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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Schreiber, Hans
overview The main focus of this laboratory is to study the fundamental mechanisms that govern the interaction of cancer cells with the immune system. In particular, our laboratory is trying to exploit the fact that cancer cells usually carry cancer-specific mutations and antigens, and that under certain conditions, the immune system can destroy cancer cells even after they have disseminated in the body. We are trying to understand the mechanisms that often allow immunogenic cancer cells to escape immune destruction, and we want to develop new strategies and principles on which to base novel therapeutic approaches. We are also studying the signals needed for the immune system to be alerted be cancer cells, and then to destroy these cells. Finally, we combine immunology with genetics and biochemistry, which provides us with a powerful tool to search for cancer-specific changes in malignant cells in order to identify critical mechanisms and immunological targets that can be used to destroy the cancer.
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Schreiber, Hans
Item TypeName
Concept Antigen-Presenting Cells
Concept Bone Marrow Cells
Concept Antigens, Differentiation, T-Lymphocyte
Concept B-Lymphocytes
Concept Clone Cells
Concept Dendritic Cells
Concept Killer Cells, Natural
Concept Gene Rearrangement, beta-Chain T-Cell Antigen Receptor
Concept Th1 Cells
Concept Tumor Cells, Cultured
Concept Receptors, Antigen, T-Cell, gamma-delta
Concept CD4-Positive T-Lymphocytes
Concept Lymphocytes, Tumor-Infiltrating
Concept T-Lymphocyte Subsets
Concept T-Cell Antigen Receptor Specificity
Concept Receptors, Antigen, T-Cell, alpha-beta
Concept CD8-Positive T-Lymphocytes
Concept Epitopes, T-Lymphocyte
Concept Jurkat Cells
Concept T-Lymphocytes, Cytotoxic
Concept Killer Cells, Lymphokine-Activated
Concept Stromal Cells
Concept T-Lymphocytes, Regulatory
Concept Endothelial Cells
Concept Cells, Cultured
Concept Receptors, Antigen, T-Cell
Concept T-Lymphocytes
Concept Myeloid Cells
Academic Article A tumor escape variant that has lost one major histocompatibility complex class I restriction element induces specific CD8+ T cells to an antigen that no longer serves as a target.
Academic Article DNA sequence analysis of T-cell receptor genes reveals an oligoclonal T-cell response to a tumor with multiple target antigens.
Academic Article Footprinting of individual tumors and their variants by constitutive cytokine expression patterns.
Academic Article Genetically engineered vaccines. Comparison of active versus passive immunotherapy against solid tumors.
Academic Article Antigenic cancer cells grow progressively in immune hosts without evidence for T cell exhaustion or systemic anergy.
Academic Article Immunodominance deters the response to other tumor antigens thereby favoring escape: prevention by vaccination with tumor variants selected with cloned cytolytic T cells in vitro.
Academic Article The immunodominant antigen of an ultraviolet-induced regressor tumor is generated by a somatic point mutation in the DEAD box helicase p68.
Academic Article Unique tumor antigens redefined as mutant tumor-specific antigens.
Academic Article Tumor cells induce cytolytic T cells to a single immunodominant mutant peptide.
Academic Article Immunological enhancement of primary tumor development and its prevention.
Academic Article Tracking the common ancestry of antigenically distinct cancer variants.
Academic Article Pharmacokinetic differences between a T cell-tolerizing and a T cell-activating peptide.
Academic Article Point mutation in essential genes with loss or mutation of the second allele: relevance to the retention of tumor-specific antigens.
Academic Article Enhanced eradication of local and distant tumors by genetically produced interleukin-12 and radiation.
Academic Article Role of TGF-beta in immune-evasion of cancer.
Academic Article MHC class I restricted T cells and immune surveillance against transplanted ultraviolet light-induced tumors.
Academic Article C-kit+ FcR+ myelocytes are increased in cancer and prevent the proliferation of fully cytolytic T cells in the presence of immune serum.
Academic Article Complementary role of CD4+ T cells and secondary lymphoid tissues for cross-presentation of tumor antigen to CD8+ T cells.
Academic Article Priming of naive T cells inside tumors leads to eradication of established tumors.
Academic Article Tumor immunity meets autoimmunity: antigen levels and dendritic cell maturation.
Academic Article Genetic changes occurring in established tumors rapidly stimulate new antibody responses.
Academic Article A new murine tumor model for studying HLA-A2-restricted anti-tumor immunity.
Academic Article A highly immunogenic tumor transfected with a murine transforming growth factor type beta 1 cDNA escapes immune surveillance.
Academic Article Intratumor depletion of CD4+ cells unmasks tumor immunogenicity leading to the rejection of late-stage tumors.
Academic Article The role of stroma in immune recognition and destruction of well-established solid tumors.
Academic Article Long-term suppression of tumor growth by TNF requires a Stat1- and IFN regulatory factor 1-dependent IFN-gamma pathway but not IL-12 or IL-18.
Academic Article The terminology issue for myeloid-derived suppressor cells.
Academic Article Mechanism of tumor rejection in anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody-treated mice.
Academic Article Inflammation as a tumor promoter in cancer induction.
Academic Article Specificity in cancer immunotherapy.
Academic Article Induced sensitization of tumor stroma leads to eradication of established cancer by T cells.
Academic Article Ribosomal versus non-ribosomal cellular antigens: factors determining efficiency of indirect presentation to CD4+ T cells.
Academic Article Long-term persistence of CD4(+) but rapid disappearance of CD8(+) T cells expressing an MHC class I-restricted TCR of nanomolar affinity.
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Academic Article Highly immunogenic regressor tumor cells can prevent development of postsurgical tumor immunity.
Academic Article Progression of cancer from indolent to aggressive despite antigen retention and increased expression of interferon-gamma inducible genes.
Academic Article IFN-gamma- and TNF-dependent bystander eradication of antigen-loss variants in established mouse cancers.
Academic Article Rapid destruction of the tumor microenvironment by CTLs recognizing cancer-specific antigens cross-presented by stromal cells.
Academic Article Long-term inhibition of tumor growth by tumor necrosis factor in the absence of cachexia or T-cell immunity.
Academic Article Antigenic cancer cells that escape immune destruction are stimulated by host cells.
Academic Article Recurrence of intracranial tumors following adoptive T cell therapy can be prevented by direct and indirect killing aided by high levels of tumor antigen cross-presented on stromal cells.
Academic Article Targeting stroma to treat cancers.
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Academic Article Spleen cells from young but not old immunized mice eradicate large established cancers.
Academic Article A unique tumor antigen produced by a single amino acid substitution.
Academic Article Synergy between T-cell immunity and inhibition of paracrine stimulation causes tumor rejection.
Academic Article Cancer. Awakening immunity.
Academic Article Tumor antigens defined by cloned immunological probes are highly polymorphic and are not detected on autologous normal cells.
Academic Article Specific detection of carcinoembryonic antigen-expressing tumor cells in bone marrow aspirates by polymerase chain reaction.
Academic Article Antiproliferative effects exerted by recombinant human tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) on human pancreatic tumor cell lines.
Academic Article CD4+ and B lymphocytes in transplantation immunity. II. Augmented rejection of tumor allografts by mice lacking B cells.
Academic Article Targeting the primary tumor to generate CTL for the effective eradication of spontaneous metastases.
Academic Article CD4-positive and B lymphocytes in transplantation immunity. I. Promotion of tumor allograft rejection through elimination of CD4-positive lymphocytes.
Academic Article Equilibrium between host and cancer caused by effector T cells killing tumor stroma.
Academic Article [Immunocytologic detection of disseminated tumor cells in the peritoneal cavity and bone marrow in patients with pancreatic carcinoma].
Academic Article Stroma is critical for preventing or permitting immunological destruction of antigenic cancer cells.
Academic Article CD4(+) T cells eliminate MHC class II-negative cancer cells in vivo by indirect effects of IFN-gamma.
Academic Article Increasing tumor antigen expression overcomes "ignorance" to solid tumors via crosspresentation by bone marrow-derived stromal cells.
Academic Article Bystander elimination of antigen loss variants in established tumors.
Academic Article Major histocompatibility complex class I and unique antigen expression by murine tumors that escaped from CD8+ T-cell-dependent surveillance.
Academic Article Bystander killing of cancer requires the cooperation of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells during the effector phase.
Academic Article In vivo administration of anti-CD3 prevents malignant progressor tumor growth.
Academic Article Tumors with reduced expression of a cytotoxic T lymphocyte recognized antigen lack immunogenicity but retain sensitivity to lysis by cytotoxic T lymphocytes.
Academic Article Immunocytological detection of micrometastatic cells: comparative evaluation of findings in the peritoneal cavity and the bone marrow of gastric, colorectal and pancreatic cancer patients.
Academic Article Isolated tumor cells are frequently detectable in the peritoneal cavity of gastric and colorectal cancer patients and serve as a new prognostic marker.
Academic Article IL-15 in tumor microenvironment causes rejection of large established tumors by T cells in a noncognate T cell receptor-dependent manner.
Academic Article Relapse or eradication of cancer is predicted by peptide-major histocompatibility complex affinity.
Academic Article MHC-class I-restricted CD4 T cells: a nanomolar affinity TCR has improved anti-tumor efficacy in vivo compared to the micromolar wild-type TCR.
Academic Article Design and characterization of a protein superagonist of IL-15 fused with IL-15Ra and a high-affinity T cell receptor.
Academic Article Innate and adaptive immune cells in the tumor microenvironment.
Academic Article Adoptively transferred immune T cells eradicate established tumors despite cancer-induced immune suppression.
Academic Article Dual blockade of PD-1 and CTLA-4 combined with tumor vaccine effectively restores T-cell rejection function in tumors--letter.
Academic Article Antigen-specific bacterial vaccine combined with anti-PD-L1 rescues dysfunctional endogenous T cells to reject long-established cancer.
Academic Article Targeting cancer-specific mutations by T cell receptor gene therapy.
Academic Article Eradication of Large Solid Tumors by Gene Therapy with a T-Cell Receptor Targeting a Single Cancer-Specific Point Mutation.
Academic Article Engineered CAR T Cells Targeting the Cancer-Associated Tn-Glycoform of the Membrane Mucin MUC1 Control Adenocarcinoma.
Academic Article A sensitivity scale for targeting T cells with chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) and bispecific T-cell Engagers (BiTEs).
Academic Article Transfer of Allogeneic CD4+ T Cells Rescues CD8+ T Cells in Anti-PD-L1-Resistant Tumors Leading to Tumor Eradication.
Academic Article Long-term Persistence of CD4+ but Rapid Disappearance of CD8+ T Cells Expressing an MHC Class I-restricted TCR of Nanomolar Affinity.
Academic Article Tumour ischaemia by interferon-? resembles physiological blood vessel regression.
Academic Article Active immunization against cancer cells: impediments and advances.
Academic Article TCR-pMHC bond conformation controls TCR ligand discrimination.
Academic Article Neoadjuvant PD-1 Immune Checkpoint Blockade Reverses Functional Immunodominance among Tumor Antigen-Specific T Cells.
Academic Article Impact of TCR Diversity on the Development of Transplanted or Chemically Induced Tumors.
Academic Article LyP-1-Modified Oncolytic Adenoviruses Targeting Transforming Growth Factor ß Inhibit Tumor Growth and Metastases and Augment Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy in Breast Cancer Mouse Models.
Academic Article Automated cell cluster analysis provides insight into multi-cell-type interactions between immune cells and their targets.
Academic Article Structure-guided engineering of the affinity and specificity of CARs against Tn-glycopeptides.
Grant Three Laser BD Digital LSR
Grant CD8+ T cells and Immunological Tumor Regression
Grant Manipulation of Tumor Specific Immunity
Grant Immunology of Unique Tumor Specific Antigens
Academic Article Single CAR-T cell treatment controls disseminated ovarian cancer in a syngeneic mouse model.
Academic Article One CD4+TCR and One CD8+TCR Targeting Autochthonous Neoantigens Are Essential and Sufficient for Tumor Eradication.
Search Criteria
  • T Cells