probable involvement in colorectal carcinogenesis.
Academic Article Functional analysis of the thymic stromal lymphopoietin variants in human bronchial epithelial cells.
Academic Article p53AIP1 regulates the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway.
Academic Article Identification of Myc-associated protein with JmjC domain as a novel therapeutic target oncogene for lung cancer.
Academic Article The JmjC domain-containing histone demethylase KDM3A is a positive regulator of the G1/S transition in cancer cells via transcriptional regulation of the HOXA1 gene.
Academic Article The neuromedin U-growth hormone secretagogue receptor 1b/neurotensin receptor 1 oncogenic signaling pathway as a therapeutic target for lung cancer.
Academic Article Wnt inhibitor Dickkopf-1 as a target for passive cancer immunotherapy.
Academic Article Predictive biomarkers for the outcome of vaccination of five therapeutic epitope peptides for colorectal cancer.
Academic Article A novel oncoprotein RNF43 functions in an autocrine manner in colorectal cancer.
Academic Article Identification of membrane-type matrix metalloproteinase-1 as a target of the beta-catenin/Tcf4 complex in human colorectal cancers.
Academic Article Oncogenic role of NALP7 in testicular seminomas.
Academic Article Aberrant laminin beta3 isoforms downstream of EWS-ETS fusion genes in Ewing family tumors.
Academic Article Involvement of maternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase (MELK) in mammary carcinogenesis through interaction with Bcl-G, a pro-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 family.
Academic Article p53RDL1 regulates p53-dependent apoptosis.
Academic Article Involvement of TMEM22 overexpression in the growth of renal cell carcinoma cells.
Academic Article Identification of promiscuous KIF20A long peptides bearing both CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell epitopes: KIF20A-specific CD4+ T-cell immunity in patients with malignant tumor.
Academic Article Identification of a novel human gene, ZFP91, involved in acute myelogenous leukemia.
Academic Article Up-regulation of PSF2, a member of the GINS multiprotein complex, in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.
Academic Article Vaccination with multiple peptides derived from novel cancer-testis antigens can induce specific T-cell responses and clinical responses in advanced esophageal cancer.
Academic Article A polymorphism in MAPKAPK3 affects response to interferon therapy for chronic hepatitis C.
Academic Article SNPs in BRAP associated with risk of myocardial infarction in Asian populations.
Academic Article Isolation of HELAD1, a novel human helicase gene up-regulated in colorectal carcinomas.
Academic Article Cancer vaccines.
Academic Article Glypican-3, overexpressed specifically in human hepatocellular carcinoma, is a novel tumor marker.
Academic Article Targeting BIG3-PHB2 interaction to overcome tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer cells.
Academic Article Activation of Holliday junction recognizing protein involved in the chromosomal stability and immortality of cancer cells.
Academic Article Genome-wide cDNA microarray analysis of gene-expression profiles involved in ovarian endometriosis.
Academic Article Deficiency of GMDS leads to escape from NK cell-mediated tumor surveillance through modulation of TRAIL signaling.
Academic Article Demethylation of RB regulator MYPT1 by histone demethylase LSD1 promotes cell cycle progression in cancer cells.
Academic Article Involvement of kinesin family member 2C/mitotic centromere-associated kinesin overexpression in mammary carcinogenesis.
Academic Article Hypoxia-inducible protein 2 (HIG2), a novel diagnostic marker for renal cell carcinoma and potential target for molecular therapy.
Academic Article Polymorphisms in the 3' UTR in the neurocalcin delta gene affect mRNA stability, and confer susceptibility to diabetic nephropathy.
Academic Article Plakophilin 3 oncogene as prognostic marker and therapeutic target for lung cancer.
Academic Article WDRPUH, a novel WD-repeat-containing protein, is highly expressed in human hepatocellular carcinoma and involved in cell proliferation.
Academic Article Orphan receptor tyrosine kinase ROR2 as a potential therapeutic target for osteosarcoma.
Academic Article hCDC4b, a regulator of cyclin E, as a direct transcriptional target of p53.
Academic Article EGR2 induces apoptosis in various cancer cell lines by direct transactivation of BNIP3L and BAK.
Academic Article Identification of immunoglobulin superfamily 11 (IGSF11) as a novel target for cancer immunotherapy of gastrointestinal and hepatocellular carcinomas.
Academic Article A novel tumor-associated antigen, cell division cycle 45-like can induce cytotoxic T-lymphocytes reactive to tumor cells.
Academic Article Involvement of PEG10 in human hepatocellular carcinogenesis through interaction with SIAH1.
Academic Article Involvement of the FGF18 gene in colorectal carcinogenesis, as a novel downstream target of the beta-catenin/T-cell factor complex.
Academic Article Inhibition of tumor growth through suppression of angiogenesis by brain-specific angiogenesis inhibitor 1 gene transfer in murine renal cell carcinoma.
Academic Article Identification of SP5 as a downstream gene of the beta-catenin/Tcf pathway and its enhanced expression in human colon cancer.
Academic Article The oncogenic polycomb histone methyltransferase EZH2 methylates lysine 120 on histone H2B and competes ubiquitination.
Academic Article Minichromosome Maintenance Protein 7 is a potential therapeutic target in human cancer and a novel prognostic marker of non-small cell lung cancer.
Academic Article Radioimmunotherapy of human synovial sarcoma using a monoclonal antibody against FZD10.
Academic Article Identification of nectin-4 oncoprotein as a diagnostic and therapeutic target for lung cancer.
Academic Article Cystatin 10, a novel chondrocyte-specific protein, may promote the last steps of the chondrocyte differentiation pathway.
Academic Article Enhanced SMYD3 expression is essential for the growth of breast cancer cells.
Academic Article Association analysis of the NOD2 gene with susceptibility to graft-versus-host disease in a Japanese population.
Academic Article Identification of an HLA-A2-restricted epitope peptide derived from hypoxia-inducible protein 2 (HIG2).
Academic Article Enhanced HSP70 lysine methylation promotes proliferation of cancer cells through activation of Aurora kinase B.
Academic Article ANLN plays a critical role in human lung carcinogenesis through the activation of RHOA and by involvement in the phosphoinositide 3-kinase/AKT pathway.
Academic Article Identification of BMP and activin membrane-bound inhibitor (BAMBI), an inhibitor of transforming growth factor-beta signaling, as a target of the beta-catenin pathway in colorectal tumor cells.
Academic Article Critical roles of T-LAK cell-originated protein kinase in cytokinesis.
Academic Article The histone methyltransferase Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome candidate 1-like 1 (WHSC1L1) is involved in human carcinogenesis.
Academic Article Identification of TOMM34, which shows elevated expression in the majority of human colon cancers, as a novel drug target.
Academic Article VAV3 mediates resistance to breast cancer endocrine therapy.
Academic Article Identification of a nuclear protein, LRRC42, involved in lung carcinogenesis.
Academic Article The histone methyltransferase SMYD2 methylates PARP1 and promotes poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation activity in cancer cells.
Academic Article Detection of novel cancer-testis antigen-specific T-cell responses in TIL, regional lymph nodes, and PBL in patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
Academic Article Enhanced expression of EHMT2 is involved in the proliferation of cancer cells through negative regulation of SIAH1.
Academic Article A gene encoding a family with sequence similarity 84, member A (FAM84A) enhanced migration of human colon cancer cells.
Academic Article Downregulation of the tumor suppressor HSPB7, involved in the p53 pathway, in renal cell carcinoma by hypermethylation.
Academic Article Functional variation in LGALS2 confers risk of myocardial infarction and regulates lymphotoxin-alpha secretion in vitro.
Academic Article Identification of secernin 1 as a novel immunotherapy target for gastric cancer using the expression profiles of cDNA microarray.
Academic Article The p53 family member genes are involved in the Notch signal pathway.
Academic Article A single nucleotide polymorphism within the acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase beta gene is associated with proteinuria in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Academic Article Identification of semaphorin3B as a direct target of p53.
Academic Article Identification of SPARC as a candidate target antigen for immunotherapy of various cancers.
Academic Article Overexpression of the JmjC histone demethylase KDM5B in human carcinogenesis: involvement in the proliferation of cancer cells through the E2F/RB pathway.
Academic Article A functional SNP in PSMA6 confers risk of myocardial infarction in the Japanese population.
Academic Article The DNA binding site specificity and antiproliferative property of ternary Pt(II) and Zn(II) complexes of phenanthroline and N,N'-ethylenediaminediacetic acid.
Academic Article Functional impact of IgA nephropathy-associated selectin gene haplotype on leukocyte-endothelial interaction.
Academic Article SMYD2-dependent HSP90 methylation promotes cancer cell proliferation by regulating the chaperone complex formation.
Academic Article The transcription factor Sp3 regulates the expression of a metastasis-related marker of sarcoma, actin filament-associated protein 1-like 1 (AFAP1L1).
Academic Article Isolation of LEM domain-containing 1, a novel testis-specific gene expressed in colorectal cancers.
Academic Article SMYD3 encodes a histone methyltransferase involved in the proliferation of cancer cells.
Academic Article Expression profile analysis of colon cancer cells in response to sulindac or aspirin.
Academic Article A variable number of tandem repeats polymorphism in an E2F-1 binding element in the 5' flanking region of SMYD3 is a risk factor for human cancers.
Academic Article Identification of human leukocyte antigen-A24-restricted epitope peptides derived from gene products upregulated in lung and esophageal cancers as novel targets for immunotherapy.
Academic Article Dysregulation of AKT Pathway by SMYD2-Mediated Lysine Methylation on PTEN.
Academic Article FCRL3, an autoimmune susceptibility gene, has inhibitory potential on B-cell receptor-mediated signaling.
Academic Article Isolation of development and differentiation enhancing factor-like 1 (DDEFL1) as a drug target for hepatocellular carcinomas.
Academic Article Isolation of a novel gene, CABC1, encoding a mitochondrial protein that is highly homologous to yeast activity of bc1 complex.
Academic Article Identification of CRYM as a candidate responsible for nonsyndromic deafness, through cDNA microarray analysis of human cochlear and vestibular tissues.
Academic Article Oncogenic role of KIAA0101 interacting with proliferating cell nuclear antigen in pancreatic cancer.
Academic Article Oncogenic role of MPHOSPH1, a cancer-testis antigen specific to human bladder cancer.
Academic Article Inhibition of experimental intimal thickening in mice lacking a novel G-protein-coupled receptor.
Academic Article DDX31 regulates the p53-HDM2 pathway and rRNA gene transcription through its interaction with NPM1 in renal cell carcinomas.
Academic Article SUV39H2 methylates and stabilizes LSD1 by inhibiting polyubiquitination in human cancer cells.
Academic Article Quantitative characterization of T-cell repertoire in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients.
Academic Article Pharmacoethnicity in Paclitaxel-Induced Sensory Peripheral Neuropathy.
Academic Article PRMT6 increases cytoplasmic localization of p21CDKN1A in cancer cells through arginine methylation and makes more resistant to cytotoxic agents.
Academic Article T-LAK cell-originated protein kinase presents a novel therapeutic target in FLT3-ITD mutated acute myeloid leukemia.
Academic Article Identification of COX17 as a therapeutic target for non-small cell lung cancer.
Academic Article Retraction: Anti-adult T-cell leukemia effects of a novel synthetic retinoid, Am80 (Tamibarotene).
Academic Article PRMT1 promotes mitosis of cancer cells through arginine methylation of INCENP.
Academic Article SUV420H1 enhances the phosphorylation and transcription of ERK1 in cancer cells.
Academic Article Overexpressed P-cadherin/CDH3 promotes motility of pancreatic cancer cells by interacting with p120ctn and activating rho-family GTPases.
Academic Article Elevated expression of protein regulator of cytokinesis 1, involved in the growth of breast cancer cells.
Academic Article HLA-A2-restricted CTL epitopes of a novel lung cancer-associated cancer testis antigen, cell division cycle associated 1, can induce tumor-reactive CTL.
Academic Article Identification of CDCA1-derived long peptides bearing both CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell epitopes: CDCA1-specific CD4+ T-cell immunity in cancer patients.
Academic Article Mutation of RRM2B, encoding p53-controlled ribonucleotide reductase (p53R2), causes severe mitochondrial DNA depletion.
Academic Article Retraction: Epstein-Barr virus-encoded latent membrane protein 1 activates ß-catenin signaling in B lymphocytes.
Academic Article Multicenter, phase II clinical trial of cancer vaccination for advanced esophageal cancer with three peptides derived from novel cancer-testis antigens.
Academic Article Genetic polymorphism regulating ORM1-like 3 (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) expression is associated with childhood atopic asthma in a Japanese population.
Academic Article Phase I/II study of S-1 plus cisplatin combined with peptide vaccines for human vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 and 2 in patients with advanced gastric cancer.
Academic Article Identification of HLA-A24-restricted novel T Cell epitope peptides derived from P-cadherin and kinesin family member 20A.
Academic Article Retraction: Curcumin targets Akt cell survival signaling pathway in HTLV-I-infected T-cell lines.
Academic Article Cystatin C as a p53-inducible apoptotic mediator that regulates cathepsin L activity.
Academic Article The current and future applications of immunopharmacogenomics.
Academic Article Characterization of T-cell Receptor Repertoire in Inflamed Tissues of Patients with Crohn's Disease Through Deep Sequencing.
Academic Article Effective growth-suppressive activity of maternal embryonic leucine-zipper kinase (MELK) inhibitor against small cell lung cancer.
Academic Article Eradication of Large Solid Tumors by Gene Therapy with a T-Cell Receptor Targeting a Single Cancer-Specific Point Mutation.
Academic Article Phase I clinical trial of a five-peptide cancer vaccine combined with cyclophosphamide in advanced solid tumors.
Academic Article Clonal expansion of antitumor T cells in breast cancer correlates with response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
Academic Article Oncogenic roles of TOPK and MELK, and effective growth suppression by small molecular inhibitors in kidney cancer cells.
Academic Article Preclinical evaluation of biomarkers associated with antitumor activity of MELK inhibitor.
Academic Article Deep-sequencing of the T-cell receptor repertoire in patients with haplo-cord and matched-donor transplants.
Academic Article Myasthenic crisis and polymyositis induced by one dose of nivolumab.
Academic Article Automethylation of SUV39H2, an oncogenic histone lysine methyltransferase, regulates its binding affinity to substrate proteins.
Academic Article Anti-myeloma activity of MELK inhibitor OTS167: effects on drug-resistant myeloma cells and putative myeloma stem cell replenishment of malignant plasma cells.
Academic Article Phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis, class X containing complex promotes cancer cell proliferation through suppression of EHD2 and ZIC1, putative tumor suppressors.
Academic Article p53RFP, a p53-inducible RING-finger protein, regulates the stability of p21WAF1.
Academic Article The forkhead box M1 transcription factor as a candidate of target for anti-cancer immunotherapy.
Academic Article Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 is highly expressed in bronchial epithelial cells of untreated asthma and it increases cell proliferation along with fibronectin production in airway constitutive cells.
Academic Article Effective induction of cytotoxic T cells recognizing an epitope peptide derived from hypoxia-inducible protein 2 (HIG2) in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma.
Academic Article Phase II clinical trial of peptide cocktail therapy for patients with advanced pancreatic cancer: VENUS-PC study.
Academic Article Mutations in the gene encoding KIAA1199 protein, an inner-ear protein expressed in Deiters' cells and the fibrocytes, as the cause of nonsyndromic hearing loss.
Academic Article Host cell-specific effects of lentiviral accessory proteins on the eukaryotic cell cycle progression.
Academic Article TOPK (T-LAK cell-originated protein kinase) inhibitor exhibits growth suppressive effect on small cell lung cancer.
Academic Article Highly clonal regulatory T-cell population in follicular lymphoma - inverse correlation with the diversity of CD8+ T cells.
Academic Article Identification of immunogenic LY6K long peptide encompassing both CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell epitopes and eliciting CD4+ T-cell immunity in patients with malignant disease.
Academic Article Quantitative characterization of T-cell repertoire and biomarkers in kidney transplant rejection.
Academic Article Predictive biomarkers for the efficacy of peptide vaccine treatment: based on the results of a phase II study on advanced pancreatic cancer.
Academic Article Loss of BRCA1 in the Cells of Origin of Ovarian Cancer Induces Glycolysis: A Window of Opportunity for Ovarian Cancer Chemoprevention.
Academic Article Clinical significance of T cell clonality and expression levels of immune-related genes in endometrial cancer.
Academic Article Effects of SMYD2-mediated EML4-ALK methylation on the signaling pathway and growth in non-small-cell lung cancer cells.
Academic Article Phase I clinical trial of cell division associated 1 (CDCA1) peptide vaccination for castration resistant prostate cancer.
Academic Article Characterization of the T-Cell Receptor Repertoire and Immune Microenvironment in Patients with Locoregionally Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck.
Academic Article Quantitative analysis and clonal characterization of T-cell receptor ß repertoires in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer treated with cancer vaccine.
Academic Article Phase I clinical study of multiple epitope peptide vaccine combined with chemoradiation therapy in esophageal cancer patients.
Academic Article Low T-cell Receptor Diversity, High Somatic Mutation Burden, and High Neoantigen Load as Predictors of Clinical Outcome in Muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer.
Academic Article Third-generation oncolytic herpes simplex virus inhibits the growth of liver tumors in mice.
Academic Article Activation of Th1 Immunity within the Tumor Microenvironment Is Associated with Clinical Response to Lenalidomide in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.
Academic Article Development of small molecular compounds targeting cancer stem cells.
Academic Article Induction of Neoantigen-Specific Cytotoxic T Cells and Construction of T-cell Receptor-Engineered T Cells for Ovarian Cancer.
Academic Article Protein methyltransferases and demethylases dictate CD8+ T-cell exclusion in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.
Academic Article Effective screening of T cells recognizing neoantigens and construction of T-cell receptor-engineered T cells.
Academic Article Immunotherapy with cancer peptides in combination with intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin for patients with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer.
Academic Article Phase I Study of Multiple Epitope Peptide Vaccination in Patients With Recurrent or Persistent Cervical Cancer.
Academic Article Critical roles of protein methyltransferases and demethylases in the regulation of embryonic stem cell fate.
Academic Article Free-floating cancer cells in lymph node sinuses of hilar lymph node-positive patients with non-small cell lung cancer.
Academic Article Similarity and difference in tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in original tumor tissues and those of in vitro expanded populations in head and neck cancer.
Academic Article Critical Role of Estrogen Receptor Alpha O-Glycosylation by N-Acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 6 (GALNT6) in Its Nuclear Localization in Breast Cancer Cells.
Academic Article Significant differences in T cell receptor repertoires in lung adenocarcinomas with and without epidermal growth factor receptor mutations.
Academic Article MELK inhibition targets cancer stem cells through downregulation of SOX2 expression in head and neck cancer cells.
Academic Article Identification of neoantigen-specific T cells and their targets: implications for immunotherapy of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
Academic Article Dose escalation prophylactic donor lymphocyte infusion after T-cell depleted matched related donor allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation is feasible and results in higher donor chimerism, faster immune re-constitution, and prolonged progression-free survival.
Academic Article WHSC1 monomethylates histone H1 and induces stem-cell like features in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.
Academic Article Intranodal Administration of Neoantigen Peptide-loaded Dendritic Cell Vaccine Elicits Epitope-specific T Cell Responses and Clinical Effects in a Patient with Chemorefractory Ovarian Cancer with Malignant Ascites.
Academic Article CD8 lymphocytes in tumors and nonsynonymous mutational load correlate with prognosis of bladder cancer patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors.
Academic Article Enhancement of Migration and Invasion of Gastric Cancer Cells by IQGAP3.
Academic Article High expression of maternal embryonic leucine-zipper kinase (MELK) impacts clinical outcomes in patients with ovarian cancer and its inhibition suppresses ovarian cancer cells growth ex vivo.
Academic Article Diversity in immunogenomics: the value and the challenge.
Academic Article Generation of neoantigen-specific T cells for adoptive cell transfer for treating head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
Academic Article Neoantigens elicit T cell responses in breast cancer.
Academic Article Efficacy of Intranodal Neoantigen Peptide-pulsed Dendritic Cell Vaccine Monotherapy in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors: A Retrospective Analysis.
Academic Article Contribution of pre-existing neoantigen-specific T cells to a durable complete response after tumor-pulsed dendritic cell vaccine plus nivolumab therapy in a patient with metastatic salivary duct carcinoma.
Academic Article Established fibrous peritoneal metastasis in an immunocompetent mouse model similar to clinical immune microenvironment of gastric cancer.
Academic Article Identification of cytotoxic T cells and their T cell receptor sequences targeting COVID-19 using MHC class I-binding peptides.
Academic Article Correction: Identification of cytotoxic T cells and their T cell receptor sequences targeting COVID-19 using MHC class I-binding peptides.
Academic Article Lymphocytes in tumor-draining lymph nodes co-cultured with autologous tumor cells for adoptive cell therapy.
Concept A549 Cells
Concept MCF-7 Cells
Academic Article SMYD3 represses tumor-intrinsic interferon response in HPV-negative squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.
Academic Article Immunological analysis of hybrid neoantigen peptide encompassing class I/II neoepitope-pulsed dendritic cell vaccine.
Academic Article One CD4+TCR and One CD8+TCR Targeting Autochthonous Neoantigens Are Essential and Sufficient for Tumor Eradication.
Academic Article Characterization of double-negative T cells in colorectal cancers and their corresponding lymph nodes.
Search Criteria
  • T Cells