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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Doi, Kunio
Item TypeName
Concept Acidosis, Renal Tubular
Concept Acne Vulgaris
Concept Actinomycetales
Concept Acute Disease
Concept Adenine
Concept Actins
Concept Action Potentials
Concept Adenocarcinoma
Concept Adenoviridae
Concept Administration, Topical
Concept Adrenalectomy
Concept Aflatoxins
Concept Age Factors
Concept Alanine Transaminase
Concept Acclimatization
Concept Acetylation
Concept Acid Phosphatase
Concept Adipose Tissue
Concept Administration, Inhalation
Concept Aniline Hydroxylase
Concept Antibiotics, Antineoplastic
Concept Antibodies, Viral
Concept Aorta, Thoracic
Concept Aged, 80 and over
Concept Alcian Blue
Concept Aldosterone
Concept Alkaline Phosphatase
Concept alpha-Fetoproteins
Concept Arteries
Concept Arthritis, Experimental
Concept Auditory Pathways
Concept Apolipoproteins
Concept Anesthesia, Inhalation
Concept Haplorhini
Concept Avoidance Learning
Concept Ursidae
Concept Acetylcholine
Concept Adaptation, Physiological
Concept Calcium-Transporting ATPases
Concept Acetaminophen
Concept Acoustic Stimulation
Concept Adsorption
Concept Abscess
Concept Accidents, Traffic
Concept Acetylcysteine
Concept Acyl Coenzyme A
Concept Adenosine Triphosphatases
Concept Sodium-Potassium-Exchanging ATPase
Concept Bile Ducts, Intrahepatic
Concept Bird Diseases
Concept Birds
Concept Aged
Concept Alprostadil
Concept Aluminum
Concept Americium
Concept Algorithms
Concept Ambulatory Care Facilities
Concept Analog-Digital Conversion
Concept Biocompatible Materials
Concept Blood Flow Velocity
Concept Blood Pressure
Concept Bone Marrow Cells
Concept Brain Diseases
Concept Alkylating Agents
Concept Alleles
Concept Alloxan
Concept alpha 1-Antichymotrypsin
Concept alpha-MSH
Concept Amino Acid Sequence
Concept Adenosine Triphosphate
Concept Administration, Cutaneous
Concept Administration, Oral
Concept Adrenergic beta-Antagonists
Concept Air Pollutants, Occupational
Concept Alopecia
Concept Mucinosis, Follicular
Concept Abnormalities, Drug-Induced
Concept Adrenal Cortex
Concept Adrenal Medulla
Concept Aerosols
Concept Blindness
Concept Blister
Concept Body Fluids
Concept Breast
Concept Antiemetics
Concept Antineoplastic Agents
Concept Apolipoproteins E
Concept Bursa of Fabricius
Concept Carbohydrate Sequence
Concept Carcinoma, Squamous Cell
Concept Cardiac Output
Concept Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic
Concept Cardioplegic Solutions
Concept Catheterization
Concept Cats
Concept Cecum
Concept Central Nervous System Diseases
Concept Intracranial Aneurysm
Concept Cerebral Cortex
Concept Animal Feed
Concept Animals, Newborn
Concept Animals, Suckling
Concept Anesthesia
Concept Animals, Laboratory
Concept Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal
Concept Antimetabolites, Antineoplastic
Concept Antiviral Agents
Concept Aorta
Concept Aortic Rupture
Concept Calmodulin
Concept Carbon Dioxide
Concept Carcinoid Tumor
Concept Carcinoma
Concept Chromatography, Paper
Concept Antihypertensive Agents
Concept Antioxidants
Concept Analysis of Variance
Concept Angiotensin I
Concept Antibodies, Monoclonal
Concept Computer Graphics
Concept Computer Simulation
Concept Arterioles
Concept Arthritis, Rheumatoid
Concept Asthma
Concept Arthrobacter
Concept Ascitic Fluid
Concept Arvicolinae
Concept Cytophotometry
Concept Cytoplasmic Granules
Concept Anti-Infective Agents, Local
Concept Anti-Inflammatory Agents
Concept Antibodies, Fungal
Concept Antibody Specificity
Concept Antimetabolites
Concept Aorta, Abdominal
Concept Aortic Aneurysm
Concept Aryl Hydrocarbon Hydroxylases
Concept B-Lymphocytes
Concept Base Sequence
Concept Benzazepines
Concept Bezafibrate
Concept Biological Transport, Active
Concept Cell Count
Concept Cell Differentiation
Concept Cell Movement
Concept Cell Nucleus
Concept Cervical Vertebrae
Concept Decision Making, Computer-Assisted
Concept Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental
Concept Awards and Prizes
Concept Bayes Theorem
Concept Aspartate Aminotransferases
Concept Aspartic Acid
Concept Bucladesine
Concept Dichloroacetic Acid
Concept Disinfectants
Concept DNA Damage
Concept Blood Vessels
Concept Bone Diseases
Concept Bone Neoplasms
Concept Brain Injuries
Concept Azacitidine
Concept Bartter Syndrome
Concept Basement Membrane
Concept Chlorpromazine
Concept Chordoma
Concept Calcium Oxalate
Concept Carcinoma, Transitional Cell
Concept Cardiac Tamponade
Concept Autoantibodies
Concept Bile Duct Diseases
Concept Binding Sites
Concept Biological Transport
Concept Biophysics
Concept Body Temperature
Concept Body Temperature Regulation
Concept Bone and Bones
Concept Bone Conduction
Concept Dihydroxyphenylalanine
Concept Electricity
Concept Bile Ducts
Concept Biological Science Disciplines
Concept Biometry
Concept Biotechnology
Concept Birth Rate
Concept Barium
Concept Biopsy, Needle
Concept Bleomycin
Concept beta-Galactosidase
Concept Biopsy
Concept Blood
Concept Body Weight
Concept Adipose Tissue, Brown
Concept Calcinosis
Concept Body Water
Concept Brain
Concept Brain Chemistry
Concept Calcification, Physiologic
Concept Capillary Permeability
Concept Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung
Concept Carotid Arteries
Concept Cat Diseases
Concept Cattle
Concept Cell Membrane
Concept Cell Division
Concept Cell Separation
Concept Brain Stem
Concept Bromodeoxyuridine
Concept Buffers
Concept Caloric Tests
Concept Carbon Tetrachloride
Concept Caseins
Concept Cattle Diseases
Concept Central Nervous System
Concept Centrifugation
Concept Chromium Radioisotopes
Concept Chromosomes, Bacterial
Concept Colon
Concept Centrifugation, Density Gradient
Concept Cerebellum
Concept Cerebral Angiography
Concept Cerebral Ventricles
Concept Cholesterol, Dietary
Concept Cerebellar Neoplasms
Concept Cholecystography
Concept Camelus
Concept Camphor
Concept Capillaries
Concept Carcinogens
Concept Carotid Artery, Internal
Concept Cell Cycle
Concept Fluocinolone Acetonide
Concept Colloids
Concept Combined Modality Therapy
Concept Inclusion Bodies
Concept Chicago
Concept Cochlear Implants
Concept Blood Gas Analysis
Concept Bone Regeneration
Concept Bradykinin
Concept Bronchial Spasm
Concept Glutamate-Cysteine Ligase
Concept Cisplatin
Concept Clinical Competence
Concept Cochlear Microphonic Potentials
Concept Cold Temperature
Concept Carbonyl Cyanide m-Chlorophenyl Hydrazone
Concept Glutathione Transferase
Concept Guinea Pigs
Concept Copying Processes
Concept Coturnix
Concept Creatine Kinase
Concept Coronary Disease
Concept Cortisone
Concept Computer Systems
Concept Computers
Concept Cysteine Synthase
Concept Cholesterol
Concept Chondrocalcinosis
Concept Circadian Rhythm
Concept Hematocrit
Concept Hemofiltration
Concept Hepatectomy
Concept Collagen
Concept Colonic Diseases
Concept Common Bile Duct
Concept Common Bile Duct Diseases
Concept Contrast Media
Concept Copper
Concept Coronary Artery Disease
Concept Cytosol
Concept Dementia
Concept Dentistry
Concept Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1
Concept Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2
Concept Diagnosis, Computer-Assisted
Concept Herpesviridae
Concept Densitometry
Concept Connective Tissue
Concept Coronary Circulation
Concept Cross Reactions
Concept Hymecromone
Concept Immunoglobulin M
Concept Ileum
Concept Diagnostic Errors
Concept Dietary Carbohydrates
Concept Dipeptidyl-Peptidases and Tripeptidyl-Peptidases
Concept Dizziness
Concept Cycloheximide
Concept Cystine
Concept Cytoplasm
Concept Depth Perception
Concept Dermatoglyphics
Concept Dexamethasone
Concept Diabetic Angiopathies
Concept Dog Diseases
Concept Electrodes, Implanted
Concept Deoxyglucose
Concept Diabetic Nephropathies
Concept Diet
Concept Diflucortolone
Concept Inclusion Bodies, Viral
Concept Injections, Intraperitoneal
Concept Insulin
Concept Interleukin-2
Concept Interleukins
Concept Iron
Concept Maus Elberfeld virus
Concept Endolymph
Concept Endothelium, Vascular
Concept Ependymoma
Concept Cytidine
Concept Cytochrome P-450 Enzyme System
Concept Cytopathogenic Effect, Viral
Concept Database Management Systems
Concept Hearing Loss, Sudden
Concept Decision Trees
Concept Diffusion
Concept Dithiothreitol
Concept Dose-Response Relationship, Radiation
Concept Drug Carriers
Concept Catecholamines
Concept Cell Aggregation
Concept Dogs
Concept Echocardiography
Concept Cyclophosphamide
Concept Data Display
Concept Decision Theory
Concept Dentin
Concept Ducks
Concept Ductus Arteriosus, Patent
Concept Ear Neoplasms
Concept Ear, External
Concept Electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide Gel
Concept Gallbladder
Concept Gerbillinae
Concept Health Physics
Concept Cardiomegaly
Concept Isoproterenol
Concept Emergencies
Concept Encephalomyocarditis virus
Concept Hibernation
Concept Endoplasmic Reticulum
Concept Lipoprotein Lipase
Concept Hypothermia, Induced
Concept Immunoglobulin A
Concept Image Enhancement
Concept Immunoglobulin Fc Fragments
Concept Diet, Atherogenic
Concept Dietary Proteins
Concept Cholangitis
Concept Cholelithiasis
Concept Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid
Concept Chromosomes, Human, Pair 10
Concept Chronic Disease
Concept Clinical Protocols
Concept Fertilization
Concept Macaca fascicularis
Concept Mass Screening
Concept Erysipelothrix Infections
Concept Erythropoietin
Concept Etoposide
Concept Extracellular Space
Concept Cobalt
Concept Coccyx
Concept Cost-Benefit Analysis
Concept Dermatitis, Contact
Concept Diamines
Concept Cytarabine
Concept Deafness
Concept Dimethylnitrosamine
Concept Disease Susceptibility
Concept DNA Viruses
Concept Eating
Concept Fishes
Concept Fatty Acids, Nonesterified
Concept Fetal Growth Retardation
Concept Fibrinogen
Concept Mercuric Chloride
Concept Inactivation, Metabolic
Concept Indomethacin
Concept Indonesia
Concept Interferons
Concept Elastic Tissue
Concept Electric Conductivity
Concept Electrocardiography
Concept Electrocoagulation
Concept Enzyme Activation
Concept Mice, Inbred C3H
Concept Microtubule-Associated Proteins
Concept Models, Structural
Concept Frontal Lobe
Concept Fructose
Concept Desmin
Concept Ergocalciferols
Concept Expert Systems
Concept Myofibrils
Concept Genes, Dominant
Concept Genes, Viral
Concept Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenases
Concept Furosemide
Concept G(M2) Ganglioside
Concept Geese
Concept Genes, MHC Class II
Concept Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein
Concept Fasting
Concept Fatty Acids
Concept Ferric Compounds
Concept New Zealand
Concept Nifedipine
Concept Nitrogen
Concept Killer Cells, Natural
Concept Labyrinth Diseases
Concept Food Contamination
Concept Galactosidases
Concept Genes, Recessive
Concept Dialysis
Concept Nucleic Acid Hybridization
Concept Obesity
Concept Granuloma
Concept Cyclic GMP
Concept Hernia, Diaphragmatic, Traumatic
Concept Hippocampus
Concept Histocytochemistry
Concept Histological Techniques
Concept Hearing
Concept Heart Diseases
Concept Heart Failure
Concept Ear
Concept Electroencephalography
Concept Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy
Concept Elementary Particles
Concept Embryo, Mammalian
Concept DNA Replication
Concept Hydrogen Peroxide
Concept Immune Sera
Concept Liposomes
Concept Liver Neoplasms
Concept Infusions, Intra-Arterial
Concept Insulin-Like Growth Factor I
Concept Intervertebral Disc
Concept Electroretinography
Concept Elements
Concept Endolymphatic Sac
Concept Energy Metabolism
Concept Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay
Concept Epithelium
Concept Encephalomyelitis
Concept Endotoxins
Concept Environmental Microbiology
Concept Enzyme Induction
Concept Eosinophils
Concept Escherichia coli
Concept Hyperostosis, Cortical, Congenital
Concept Feline Panleukopenia
Concept Filtration
Concept Flow Cytometry
Concept Fluorescent Antibody Technique
Concept Fluorometry
Concept Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted
Concept Infusions, Intravenous
Concept Interleukin-1
Concept Forms and Records Control
Concept Fourier Analysis
Concept G(M1) Ganglioside
Concept Iopamidol
Concept Adenoma, Islet Cell
Concept Multigene Family
Concept Language
Concept Leucine
Concept Leukocytes, Mononuclear
Concept Lithium
Concept Longevity
Concept Mandible
Concept Luminescent Measurements
Concept Intracellular Fluid
Concept Jugular Veins
Concept Keratins
Concept Kinetin
Concept Peptidyl-Dipeptidase A
Concept Melanins
Concept Metanephrine
Concept Methylmethacrylates
Concept Carcinoma, Hepatocellular
Concept Protamine Kinase
Concept Mathematical Computing
Concept Mesenteric Arteries
Concept Laboratories
Concept Labyrinthitis
Concept Lead
Concept Hydrofluoric Acid
Concept Immunoglobulin E
Concept Mice, Inbred A
Concept Mice, Inbred Strains
Concept Microfilament Proteins
Concept Mitotic Index
Concept Macaca
Concept Macaca mulatta
Concept Myocardial Infarction
Concept Mice, Neurologic Mutants
Concept Mice, Transgenic
Concept Microbodies
Concept Microwaves
Concept Mitosis
Concept Neutropenia
Concept Platelet-Derived Growth Factor
Concept Mannoheptulose
Concept Meningoencephalitis
Concept Extracellular Matrix
Concept Illinois
Concept Immunohistochemistry
Concept Immunologic Tests
Concept Organ Size
Concept Molecular Sequence Data
Concept Monosaccharide Transport Proteins
Concept Muscle, Smooth, Vascular
Concept Necrosis
Concept Glycolysis
Concept Graves Disease
Concept Hair Cells, Auditory
Concept Oval Window, Ear
Concept Pancreatic Neoplasms
Concept Methylprednisolone
Concept Mice, Inbred BALB C
Concept Mice, Inbred C57BL
Concept Mice, Nude
Concept Microsomes, Liver
Concept Middle Aged
Concept Rats, Inbred SHR
Concept Myoglobin
Concept Cricetinae
Concept Hearing Disorders
Concept Hot Temperature
Concept HeLa Cells
Concept Hepatic Artery
Concept Patient Education as Topic
Concept Pentachlorophenol
Concept Periodic Acid-Schiff Reaction
Concept Retinal Vessels
Concept RNA, Ribosomal, 28S
Concept Intestine, Large
Concept Ion Channels
Concept Isoleucine
Concept Nerve Growth Factors
Concept Neutrophils
Concept Peritoneum
Concept Phagocytosis
Concept Phosphorus
Concept Orchitis
Concept Osteoporosis
Concept Ovalbumin
Concept Oxidation-Reduction
Concept Lipopolysaccharides
Concept Cholesterol, HDL
Concept Lymphokines
Concept Scala Tympani
Concept Operating Rooms
Concept Organ of Corti
Concept Otolithic Membrane
Concept Maxillary Artery
Concept Mediastinal Neoplasms
Concept Meninges
Concept Paratuberculosis
Concept Parvoviridae
Concept Sinus of Valsalva
Concept Sjogren's Syndrome
Concept Microcirculation
Concept Mitochondria, Heart
Concept Models, Anatomic
Concept Phosphorus Isotopes
Concept Photochemistry
Concept Polycarboxylate Cement
Concept Phosphorylation
Concept Muramidase
Concept Muscle Proteins
Concept NAD
Concept Nitroprusside
Concept Pneumocystis
Concept Polyphosphates
Concept Nuclear Family
Concept Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Concept Osteogenesis
Concept Otitis Media
Concept Oxygen
Concept Femur
Concept Embryonic and Fetal Development
Concept Phenobarbital
Concept Potassium
Concept Prednisolone
Concept Pregnenolone Carbonitrile
Concept Portal Vein
Concept Epoprostenol
Concept Thyroidectomy
Concept Tibia
Concept Pregnadienediols
Concept Prostaglandins
Concept Protein Binding
Concept Protein Conformation
Concept Psittaciformes
Concept Pulmonary Gas Exchange
Concept Pulmonary Veins
Concept Gallbladder Neoplasms
Concept Gamma Rays
Concept Genetic Markers
Concept Hybrid Cells
Concept Glucose Tolerance Test
Concept Hypochlorous Acid
Concept Immunoglobulin G
Concept Image Processing, Computer-Assisted
Concept Radiographic Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted
Concept Rats, Inbred F344
Concept Regional Blood Flow
Concept Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral and Bone Disorder
Concept Guanine
Concept Rabbits
Concept Radiographic Image Enhancement
Concept Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
Concept Repressor Proteins
Concept Risk Factors
Concept Rubidium
Concept Venoms
Concept Vertigo
Concept Vestibular Nerve
Concept Pulmonary Circulation
Concept Pyruvates
Concept Sandhoff Disease
Concept Sequence Homology, Nucleic Acid
Concept Psychophysiology
Concept Radiation Dosage
Concept Radiation Injuries, Experimental
Concept Receptors, Antigen, B-Cell
Concept Waardenburg Syndrome
Concept Xenon
Concept Interferon-gamma
Concept Interprofessional Relations
Concept Intestinal Mucosa
Concept Intestine, Small
Concept Potassium Channels
Concept Prostaglandin D2
Concept RNA Probes
Concept Genes, ras
Concept Rats, Inbred Lew
Concept Rats, Inbred WKY
Concept Rats, Nude
Concept Reagent Kits, Diagnostic
Concept Renal Artery
Concept Shellfish
Concept Ribonucleoproteins
Concept Ribosomes
Concept RNA Splicing
Concept Rose Bengal
Concept Interleukin-6
Concept Shivering
Concept Smoking
Concept Snakes
Concept Sodium
Concept Spectrum Analysis
Concept Seasons
Concept Serotyping
Concept Japan
Concept Lactates
Concept Spinal Neoplasms
Concept Skin Pigmentation
Concept Spectrometry, X-Ray Emission
Concept Swine
Concept Thyroxine-Binding Proteins
Concept Hematologic Tests
Concept Histones
Concept Hormones, Ectopic
Concept Sheep
Concept Sialoglycoproteins
Concept Skull
Concept Sodium Cyanide
Concept Humans
Concept Hydroxyproline
Concept Ibuprofen
Concept Immunization
Concept Leukocyte Count
Concept Lipid Peroxides
Concept Body Mass Index
Concept Incidence
Concept Cluster Analysis
Concept DNA Fingerprinting
Concept Receptors, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate
Concept Endothelial Growth Factors
Concept Fura-2
Concept Spectrophotometry
Concept Spine
Concept Transcription, Genetic
Concept Protein Biosynthesis
Concept Tretinoin
Concept Testicular Neoplasms
Concept Thailand
Concept Sunlight
Concept Sweat
Concept Software
Concept Spinal Cord Compression
Concept Spondylitis, Ankylosing
Concept Stria Vascularis
Concept Triiodothyronine
Concept Tritium
Concept Incisor
Concept Injections, Intravenous
Concept Interferon Type I
Concept Intracellular Membranes
Concept Testicular Diseases
Concept Thioacetamide
Concept Chemoembolization, Therapeutic
Concept Tungsten
Concept United States
Concept Stroke Volume
Concept Sulfanilamides
Concept Sunburn
Concept Gram-Positive Bacterial Infections
Concept Tryptophan
Concept Biomarkers, Tumor
Concept Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha
Concept Hepatocyte Growth Factor
Concept Sequence Homology, Amino Acid
Concept Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1
Concept Thoracic Vertebrae
Concept 1,2-Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine
Concept Calcium Channels
Concept Dinoprostone
Concept Cochlear Nucleus
Concept Iodine Radioisotopes
Concept Oxo-Acid-Lyases
Concept Ultraviolet Rays
Concept Uric Acid
Concept Vaccination
Concept Neprilysin
Concept Oligonucleotide Probes
Concept Biomarkers
Concept X-Rays
Concept Dideoxynucleosides
Concept Langerhans Cells
Concept Cholesterol, LDL
Concept Liver Neoplasms, Experimental
Concept Liver Regeneration
Concept Maneb
Concept Thyroxine
Concept Carcinoma, Adenosquamous
Concept Codon, Terminator
Concept Th1 Cells
Concept Trans-Activators
Concept Injections, Intralesional
Concept Radiography, Dual-Energy Scanned Projection
Concept Genes, cdc
Concept Radiopharmaceuticals
Concept Inhalation Exposure
Concept Iodoacetic Acid
Concept Caspases
Concept Methylmethacrylate
Concept rho GTP-Binding Proteins
Concept Tumor Cells, Cultured
Concept Tyrosine
Concept Water
Concept Weaning
Concept rac1 GTP-Binding Protein
Concept Valine
Concept Visual Cortex
Concept Vitamins
Concept S Phase
Concept Transforming Growth Factor beta
Concept NF-kappa B
Concept 1-Methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine
Concept Cell Adhesion Molecules
Concept Up-Regulation
Concept Antigens, Differentiation, Myelomonocytic
Concept Bias
Concept Prevalence
Concept B-Lymphocyte Subsets
Concept G1 Phase
Concept Databases, Bibliographic
Concept Computer Terminals
Concept Meningioma
Concept Meningitis
Concept Mexico
Concept Mice, Inbred DBA
Concept Mice, Inbred ICR
Concept Synaptophysin
Concept PC12 Cells
Concept Genes, jun
Concept CD8 Antigens
Concept Exercise
Concept Observer Variation
Concept Antigens, CD
Concept 3T3 Cells
Concept Aflatoxin B1
Concept Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic
Concept Macrophage Activation
Concept Mass Chest X-Ray
Concept Microsomes
Concept Milk
Concept Mitochondria
Concept Molybdenum
Concept Myocardial Reperfusion
Concept Weight Gain
Concept CD4-Positive T-Lymphocytes
Concept Chi-Square Distribution
Concept Culture Media, Conditioned
Concept Colitis, Ischemic
Concept Paclitaxel
Concept Interleukin-10
Concept Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-fos
Concept Vestibular Diseases
Concept Gene Expression
Concept Rats, Sprague-Dawley
Concept Rats, Wistar
Concept Fetal Tissue Transplantation
Concept Nervous System Malformations
Concept Case-Control Studies
Concept Liver Transplantation
Concept T-Lymphocyte Subsets
Concept Sus scrofa
Concept In Situ Hybridization
Concept Protein Structure, Tertiary
Concept Receptor, IGF Type 1
Concept Tunica Media
Concept Connexins
Concept Fractals
Concept Medulla Oblongata
Concept Meniere Disease
Concept Meningeal Neoplasms
Concept Meningitis, Viral
Concept Mesentery
Concept Mitochondria, Liver
Concept Motor Activity
Concept Paraffin Embedding
Concept Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis
Concept Mycobacterium Infections, Nontuberculous
Concept Cardiomyopathies
Concept Myocarditis
Concept S100 Proteins
Concept Parathyroid Hormone-Related Protein
Concept Nose Neoplasms
Concept Nystagmus, Pathologic
Concept Ochratoxins
Concept Optic Chiasm
Concept Optic Nerve Diseases
Concept Neurites
Concept Amyloid beta-Protein Precursor
Concept Receptors, Atrial Natriuretic Factor
Concept Arachidonic Acid
Concept Interferon-alpha
Concept Photons
Concept Health Care Costs
Concept Catheter Ablation
Concept Apoptosis
Concept Fetal Development
Concept MAP Kinase Kinase 1
Concept Mice, Knockout
Concept Cell Transplantation
Concept Crystallography, X-Ray
Concept CD8-Positive T-Lymphocytes
Concept DNA, Complementary
Concept Receptors, AMPA
Concept MAP Kinase Kinase 7
Concept Cell Proliferation
Concept HSP70 Heat-Shock Proteins
Concept Chemokines
Concept Disease Progression
Concept Telomerase
Concept Cytochrome P-450 CYP2E1
Concept ras Proteins
Concept Endolymphatic Hydrops
Concept Carcinoma, Ductal, Breast
Concept Th2 Cells
Concept beta Catenin
Concept Fluorodeoxyglucose F18
Concept Databases as Topic
Concept Coated Materials, Biocompatible
Concept Hair Follicle
Concept Antigens, CD20
Concept Transgenes
Concept Angiogenesis Inhibitors
Concept 2,4-Dinitrophenol
Concept Caspase 3
Concept Genes, T-Cell Receptor beta
Concept Carbon-Oxygen Lyases
Concept Tetraethylammonium
Concept Cochlear Implantation
Concept Persons With Hearing Impairments
Concept Calcium Signaling
Concept Gangliosidoses, GM2
Concept Human Body
Concept Lymphocyte Count
Concept Excitatory Amino Acid Agonists
Concept Analgesics, Non-Narcotic
Concept Osteitis
Concept Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterases, Type 3
Concept Optics and Photonics
Concept src Homology Domains
Concept Myosin Heavy Chains
Concept Fluorescent Antibody Technique, Indirect
Concept Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases
Concept Parkinson Disease
Concept Periarthritis
Concept Rats, Transgenic
Concept Mesenteric Artery, Superior
Concept Matrix Metalloproteinase 2
Concept Ribotyping
Concept Fatal Outcome
Concept Cyclic GMP-Dependent Protein Kinases
Concept Circovirus
Concept Serum
Concept Hot Springs
Concept MAP Kinase Kinase 3
Concept Fumonisins
Concept Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Concept MAP Kinase Kinase 4
Concept History, 21st Century
Concept Radiotherapy, Intensity-Modulated
Concept Vascular Endothelial Growth Factors
Concept Receptor, Parathyroid Hormone, Type 1
Concept Cardiovirus Infections
Concept Carcinoma, Small Cell
Concept Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-bcl-2
Concept Clinical Laboratory Techniques
Concept Area Under Curve
Concept Genes, T-Cell Receptor gamma
Concept Replication Origin
Concept Transcription Factor AP-1
Concept Fenoldopam
Concept Event-Related Potentials, P300
Concept Pentazocine
Concept Pericarditis
Concept Fetal Weight
Concept Genes, bcl-2
Concept Pyruvic Acid
Concept Ectodysplasins
Concept rhoA GTP-Binding Protein
Concept rap1 GTP-Binding Proteins
Concept Central Nervous System Cysts
Concept Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinases
Concept Potassium Channels, Inwardly Rectifying
Concept Lactic Acid
Concept Loss of Heterozygosity
Concept Feline Panleukopenia Virus
Concept Facial Nerve Injuries
Concept Aquaporins
Concept Matrix Metalloproteinase 9
Concept Interdisciplinary Communication
Concept Penaeidae
Concept Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor p21
Concept Interferon Regulatory Factor-7
Concept Periodicals as Topic
Concept Type C Phospholipases
Concept Photofluorography
Concept Phosphoric Monoester Hydrolases
Concept Plant Oils
Concept Polyethylene Glycols
Concept Viral Plaque Assay
Concept Propranolol
Concept Animals, Genetically Modified
Concept Polyurethanes
Concept Promoter Regions, Genetic
Concept Propionibacterium acnes
Concept Mice
Concept Pulmonary Artery
Concept Rats, Inbred BN
Concept Transforming Growth Factor beta1
Concept Pyramidal Tracts
Concept Radius
Concept Rats, Inbred Strains
Concept Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Concept Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
Concept Scapula
Concept Serine
Concept Serum Albumin
Concept Laser Therapy
Concept Chymases
Concept DNA Fragmentation
Concept Renin
Concept Ribs
Concept Sarcolemma
Concept Scattering, Radiation
Concept Sebum
Concept Sertoli Cell Tumor
Concept Signal Processing, Computer-Assisted
Concept Silicon
Concept Sodium Chloride
Concept Structure-Activity Relationship
Concept Sulfur
Concept Tattooing
Concept Technology, Radiologic
Concept Thiazolidinediones
Concept Biomedical Research
Concept Taxoids
Concept Shc Signaling Adaptor Proteins
Concept Rats
Concept Trigeminal Nerve
Concept Sterol Regulatory Element Binding Protein 1
Concept Nitric Oxide Synthase Type II
Concept Cognitive Dysfunction
Concept Trypsin
Concept Ulna
Concept Sialic Acids
Concept Software Design
Concept Osteopontin
Concept Spinal Cord Diseases
Concept Spinal Cord Neoplasms
Concept Sternum
Concept Steroids
Concept Streptomyces
Concept Subcellular Fractions
Concept Substrate Specificity
Concept Vestibular Nuclei
Concept Videotape Recording
Concept Vitamin D
Concept MAP Kinase Kinase 6
Concept Adaptor Proteins, Signal Transducing
Concept Metabolic Detoxication, Phase II
Concept Telencephalon
Concept Television
Concept Temperature
Concept Zineb
Concept 3',5'-Cyclic-AMP Phosphodiesterases
Concept 9,10-Dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene
Concept Blotting, Western
Concept Colorectal Neoplasms
Concept Down-Regulation
Concept Multivariate Analysis
Concept Evoked Potentials, Auditory, Brain Stem
Concept Feline Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Concept Cyclins
Concept Cyclin G1
Concept Tetraethylammonium Compounds
Concept Thiazoles
Concept Corrosion Casting
Concept Frameshift Mutation
Concept RNA, Antisense
Concept CD4-CD8 Ratio
Concept Workload
Concept Cyclosporine
Concept Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
Concept Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-jun
Concept Feline Infectious Peritonitis
Concept Culture Media, Serum-Free
Concept Cell Death
Concept Trophoblasts
Concept 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid
Concept Blotting, Southern
Concept Blotting, Northern
Concept Myocardial Ischemia
Concept Molecular Structure
Concept Myocardial Reperfusion Injury
Concept Absorptiometry, Photon
Concept Receptors, Glutamate
Concept Tunica Intima
Concept Survival Rate
Concept Confidence Intervals
Concept Durapatite
Concept Coronavirus Infections
Concept Spinal Fractures
Concept Lymphocyte Subsets
Concept Genes, p53
Concept Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor
Concept G2 Phase
Concept N-Methylaspartate
Concept Amyloid beta-Peptides
Concept Proto-Oncogene Proteins p21(ras)
Concept Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse
Concept Genes, fos
Concept Coronary Angiography
Concept Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen
Concept CD3 Complex
Concept Echo-Planar Imaging
Concept DNA Methylation
Concept Dermatitis, Allergic Contact
Concept Lymphocyte Transfusion
Concept Receptors, Chemokine
Concept Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 1
Concept Calcium-Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinases
Concept Receptors, Kainic Acid
Concept Receptors, Metabotropic Glutamate
Concept Neoadjuvant Therapy
Concept Stroke
Concept Imaging, Three-Dimensional
Concept Xenograft Model Antitumor Assays
Concept Salivary Cystatins
Concept Angiomyoma
Concept Neurocytoma
Concept Homeodomain Proteins
Concept Ventricular Dysfunction, Left
Concept CD4 Lymphocyte Count
Concept Immunoglobulins, Thyroid-Stimulating
Concept Microsatellite Repeats
Concept Cell Lineage
Concept Ki-67 Antigen
Concept Chemical and Drug Induced Liver Injury
Concept Gadolinium DTPA
Concept Cyclin A
Concept Carotid Artery Injuries
Concept MAP Kinase Signaling System
Concept Hearing Loss
Concept Protein Sorting Signals
Concept History, 20th Century
Concept Chromosome Disorders
Concept Cell Cycle Checkpoints
Concept Transcriptome
Concept Escherichia coli Proteins
Concept Adrenomedullin
Concept Tryptases
Concept Cyclin G
Concept Organogenesis
Concept Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A
Concept Cytochromes c
Concept Cell Line, Tumor
Concept Aquaporin 5
Concept Cytochrome P-450 CYP3A
Concept Journal Impact Factor
Concept Alveolitis, Extrinsic Allergic
Concept Alzheimer Disease
Concept Anticholesteremic Agents
Concept Hypolipidemic Agents
Concept Antineoplastic Agents, Phytogenic
Concept Antibodies, Antinuclear
Concept Arteriosclerosis
Concept Artificial Intelligence
Concept Auditory Cortex
Concept Auditory Threshold
Concept Autopsy
Concept Biliary Tract
Concept Blood Chemical Analysis
Concept Bone Resorption
Concept Brain Neoplasms
Concept Calcium
Concept Calcium Channel Blockers
Concept Calcium-Binding Proteins
Concept Carbon
Concept Carcinoembryonic Antigen
Concept Catechin
Concept Cell Line
Concept Cells, Cultured
Concept Cerebral Arteries
Concept Brain Ischemia
Concept Chickens
Concept Chromosome Aberrations
Concept Clinical Trials as Topic
Concept Clofibric Acid
Concept Cochlea
Concept Cochlear Duct
Concept Coronary Vessels
Concept Cranial Nerve Neoplasms
Concept Craniopharyngioma
Concept Astacoidea
Concept Cryptorchidism
Concept Data Interpretation, Statistical
Concept Diabetes Mellitus
Concept Diagnosis, Differential
Concept Diastole
Concept Dietary Fats
Concept Dietary Fiber
Concept Diltiazem
Concept Dirofilariasis
Concept Disease Models, Animal
Concept DNA Helicases
Concept DNA, Single-Stranded
Concept Doxorubicin
Concept Drinking
Concept Electrophoresis, Agar Gel
Concept Epidermal Growth Factor
Concept Epidermis
Concept Epinephrine
Concept Esophageal Neoplasms
Concept Facial Paralysis
Concept Fat Emulsions, Intravenous
Concept Fetal Death
Concept Filing
Concept Fluorescent Dyes
Concept Fluorine
Concept Follow-Up Studies
Concept Foot
Concept Gallbladder Diseases
Concept Genes, Fungal
Concept Germanium
Concept Gestational Age
Concept Glucuronates
Concept Hair Removal
Concept Heart Arrest
Concept Murine hepatitis virus
Concept Herpesviridae Infections
Concept Hydroxybutyrates
Concept Hypercalcemia
Concept Hypothalamus
Concept Injections, Subcutaneous
Concept Intercellular Junctions
Concept Iodoacetates
Concept Jaw Neoplasms
Concept Jejunum
Concept Kidney Calculi
Concept Kinetics
Concept Longitudinal Studies
Concept Lumbar Vertebrae
Concept Lymphocytes
Concept Mesocricetus
Concept Metatarsus
Concept Mice, Mutant Strains
Concept Minicomputers
Concept Mobile Health Units
Concept Monocytes
Concept Mycobacterium Infections
Concept Norepinephrine
Concept Normetanephrine
Concept Osteomyelitis
Concept Oxides
Concept Parvoviridae Infections
Concept Chemotherapy, Cancer, Regional Perfusion
Concept Phosphoric Diester Hydrolases
Concept Pituitary Neoplasms
Concept Prospective Studies
Concept Protons
Concept Protoporphyrins
Concept Rats, Mutant Strains
Concept Retrospective Studies
Concept Robotics
Concept Serine Endopeptidases
Concept Serum Albumin, Bovine
Concept Sperm Capacitation
Concept Spinal Cord
Concept Spiral Ganglion
Concept Staining and Labeling
Concept Digestive System Surgical Procedures
Concept Synovial Fluid
Concept T-Lymphocytes
Concept Thalamus
Concept Theophylline
Concept Triiodothyronine, Reverse
Concept Tuberculosis
Concept Urine
Concept User-Computer Interface
Concept Vanilmandelic Acid
Concept Viral Vaccines
Concept Restriction Mapping
Concept Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring
Concept Dinoprost
Concept Signal Transduction
Concept CD4 Antigens
Concept Immunophenotyping
Concept Tumor Suppressor Protein p53
Concept Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor
Concept Cytokines
Concept Databases, Factual
Concept Fibroblast Growth Factor 2
Concept Information Storage and Retrieval
Concept Mice, SCID
Concept Neurofibrillary Tangles
Concept DNA Primers
Concept Circoviridae Infections
Concept Cholesteatoma, Middle Ear
Concept Maternal Exposure
Concept fas Receptor
Concept Computational Biology
Concept Nitroarginine
Concept Viral Load
Concept Genetic Predisposition to Disease
Concept Epstein-Barr Virus Infections
Concept Membrane Transport Proteins
Concept Adaptor Proteins, Vesicular Transport
Concept Anthozoa
Concept Bone Density Conservation Agents
Concept Glucose Transporter Type 4
Concept Caspase 9
Concept Biophysical Phenomena
Concept Young Adult
Concept Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Academic Article Development of a high quality film duplication system using a laser digitizer: comparison with computed radiography.
Academic Article Automated selection of regions of interest for quantitative analysis of lung textures in digital chest radiographs.
Academic Article Quantitative analysis of geometric-pattern features of interstitial infiltrates in digital chest radiographs: preliminary results.
Academic Article Digital radiography. A useful clinical tool for computer-aided diagnosis by quantitative analysis of radiographic images.
Academic Article Computerized radiographic analysis of osteoporosis: preliminary evaluation.
Academic Article Artificial neural networks in mammography: application to decision making in the diagnosis of breast cancer.
Academic Article Computer-aided diagnosis for interstitial infiltrates in chest radiographs: optical-density dependence of texture measures.
Academic Article Density correction of peripheral breast tissue on digital mammograms.
Academic Article Malignant and benign clustered microcalcifications: automated feature analysis and classification.
Academic Article Effect of a computer-aided diagnosis scheme on radiologists' performance in detection of lung nodules on radiographs.
Academic Article An improved shift-invariant artificial neural network for computerized detection of clustered microcalcifications in digital mammograms.
Academic Article A genetic algorithm-based method for optimizing the performance of a computer-aided diagnosis scheme for detection of clustered microcalcifications in mammograms.
Academic Article Image feature analysis and computer-aided diagnosis in digital radiography: automated detection of pneumothorax in chest images.
Academic Article Computerized detection of clustered microcalcifications in digital mammograms: applications of artificial neural networks.
Academic Article The effect of x-ray beam alignment on the performance of antiscatter grids.
Academic Article Image feature analysis of false-positive diagnoses produced by automated detection of lung nodules.
Academic Article Computerized analysis of interstitial disease in chest radiographs: improvement of geometric-pattern feature analysis.
Academic Article Development of an improved CAD scheme for automated detection of lung nodules in digital chest images.
Academic Article Artificial neural networks in chest radiography: application to the differential diagnosis of interstitial lung disease.
Academic Article Automated computerized classification of malignant and benign masses on digitized mammograms.
Academic Article Potential usefulness of computerized nodule detection in screening programs for lung cancer.
Academic Article Automated segmentation of digitized mammograms.
Academic Article Digital chest radiography: effect of temporal subtraction images on detection accuracy.
Academic Article Computer-aided diagnosis for detection of interstitial opacities on chest radiographs.
Academic Article Improving breast cancer diagnosis with computer-aided diagnosis.
Academic Article Computerized scheme for the detection of pulmonary nodules. A nonlinear filtering technique.
Academic Article Application of temporal subtraction for detection of interval changes on chest radiographs: improvement of subtraction images using automated initial image matching.
Academic Article Computer-aided diagnosis in radiology: potential and pitfalls.
Academic Article Computer-aided diagnosis of pulmonary nodules: results of a large-scale observer test.
Academic Article Computerized analysis of the likelihood of malignancy in solitary pulmonary nodules with use of artificial neural networks.
Academic Article Optimally weighted wavelet transform based on supervised training for detection of microcalcifications in digital mammograms.
Academic Article Application of artificial neural networks for quantitative analysis of image data in chest radiographs for detection of interstitial lung disease.
Academic Article Effect of an artificial neural network on radiologists' performance in the differential diagnosis of interstitial lung disease using chest radiographs.
Academic Article Automated calculation of the centerline of the human colon on CT images.
Academic Article Computerized detection of pulmonary nodules on CT scans.
Academic Article Contralateral subtraction: a novel technique for detection of asymmetric abnormalities on digital chest radiographs.
Academic Article Iterative image warping technique for temporal subtraction of sequential chest radiographs to detect interval change.
Academic Article Detection of lung nodules on digital chest radiographs: potential usefulness of a new contralateral subtraction technique.
Academic Article Automated segmentation and visualization of the pulmonary vascular tree in spiral CT angiography: an anatomy-oriented approach based on three-dimensional image analysis.
Academic Article Evaluation of imaging properties of a laser film digitizer.
Academic Article Computerized detection of pulmonary embolism in spiral CT angiography based on volumetric image analysis.
Academic Article Computer-aided diagnosis to distinguish benign from malignant solitary pulmonary nodules on radiographs: ROC analysis of radiologists' performance--initial experience.
Academic Article Lung cancer: performance of automated lung nodule detection applied to cancers missed in a CT screening program.
Academic Article Automated lung nodule classification following automated nodule detection on CT: a serial approach.
Academic Article Massive training artificial neural network (MTANN) for reduction of false positives in computerized detection of lung nodules in low-dose computed tomography.
Academic Article Comparison of imaging properties of a computed radiography system and screen-film systems.
Academic Article Independent versus sequential reading in ROC studies of computer-assist modalities: analysis of components of variance.
Academic Article [Development of an image processing scheme for chest radiographs using a dot printer].
Academic Article Computerized scheme for determination of the likelihood measure of malignancy for pulmonary nodules on low-dose CT images.
Academic Article Investigation of new psychophysical measures for evaluation of similar images on thoracic computed tomography for distinction between benign and malignant nodules.
Academic Article Artificial neural networks (ANNs) for differential diagnosis of interstitial lung disease: results of a simulation test with actual clinical cases.
Academic Article Potential of computer-aided diagnosis to reduce variability in radiologists' interpretations of mammograms depicting microcalcifications.
Academic Article Computerized detection of masses in digital mammograms: analysis of bilateral subtraction images.
Academic Article Effect of high sensitivity in a computerized scheme for detecting extremely subtle solitary pulmonary nodules in chest radiographs: observer performance study.
Academic Article Use of an artificial neural network to determine the diagnostic value of specific clinical and radiologic parameters in the diagnosis of interstitial lung disease on chest radiographs.
Academic Article Data compression: effect on diagnostic accuracy in digital chest radiography.
Academic Article False-positive reduction in computer-aided diagnostic scheme for detecting nodules in chest radiographs by means of massive training artificial neural network.
Academic Article Radiologists' performance for differentiating benign from malignant lung nodules on high-resolution CT using computer-estimated likelihood of malignancy.
Academic Article Effect of heart-size parameters computed from digital chest radiographs on detection of cardiomegaly. Potential usefulness for computer-aided diagnosis.
Academic Article Investigation of psychophysical measure for evaluation of similar images for mammographic masses: preliminary results.
Academic Article Computer-aided diagnostic scheme for distinction between benign and malignant nodules in thoracic low-dose CT by use of massive training artificial neural network.
Academic Article Integrating PET and CT information to improve diagnostic accuracy for lung nodules: A semiautomatic computer-aided method.
Academic Article Computer-aided diagnosis for improved detection of lung nodules by use of posterior-anterior and lateral chest radiographs.
Academic Article Evaluation of automated lung nodule detection on low-dose computed tomography scans from a lung cancer screening program(1).
Academic Article Computer-aided diagnostic scheme for the detection of lung nodules on chest radiographs: localized search method based on anatomical classification.
Academic Article Experimental determination of subjective similarity for pairs of clustered microcalcifications on mammograms: observer study results.
Academic Article Improvement in radiologists' detection of clustered microcalcifications on mammograms. The potential of computer-aided diagnosis.
Academic Article Image feature analysis and computer-aided diagnosis in digital radiography: automated analysis of sizes of heart and lung in chest images.
Academic Article Evaluation of radiographs developed by a new ultrarapid film processing system.
Academic Article Computer-aided diagnosis in chest radiology.
Academic Article Low-dose computed tomography screening for lung cancer in a general population: characteristics of cancer in non-smokers versus smokers.
Academic Article Improving radiologists' recommendations with computer-aided diagnosis for management of small nodules detected by CT.
Academic Article Quantitative computerized analysis of diffuse lung disease in high-resolution computed tomography.
Academic Article Measurement of the presampling modulation transfer function of film digitizers using a curve fitting technique.
Academic Article Dynamic digital subtraction evaluation of regional pulmonary ventilation with nonradioactive xenon.
Academic Article Usefulness of computer-aided diagnosis schemes for vertebral fractures and lung nodules on chest radiographs.
Academic Article Effect of temporal subtraction images on radiologists' detection of lung cancer on CT: results of the observer performance study with use of film computed tomography images.
Academic Article Automated computerized scheme for detection of unruptured intracranial aneurysms in three-dimensional magnetic resonance angiography.
Academic Article Computer-aided diagnosis in chest radiology.
Academic Article Lung cancers missed on chest radiographs: results obtained with a commercial computer-aided detection program.
Academic Article Computer-aided diagnosis of focal liver lesions by use of physicians' subjective classification of echogenic patterns in baseline and contrast-enhanced ultrasonography.
Academic Article An investigation of radiologists' perception of lesion similarity: observations with paired breast masses on mammograms and paired lung nodules on CT images.
Academic Article Improved detection of hepatic metastases with contrast-enhanced low mechanical-index pulse inversion ultrasonography during the liver-specific phase of sonazoid: observer performance study with JAFROC analysis.
Academic Article True detection versus "accidental" detection of small lung cancer by a computer-aided detection (CAD) program on chest radiographs.
Academic Article Image feature analysis and computer-aided diagnosis in digital radiography: effect of digital parameters on the accuracy of computerized analysis of interstitial disease in digital chest radiographs.
Academic Article Computer-aided detection of peripheral lung cancers missed at CT: ROC analyses without and with localization.
Academic Article Presentation of similar images as a reference for distinction between benign and malignant masses on mammograms: analysis of initial observer study.
Academic Article Development of a computer-aided diagnostic scheme for detection of interval changes in successive whole-body bone scans.
Academic Article Analysis of intrahepatic vascular morphological changes of chronic liver disease for assessment of liver fibrosis stages by micro-flow imaging with contrast-enhanced ultrasound: preliminary experience.
Academic Article Clinical utility of temporal subtraction images in successive whole-body bone scans: evaluation in a prospective clinical study.
Academic Article Usefulness of temporal subtraction images for identification of interval changes in successive whole-body bone scans: JAFROC analysis of radiologists' performance.
Academic Article Determination of subjective similarity for pairs of masses and pairs of clustered microcalcifications on mammograms: comparison of similarity ranking scores and absolute similarity ratings.
Academic Article Computerized detection of pulmonary nodules in digital chest images: use of morphological filters in reducing false-positive detections.
Academic Article Digital imaging of the chest.
Academic Article Computer-aided diagnosis for contrast-enhanced ultrasound in the liver.
Academic Article Pulmonary nodules: computer-aided detection in digital chest images.
Academic Article Investigation of psychophysical similarity measures for selection of similar images in the diagnosis of clustered microcalcifications on mammograms.
Academic Article Image feature analysis and computer-aided diagnosis in digital radiography: classification of normal and abnormal lungs with interstitial disease in chest images.
Academic Article Computerized detection of lung nodules in thin-section CT images by use of selective enhancement filters and an automated rule-based classifier.
Academic Article Computer-aided diagnosis and artificial intelligence in clinical imaging.
Academic Article Quantitative computer-aided analysis of lung texture in chest radiographs.
Academic Article Investigation of basic imaging properties in digital radiography. 12. Effect of matrix configuration on spatial resolution.
Academic Article Quantitative evaluation of liver function with use of gadoxetate disodium-enhanced MR imaging.
Academic Article Effect of pixel size on detectability of low-contrast signals in digital radiography.
Academic Article Investigation of basic imaging properties in digital radiography. 8. Detection of simulated low-contrast objects in digital subtraction angiographic images.
Academic Article How can a massive training artificial neural network (MTANN) be trained with a small number of cases in the distinction between nodules and vessels in thoracic CT?
Academic Article The nature and subtlety of abnormal findings in chest radiographs.
Academic Article Clinical experience with an advanced laser digitizer for cost-effective digital radiography.
Academic Article Computer-aided diagnosis in thoracic CT.
Academic Article Dynamic and static phantoms for evaluation of digital subtraction angiographic systems.
Academic Article A computerized scheme for lung nodule detection in multiprojection chest radiography.
Academic Article Improved detection of subtle lung nodules by use of chest radiographs with bone suppression imaging: receiver operating characteristic analysis with and without localization.
Academic Article Image-processing technique for suppressing ribs in chest radiographs by means of massive training artificial neural network (MTANN).
Academic Article Digital chest radiography: effect on diagnostic accuracy of hard copy, conventional video, and reversed gray scale video display formats.
Academic Article Basic imaging properties of a large image intensifier-TV digital chest radiographic system.
Academic Article Evaluation of an asymmetric screen-film system for chest radiography.
Academic Article Computerized detection of clustered microcalcifications in digital mammograms using a shift-invariant artificial neural network.
Academic Article Computerized detection of masses in digital mammograms: automated alignment of breast images and its effect on bilateral-subtraction technique.
Academic Article An "intelligent" workstation for computer-aided diagnosis.
Academic Article Comparison of bilateral-subtraction and single-image processing techniques in the computerized detection of mammographic masses.
Academic Article Investigation of basic imaging properties in digital radiography. 9. Effect of displayed grey levels on signal detection.
Academic Article Investigation of basic imaging properties in digital radiography 10. Structure mottle of II-TV digital imaging systems.
Academic Article Investigation of basic imaging properties in digital radiography. 5. Characteristic curves of II-TV digital systems.
Academic Article Investigation of basic imaging properties in digital radiography. 3. Effect of pixel size on SNR and threshold contrast.
Academic Article Investigation of basic imaging properties in digital radiography. 2. Noise Wiener spectrum.
Academic Article Small lung cancers: improved detection by use of bone suppression imaging--comparison with dual-energy subtraction chest radiography.
Academic Article Detection of lung nodules in digital chest radiographs using artificial neural networks: a pilot study.
Academic Article Computer-aided detection of clustered microcalcifications on digital mammograms.
Academic Article Toward consensus on quantitative assessment of medical imaging systems.
Academic Article Reduction of false positives in computerized detection of lung nodules in chest radiographs using artificial neural networks, discriminant analysis, and a rule-based scheme.
Academic Article Image feature analysis and computer-aided diagnosis in digital radiography. 3. Automated detection of nodules in peripheral lung fields.
Academic Article Image feature analysis and computer-aided diagnosis in digital radiography: detection and characterization of interstitial lung disease in digital chest radiographs.
Academic Article Investigation of basic imaging properties in digital radiography. 7. Noise Wiener spectra of II-TV digital imaging systems.
Academic Article Evaluation of an enhanced digital film-duplication system by receiver operating characteristic analysis.
Academic Article Computer-aided detection of clustered microcalcifications: an improved method for grouping detected signals.
Academic Article Digital radiographic imaging system with multiple-slit scanning x-ray beam: preliminary report.
Academic Article Computerized detection of masses in digital mammograms: investigation of feature-analysis techniques.
Academic Article Computer-aided diagnosis in chest radiography. Preliminary experience.
Academic Article Development of a digital duplication system for portable chest radiographs.
Academic Article Digital image subtraction of temporally sequential chest images for detection of interval change.
Academic Article Computer-aided diagnosis for the classification of focal liver lesions by use of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography.
Academic Article Effect of case selection on the performance of computer-aided detection schemes.
Academic Article Determination of similarity measures for pairs of mass lesions on mammograms by use of BI-RADS lesion descriptors and image features.
Academic Article Subjective similarity of patterns of diffuse interstitial lung disease on thin-section CT: an observer performance study.
Academic Article Potential usefulness of similar images in the differential diagnosis of clustered microcalcifications on mammograms.
Academic Article Evaluation of objective similarity measures for selecting similar images of mammographic lesions.
Academic Article Investigation of basic imaging properties in digital radiography. 13. Effect of simple structured noise on the detectability of simulated stenotic lesions.
Academic Article Investigation of basic imaging properties in digital radiography. I. Modulation transfer function.
Academic Article An improved computer-assisted diagnostic scheme using wavelet transform for detecting clustered microcalcifications in digital mammograms.
Academic Article Potential usefulness of digital imaging in clinical diagnostic radiology: computer-aided diagnosis.
Academic Article Computerized detection of clustered microcalcifications: evaluation of performance on mammograms from multiple centers.
Academic Article Analysis of methods for reducing false positives in the automated detection of clustered microcalcifications in mammograms.
Academic Article Computer-aided diagnosis: development of automated schemes for quantitative analysis of radiographic images.
Academic Article Automated computerized scheme for distinction between benign and malignant solitary pulmonary nodules on chest images.
Academic Article Lung cancers missed at low-dose helical CT screening in a general population: comparison of clinical, histopathologic, and imaging findings.
Academic Article Computer-aided diagnosis in chest radiography: results of large-scale observer tests at the 1996-2001 RSNA scientific assemblies.
Academic Article Computerized scheme for automated detection of lung nodules in low-dose computed tomography images for lung cancer screening.
Academic Article Image feature analysis and computer-aided diagnosis in digital radiography: automated delineation of posterior ribs in chest images.
Academic Article Malignant versus benign nodules at CT screening for lung cancer: comparison of thin-section CT findings.
Academic Article Simulation studies of data classification by artificial neural networks: potential applications in medical imaging and decision making.
Academic Article Digital chest radiography.
Academic Article Direct comparison of conventional and computed radiography with a dual-image recording technique.
Academic Article Computer-aided diagnosis for the detection and classification of lung cancers on chest radiographs ROC analysis of radiologists' performance.
Academic Article Computerized detection of vertebral compression fractures on lateral chest radiographs: preliminary results with a tool for early detection of osteoporosis.
Academic Article Potential usefulness of an artificial neural network for differential diagnosis of interstitial lung diseases: pilot study.
Academic Article Improved detection of small lung cancers with dual-energy subtraction chest radiography.
Academic Article Observer study for evaluating potential utility of a super-high-resolution LCD in the detection of clustered microcalcifications on digital mammograms.
Academic Article Experimental design and data analysis in receiver operating characteristic studies: lessons learned from reports in radiology from 1997 to 2006.
Academic Article Investigation of basic imaging properties in digital radiography. 6. MTFs of II-TV digital imaging systems.
Academic Article Image feature analysis and computer-aided diagnosis in mammography: reduction of false-positive clustered microcalcifications using local edge-gradient analysis.
Academic Article Automatic bone segmentation technique for CT angiographic studies.
Academic Article Usefulness of presentation of similar images in the diagnosis of breast masses on mammograms: comparison of observer performances in Japan and the USA.
Academic Article Measurement of absolute flow rate in vessels using a stereoscopic DSA system.
Academic Article [How Should "Research" be on Radiological Technology?].
Academic Article Investigation of psychophysical measure for evaluation of similar images for mammographic masses: Preliminary results.
Academic Article Dorsal skin reactions of hairless dogs to topical treatment with corticosteroids.
Academic Article Effects of diets on cold tolerance and metabolic responses to cold in fasted rats.
Academic Article Extrapancreatic glucagon in the dog.
Academic Article Essential role of p53 in trophoblastic apoptosis induced in the developing rodent placenta by treatment with a DNA-damaging agent.
Academic Article Mechanisms of 5-azacytidine (5AzC)-induced toxicity in the rat foetal brain.
Academic Article [Needs of research for technologist-assisted diagnosis (TAD)].
Academic Article Improved cardiac contractile functions in hypoxia-reoxygenation in rats treated with low concentration Co(2+).
Academic Article Noise reduction by radiographic magnification.
Academic Article [Comparison of LCD and CRT monitors for detection of pulmonary nodules and interstitial lung diseases on digital chest radiographs by using receiver operating characteristic analysis].
Academic Article [Digital radiography: fundamentals and future potentials].
Academic Article Oral administration of peptides derived from bonito bowels decreases blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats by inhibiting angiotensin converting enzyme.
Academic Article Effects of hypergravity on morphology and osteopontin expression in the rat otolith organs.
Academic Article Research in Radiological Science and Technology: What is Required for Nurturing Young Investigators?
Academic Article Potential usefulness of biological fingerprints in chest radiographs for automated patient recognition and identification.
Academic Article Possible role of macrophage-derived soluble mediators in the pathogenesis of encephalomyocarditis virus-induced diabetes in mice.
Academic Article Gene expression profiling in streptozotocin treated mouse liver using DNA microarray.
Academic Article [Imaging science and technology in diagnostic radiology: expectations in the second century of Roentgen's discovery of X-rays].
Academic Article Immunohistochemical study on the deposition of apolipoprotein E in cerebral and islet amyloidoses in cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis).
Academic Article Novel compliant and tissue-permeable microporous polyurethane vascular prosthesis fabricated using an excimer laser ablation technique.
Academic Article T-2 toxin-induced apoptosis in intestinal crypt epithelial cells of mice.
Academic Article Digital image processing of dentomaxillofacial radiographs.
Academic Article Effect of geometric unsharpness upon image quality in fine-detail skeletal radiography.
Academic Article Hepatic cytochrome P450 and flavin-containing monooxygenase in male Nts:Mini rat, a transgenic rat carrying antisense RNA transgene for rat growth hormone.
Academic Article Enzyme immunoassay of free thyroxin in serum.
Academic Article [Uremic pulmonary diseases and pericarditis].
Academic Article Apoptosis in the developing mouse embryos from T-2 toxin-inoculated dams.
Academic Article [Development of a digital chest phantom for studies on energy subtraction techniques].
Academic Article Monte Carlo simulation studies of detectors used in the measurement of diagnostic x-ray spectra.
Academic Article The role of the body mass index and triglyceride levels in identifying insulin-sensitive and insulin-resistant variants in Japanese non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients.
Academic Article Vascular permeability of the stria vascularis in experimental endolymphatic hydrops.
Academic Article Different forms of dizziness occurring after cochlear implant.
Academic Article A chromosomal locus encoding a phosphoserine phosphatase- and a truncated MinD-like protein affects differentiation in Streptomyces azureus ATCC14921.
Academic Article Age-related changes of aorta in Syrian hamsters of APA strain.
Academic Article Kinetics and distribution of transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta 1 mRNA in the dorsal skin of hypotrichotic WBN/ILA-Ht rats following topical application of T-2 toxin.
Academic Article Longitudinal magnification in radiologic images of thick objects: a new concept in magnification radiography.
Academic Article Effect of film graininess and geometric unsharpness on image quality in fine-detail skeletal radiography.
Academic Article The effect of geometric and recording system unsharpness in mammography.
Academic Article Shinji Takahashi, M.D. (1912-1985): pioneer in early development toward CT and IMRT.
Academic Article Assessment of auditory and vestibular functions after vestibular neurectomy for Menière's disease.
Academic Article A new model for the investigation of pancreatic hepatocytes.
Academic Article Induction of CYP3A1 by dexamethasone and pregnenolone-16alpha-carbonitrile in pregnant rat and fetal livers and placenta.
Academic Article Impaired liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy in db/db mice.
Academic Article Encephalomyocarditis (EMC) virus-induced orchitis in Syrian hamsters.
Academic Article Cardiac and pancreatic lesions in guinea pigs infected with encephalomyocarditis (EMC) virus.
Academic Article Involvement of p53 in 1-beta-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine-induced trophoblastic cell apoptosis and impaired proliferation in rat placenta.
Academic Article Apoptosis of murine hepatocytes induced by high doses of galactosamine.
Academic Article Excessive production of nitric oxide in rat solid tumor and its implication in rapid tumor growth.
Academic Article A rare case of a glass foreign body in the parapharyngeal space: pre-operative assessment by contrast-enhanced CT and three-dimensional CT images.
Academic Article Diabetes and hypertriglyceridemia modify the mode of acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity in rats and mice.
Academic Article Application of an artificial neural network to high-resolution CT: usefulness in differential diagnosis of diffuse lung disease.
Academic Article An automated patient recognition method based on an image-matching technique using previous chest radiographs in the picture archiving and communication system environment.
Academic Article Modification of swine serum-induced bile duct lesion in BALB/c mice by cyclophosphamide.
Academic Article Physical characteristics of scattered radiation in diagnostic radiology: Monte Carlo simulation studies.
Academic Article Development of a digital image database for chest radiographs with and without a lung nodule: receiver operating characteristic analysis of radiologists' detection of pulmonary nodules.
Academic Article Investigation of misfiled cases in the PACS environment and a solution to prevent filing errors for chest radiographs.
Academic Article Improved cold tolerance and its mechanism in cold-acclimated rats by high fat diet feeding.
Academic Article Screen/film system speed: its dependence on x-ray energy.
Academic Article Induction of cytochrome P450 isozymes by phenobarbital in pregnant rat and fetal livers and placenta.
Academic Article Down regulation of epidermal growth factor receptors in rat hepatocytes treated with clofibric acid.
Academic Article Early development of encephalomyocarditis (EMC) virus-induced orchitis in Syrian hamsters.
Academic Article Role of triglyceride levels in identifying insulin resistance in nonobese type 2 diabetic Japanese patients with hypertension.
Academic Article [Preliminary clinical evaluation of computer-aided diagnosis in digital chest radiography].
Academic Article Transport of HRP through Reissner's membrane in experimental endolymphatic hydrops.
Academic Article Distortion-free diffusion tensor imaging for evaluation of lumbar nerve roots: Utility of direct coronal single-shot turbo spin-echo diffusion sequence.
Academic Article Development of early apopotosis and changes in lymphocyte subsets in lymphoid organs of mice orally inoculated with nivalenol.
Academic Article Strial dysfunction in a melanocyte deficient mutant rat (Ws/Ws rat).
Academic Article Expression of natriuretic peptide system during embryonic stem cell vasculogenesis.
Academic Article Morphological and gene expression analysis in mouse primary cultured hepatocytes exposed to streptozotocin.
Academic Article Histochemical, lectin-histochemical and morphometrical characteristics of intestinal goblet cells of germfree and conventional mice.
Academic Article Eight-year observation and comparative study of specific pathogen-free cats experimentally infected with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) subtypes A and B: terminal acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in a cat infected with FIV petaluma strain.
Academic Article Microarray analysis of genes in fetal central nervous system after ethylnitrosourea administration.
Academic Article Efficacy of continuous veno-venous haemofiltration on transpulmonary thermodilution measurements using the EV1000 system.
Academic Article Gene expression profiles of drug-metabolizing enzymes (DMEs) in rat liver during pregnancy and lactation.
Academic Article An improved computer-aided diagnosis scheme using the nearest neighbor criterion for determining histological classification of clustered microcalcifications.
Academic Article Protective effects of macrophage-derived interferon against encephalomyocarditis virus-induced diabetes mellitus in mice.
Academic Article Glutamate receptor gene family expressed in vestibular Scarpa's ganglion of rat.
Academic Article Homeostasis model assessment as a clinical index of insulin resistance. Comparison with the minimal model analysis.
Academic Article Changes of blood pressure, plasma renin activity and plasma aldosterone concentration following the infusion of Sar1-Ile8-angiotensin II in hypertensive, fluid and electrolyte disorders.
Academic Article Effect of focal spot distribution on blood vessel imaging in magnification radiography.
Academic Article GM2-gangliosidosis variant 0 (Sandhoff-like disease) in a family of Japanese domestic cats.
Academic Article Histopathological changes in the brain of mouse fetuses by etoposide-administration.
Academic Article [Intra-arterial infusion chemotherapy with docetaxel for locally advanced breast cancer and inflammatory breast cancer].
Academic Article Ultrastructure of spontaneous degenerative lesions in the tongue of DBA mice.
Academic Article [Clinical significance of electrically evoked auditory brainstem response].
Academic Article [Restored pancreatic B cell function at the state of remission of juvenile diabetes].
Academic Article Plasma triglycerides and free fatty acids following fat load in Ainu.
Academic Article Highly silver ion selective fluorescence ionophore: fluorescent properties of polythiazaalkane derivatives bearing 8-(7-hydroxy-4-methyl)coumarinyl moiety in aqueous solution and in liquid-liquid extraction systems.
Academic Article Etoposide induces G2/M arrest and apoptosis in neural progenitor cells via DNA damage and an ATM/p53-related pathway.
Academic Article Comparison of two methods for accurate measurement of modulation transfer functions of screen-film systems.
Academic Article Encephalomyocarditis (EMC) virus-induced sialodacryoadenitis in mice.
Academic Article Microarray analysis on CYPs expression in pregnant rats after treatment with pregnenolone-16alpha-carbonitrile and phenobarbital.
Academic Article Abnormal neuronal and glial argyrophilic fibrillary structures in the brain of an aged albino cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis).
Academic Article Aortic atheromatous lesions developed in APA hamsters with streptozotocin induced diabetes: a new animal model for diabetic atherosclerosis. 1. Histopathological studies.
Academic Article Application of longitudinal magnification effect to magnification stereoscopic angiography: a new method of cerebral angiography.
Academic Article Image quality in mammography.
Academic Article Susceptibility of four species of small rodents to encephalomyocarditis (EMC) virus infection.
Academic Article Reduced hyperglycemic action of glucagon in cold-acclimated rats, especially in venous drainage from brown adipose tissue.
Academic Article Validity of computer simulation of blood vessel imaging in angiography.
Academic Article Histochemical study on the bile duct system of normal rats.
Academic Article Histochemical study on the bile duct system of normal Mongolian gerbils.
Academic Article [Efficacy of local ablation therapy for liver metastasis from colorectal cancer--radiofrequency ablation and microwave coagulation therapy].
Academic Article Determination of radiographic screen-film system characteristic curve and its gradient by use of a curve-smoothing technique.
Academic Article [Experience with 2 cases of traumatic diaphragmatic hernia occurred at the same time].
Academic Article Experimental encephalomyocarditis virus infection in small laboratory rodents.
Academic Article Existence of an enzymatic pathway furnishing arachidonic acid for prostaglandin synthesis from arachidonoyl CoA in rabbit kidney medulla.
Academic Article Therapeutic effect of adriamycin encapsulated in long-circulating liposomes on Meth-A-sarcoma-bearing mice.
Academic Article Multicentric astrocytomas of the optic chiasm, brain stem and spinal cord.
Academic Article Automated tracking and computer reproduction of vessels in DSA images.
Academic Article Effects of all-trans-retinoic acid on the dorsal skin of hairless dogs.
Academic Article Relation between distribution of viral RNA and development of histopathological changes in encephalomyocarditis virus-induced orchitis in mice.
Academic Article Nitrofurazone-induced gene expressions in rat hepatocytes and their modification by N-acetylcysteine.
Academic Article Changes in histology and expression of cytokines and chemokines in the rat lung following exposure to ovalbumin.
Academic Article TCR beta-independent development of CD4+ CD8+ thymocytes observed in a strain of scid mice.
Academic Article Morphological and morphometrical study on the dorsal skin of Wistar and WBN/ILA-Ht rats in their developing stage. Evaluation of the proliferation and apoptotic processes.
Academic Article Involvement of macrophages in the development of encephalomyocarditis (EMC) virus-induced diabetes in mice.
Academic Article T-2 toxin-induced apoptosis in lymphoid organs of mice.
Academic Article Enhanced vascularization in a microporous polyurethane graft impregnated with basic fibroblast growth factor and heparin.
Academic Article Pathology of sialodacryoadenitis virus infection in newborn mice.
Academic Article Usefulness of an artificial neural network for differentiating benign from malignant pulmonary nodules on high-resolution CT: evaluation with receiver operating characteristic analysis.
Academic Article Expression of Btcl2, a novel member of Btcl gene family, during development of the central nervous system.
Academic Article The age-related difference in bone changes in rats induced by recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.
Academic Article The effect of radiographic magnification on blood vessel imaging with various screen-film systems.
Academic Article Hypertension and insulin resistance: role of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma.
Academic Article Electron microscopic findings of panarteritis in mesenteric artery of spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Academic Article Experimental encephalomyocarditis virus infection in pregnant mice.
Academic Article Limb allotransplantation in rats: combined immunosuppression by FK-506 and 15-deoxyspergualin.
Academic Article Physical and clinical evaluation of new high-strip-density radiographic grids.
Academic Article [Experimental study on diabetes and pregnancy: with special reference to the effects of insulin treatment on fetuses of diabetic dams].
Academic Article New members of uncoupling protein family implicated in energy metabolism.
Academic Article Impairment of EDR by a long-term PDGF treatment in organ-cultured rabbit mesenteric artery.
Academic Article The development of bone changes induced in rats by recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor is suppressed by bisphosphonate.
Academic Article Hepatic fibrosis produced in rats by repeated intraperitoneal injections of swine serum.
Academic Article Clinical and histopathological findings in pustular psoriaform dermatitis (pityriasis rosea) in pigs.
Academic Article Morphology of pancreatic tissue-containing accessory spleen in an APA hamster.
Academic Article Investigation of energy responses of germanium detectors and correction of measured spectra by means of Monte Carlo simulation.
Academic Article Mouse strain difference in bile duct lesions induced by swine serum injections.
Academic Article Dual-film cassette technique for studying the effect of radiographic image quality on diagnostic accuracy.
Academic Article Down regulation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptorgamma expression by inflammatory cytokines and its reversal by thiazolidinediones.
Academic Article Increased pericardial fluid concentrations of the mature form of adrenomedullin in patients with cardiac remodelling.
Academic Article [Labyrinthine fistulas in cholesteatoma].
Academic Article Thymic granulomatous lesions in pigs.
Academic Article Haematological and serum biochemical values in hairless and haired descendants of Mexican hairless dogs.
Academic Article Rapid induction of atherosclerosis in rabbits.
Academic Article Relative efficiencies of energy to photographic density conversions in typical screen-film systems.
Academic Article Comparison of typical evaluation methods for computer-aided diagnostic schemes: Monte Carlo simulation study.
Academic Article Chemically humanized murine monoclonal antibody against a cell nuclear antigen: usefulness in autoimmune diagnostics.
Academic Article Analysis of recorded image noise in nuclear medicine.
Academic Article Repair process of fetal brain after 5-azacytidine-induced damage.
Academic Article Rapid induction of glomerular lipidosis in APA hamsters by streptozotocin.
Academic Article Ca2+ increase and pH decrease induced by hypochlorous acid in single quiescent myocytes isolated from rat ventricles.
Academic Article Evaluation of absorbed dose in mammography: monte carlo simulation studies.
Academic Article Radiologic-pathologic correlation of intraosseous lipomas.
Academic Article Time-course expression profiles of hair cycle-associated genes in male mini rats after depilation of telogen-phase hairs.
Academic Article Immunosuppressive effect of 15-deoxyspergualin applied to peripheral nerve allotransplantation in the rat.
Academic Article [Usefulness of temporal subtraction images of chest computed radiography for detection of metastatic pulmonary nodules].
Academic Article Fine structure of epithelial cells of Lieberkühn's crypts in feline panleukopenia.
Academic Article [Tympanoplasty in cholesteatoma otitis media with normal hearing].
Academic Article Expression of epidermal growth factor receptor protein in the liver of db/db mice after partial hepatectomy.
Academic Article Picryl chloride-induced allergic dermatitis in IQI/Jic female mice.
Academic Article Glycolysis vs. respiration as ATP source for the shape of quiescent cardiomyocytes.
Academic Article Comparison of AAPM Addendum to TG-51, IAEA TRS-398, and JSMP 12: Calibration of photon beams in water.
Academic Article Inhibition of rho-associated kinase results in suppression of neointimal formation of balloon-injured arteries.
Academic Article Effects of cardioplegic reperfusion on ATP recovery of rod-shaped myocytes isolated from rat ventricles.
Academic Article Altered gene expression of uncoupling protein-2 and -3 in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Academic Article Restitutive response of Mini rat liver to injury induced by a single oral administration of thioacetamide.
Academic Article Hepatic changes of mice in the subacute phase of streptozotocin (SZ)-induced diabetes.
Academic Article Impregnation of basic fibroblast growth factor on a microporous small caliber graft enhances vascularization.
Academic Article MSG5, a novel protein phosphatase promotes adaptation to pheromone response in S. cerevisiae.
Academic Article Peritoneal macrophages play an important role in eliminating human cells from severe combined immunodeficient mice transplanted with human peripheral blood lymphocytes.
Academic Article Intermittent hepatic pedicle clamping reduces liver and lung injury.
Academic Article Immunohistochemical characteristics of the constituents of senile plaques and amyloid angiopathy in aged cynomolgus monkeys.
Academic Article Investigation of errors by radiological technologists and evaluation of preventive measures: general and mobile X-ray examinations.
Academic Article Prolonged oval cell proliferation with Ito cell activation and extracellular matrix accumulation in galactosamine-induced acute hepatitis in mini rats.
Academic Article Age-related changes in the localization of presenilin-1 in cynomolgus monkey brain.
Academic Article Brain lesions induced by hypertonic saline in mice: dose and injection route and incidence of lesions.
Academic Article A new microporous polyurethane vascular graft prepared by an excimer laser ablation technique.
Academic Article Two cases of feline malignant craniopharyngioma.
Academic Article Dorsal skin reactions to sunlight and artificial ultraviolet light in hairless descendants of Mexican hairless dogs.
Academic Article Selective enhancement filters for nodules, vessels, and airway walls in two- and three-dimensional CT scans.
Academic Article Histopathological characteristics of Ito cells and Kupffer cells in the feline liver.
Academic Article Negative correlation between bone mineral density and TSH receptor antibodies in male patients with untreated Graves' disease.
Academic Article Insulin sensitivity, insulin secretion, and glucose effectiveness in obese subjects: a minimal model analysis.
Academic Article Improved detection of lung nodules by using a temporal subtraction technique.
Academic Article Histopathology of BALB/c mice infected with the D variant of encephalomyocarditis virus.
Academic Article Ultra-high-strip-density radiographic grids: a new antiscatter technique for mammography.
Academic Article Effects of interleukin-2 on active hepatitis in athymic nude mice due to low-virulence mouse hepatitis virus.
Academic Article Reply to 'Importance of internal noise in models of observer performance'.
Academic Article NMDA-induced apoptosis in the developing rat brain.
Academic Article Age-related changes in the regional variations in the number and subsets of intraepithelial lymphocytes in mouse small intestine.
Academic Article Sessile adenoma of the gallbladder. Reappraisal of its importance as a precancerous lesion.
Academic Article Rapid development of renal lesions in diabetic DBA mice infected with the D-variant of encephalomyocarditis virus (EMC-D).
Academic Article Placental and milk transmission of trichothecene mycotoxins, nivalenol and fusarenon-X, in mice.
Academic Article Biliary epithelial abnormality induced in mice by repeated intraperitoneal injections of swine serum.
Academic Article Computer-aided diagnosis in medical imaging: historical review, current status and future potential.
Academic Article Age-related changes in susceptibility of rat brain slice cultures including hippocampus to encephalomyocarditis virus.
Academic Article Time and cost involved in the care of newly registered patients with diabetes mellitus and other lifestyle diseases at diabetes clinics in Japan (JDDM 4).
Academic Article Ethylnitrosourea (ENU)-induced apoptosis in the rat fetal tissues.
Academic Article Computer-aided diagnostic scheme for lung nodule detection in digital chest radiographs by use of a multiple-template matching technique.
Academic Article [A promising new treatment strategy for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma--"multi-ablation therapy" consisting of radio-frequency ablation (RFA), microwave coagulation therapy (MCT) and ethanol injection therapy (EIT)].
Academic Article [Good response in case of hepatocellular carcinoma with portal tumor thrombs--a case report of interdisciplinary local therapy].
Academic Article [Complete response (CR) in a case of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma by percutaneous multi-ablation therapy].
Academic Article Detection of porcine circovirus 2 (PCV-2) DNA by nested PCR from formalin-fixed tissues of post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) pigs in Thailand.
Academic Article Digital radiography of subtle pulmonary abnormalities: an ROC study of the effect of pixel size on observer performance.
Academic Article A case of renal oxalosis in a 3-month-old cat raised under controlled conditions.
Academic Article T-2 toxin-induced apoptosis in rat keratinocyte primary cultures.
Academic Article In vivo lipolytic effect of glucagon in warm-adapted and cold-adapted rats.
Academic Article The validity of Monte Carlo simulation in studies of scattered radiation in diagnostic radiology.
Academic Article Computer-aided detection of diffuse liver disease in ultrasound images.
Academic Article Integration of temporal subtraction and nodule detection system for digital chest radiographs into picture archiving and communication system (PACS): four-year experience.
Academic Article Early ultrastructural changes of aorta in rats loaded with vitamin D2 and cholesterol.
Academic Article Sporulation-inhibitory gene in pock-forming plasmid pSA1.1 of Streptomyces azureus.
Academic Article Tc-99m PMT whole-body scintigraphy for evaluated of therapeutic effect and for monitoring bone metastasis in a patient with hepatocellular carcinoma.
Academic Article Effects of double UVB-irradiations with different intervals on the dorsal skin of wistar-derived hypotrichotic WBN/ILA-Ht rats.
Academic Article Ultrastructural study on the follicle-associated epithelium of nasal-associated lymphoid tissue in specific pathogen-free (SPF) and conventional environment-adapted (SPF-CV) rats.
Academic Article cGMP-dependent protein kinase phosphorylates and inactivates RhoA.
Academic Article SCID-bg mice as xenograft recipients.
Academic Article Differential expression of two distinct forms of mRNA encoding members of a dipeptidyl aminopeptidase family.
Academic Article Unilateral optical nerve hypoplasia in a Beagle dog.
Academic Article [Development of an automated patient-recognition method for digital chest radiographs using edge-enhanced images].
Academic Article Enhanced engraftment of human peripheral blood lymphocytes into anti-murine interferon-gamma monoclonal antibody-treated C.B.-17-scid mice.
Academic Article Improved detection of lung cancer arising in diffuse lung diseases on chest radiographs using temporal subtraction.
Academic Article Correlation of mast cells with spindle cell hyperplasia in the adrenal cortex of IQI/Jic mice.
Academic Article Process of the development of T-2 toxin-induced apoptosis in the lymphoid organs of mice.
Academic Article Comparative study on picryl chloride (PCL)-induced contact dermatitis in female IQI/Jic and BALB/c mice.
Academic Article An age-related change in susceptibility of rat brain to encephalomyocarditis virus infection.
Academic Article Intravenous glucose tolerance test-derived glucose effectiveness in bulimia nervosa.
Academic Article Investigation of basic imaging properties in digital radiography. 11. Multiple slit-beam imaging technique with image intensifier-TV digital system.
Academic Article BASH, a novel signaling molecule preferentially expressed in B cells of the bursa of Fabricius.
Academic Article Absolute speeds of screen-film systems and their absorbed-energy constants.
Academic Article Gene encoding a replication initiator protein and replication origin of conjugative plasmid pSA1.1 of Streptomyces cyaneus ATCC 14921.
Academic Article A rare case of patent ductus arteriosus in a dog with glomerular mesangiolysis.
Academic Article Localization of inter-rib spaces for lung texture analysis and computer-aided diagnosis in digital chest images.
Academic Article [A case of carcinomatous sensory neuropathy associated with laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma].
Academic Article Effect of temporal subtraction technique on interpretation time and diagnostic accuracy of chest radiography.
Academic Article Expression of glutamate receptors in the cochlea of the normal and kanamycin-deaf rats.
Academic Article Automated adjustment of display conditions in brain MR images: diffusion-weighted MRIs and apparent diffusion coefficient maps for hyperacute ischemic stroke.
Academic Article Pathology of experimental erysipelothrix insidiosa infection in rats.
Academic Article Reevaluation of measurement of serum free thyroxine by equilibrium dialysis based on computational analysis of the interaction between thyroxine and its binding proteins.
Academic Article 5-Azacytidine (5AzC)-induced histopathological changes in the central nervous system of rat fetuses.
Academic Article Overview on research and development of computer-aided diagnostic schemes.
Academic Article Three novel connexin26 gene mutations in autosomal recessive non-syndromic deafness.
Academic Article Mechanisms of mycotoxin-induced neurotoxicity through oxidative stress-associated pathways.
Academic Article Three-dimensional and fractal analyses of assemblies of amyloid beta protein subtypes [Abeta40 and Abeta42(43)] in canine senile plaques.
Academic Article Electron microscopic findings of vitamin D2-induced glomerular lesions in rats.
Academic Article [ICRU Activities in Medical Imaging Field].
Academic Article Induction of haem oxygenase-1 nitric oxide and ischaemia in experimental solid tumours and implications for tumour growth.
Academic Article Electron microscopic findings of experimental atheromatous lesions in rats.
Academic Article Factors influencing the incidence and severity of swine-serum-induced bile duct lesion in mice.
Academic Article Effects of bezafibrate on insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion in non-obese Japanese type 2 diabetic patients.
Academic Article Effects of prenatal hydroxyurea-treatment on mouse offspring.
Academic Article Gene expression profiles in the fetal mouse brain after etoposide (VP-16) administration.
Academic Article Molecular mechanisms of hydroxyurea(HU)-induced apoptosis in the mouse fetal brain.
Academic Article Hepatic Myelolipoma with systemic amyloidosis in a goose (Anser cygnoides domesticus).
Academic Article Factorial study of achievement related motives.
Academic Article Experimental encephalomyocarditis virus infection in Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus).
Academic Article Detection of liver fibrosis with magnetic cross-relaxation.
Academic Article [Radiological Physics and Technology (RPT): Current Status and Its Future].
Academic Article Red swamp crawfish (Procambarus clarkii): an alternative experimental host in the study of white spot syndrome virus.
Academic Article Mineralocorticoid type I receptor in the rat cochlea: mRNA identification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and in situ hybridization.
Academic Article Role of glucagon in metabolic acclimation to cold and heat.
Academic Article Significance of auditory evoked responses (EABR and P300) in cochlear implant subjects.
Academic Article Preretinal arteriolar loops in rats.
Academic Article Depletion of Mac1-positive macrophages protects DBA/2 mice from encephalomyocarditis virus-induced myocarditis and diabetes.
Academic Article Photochemically induced colonic ischaemic lesions: a new model of ischaemic colitis in rats.
Academic Article Current status and future potential of computer-aided diagnosis in medical imaging.
Academic Article [Case of hepatocellular carcinoma due to interferon therapy of chronic hepatitis C].
Academic Article Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression in human coronary atherosclerotic lesions: possible pathophysiological significance of VEGF in progression of atherosclerosis.
Academic Article [ROC analysis of detection of interval changes in interstitial lung diseases on digital chest radiographs using the temporal subtraction technique].
Academic Article Effects of fructose-induced hypertriglyceridemia on hepatorenal toxicity of acetaminophen in rats. II. Role of enhancement of fructose metabolism and overproduction of triglyceride in the liver and kidney on hepatorenal toxicity of acetaminophen.
Academic Article Ultrastructural changes in aortic arch of spontaneously hypertensive rats loaded with cholesterol and vitamin D2.
Academic Article [Quantitative assessment of 201Tl-SPECT in tumors of bone and soft tissue].
Academic Article Computer-aided diagnosis scheme for identifying histological classification of clustered microcalcifications by use of follow-up magnification mammograms.
Academic Article Ethylnitrosourea induces apoptosis and growth arrest in the trophoblastic cells of rat placenta.
Academic Article Effect of combined application of bFGF and inorganic polyphosphate on bioactivities of osteoblasts and initial bone regeneration.
Academic Article Early death of mice cloned from somatic cells.
Academic Article Diurnal changes in intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) in the small intestine of mice.
Academic Article Optical versus radiographic magnification for fine-detail skeletal radiography.
Academic Article Evaluation of the Effect of Tumor Position on Standardized Uptake Value Using Time-of-Flight Reconstruction and Point Spread Function.
Academic Article The determination of glial fibrillary acidic protein for the diagnosis and histogenetic study of central nervous system tumors: a study of 152 cases.
Academic Article [A trial for neoadjuvant chemotherapy of transarterial infusion of docetaxel in locally advanced breast cancer].
Academic Article [Surgical treatment of ruptured aneurysm of the sinus Valsalva].
Academic Article Analysis of serotype-specific antibodies to Trichosporon cutaneum types I and II in patients with summer-type hypersensitivity pneumonitis with monoclonal antibodies to serotype-related polysaccharide antigens.
Academic Article Oxidized LDL regulates vascular endothelial growth factor expression in human macrophages and endothelial cells through activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma.
Academic Article Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.
Academic Article Enhanced initial bone regeneration with inorganic polyphosphate-adsorbed hydroxyapatite.
Academic Article Computerized image-searching method for finding correct patients for misfiled chest radiographs in a PACS server by use of biological fingerprints.
Academic Article Development of a novel method for manipulation of angiographic images by use of a motion sensor in operating rooms.
Academic Article Residues of aflatoxins in the liver, muscle and eggs of domestic fowls.
Academic Article [Development of a computerized method for identifying view position and orientation for chest radiographs by using a template matching technique].
Academic Article Usefulness of texture analysis for computerized classification of breast lesions on mammograms.
Academic Article [Evaluation of the potential benefit of computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) for lung cancer screenings using photofluorography: analysis of an observer study].
Academic Article Rap1 is involved in cell stretching modulation of p38 but not ERK or JNK MAP kinase.
Academic Article Lectinhistochemical study on normal and paratuberculosis-affected bovine ileum.
Academic Article Histopathology of feline panleukopenia in domestic cats.
Academic Article [Emergency surgical salvage for a closing aortic dissection: 2 case reports].
Academic Article Clinical analysis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy which evolved into dilated phase during long-term follow-up.
Academic Article A case of canine primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET).
Academic Article Immunopathological study on the development of swine serum-induced bile duct lesions in BALB/c and DBA/2 mice.
Academic Article Morphology of feline kidney culture cells infected with feline panleukopenia virus.
Academic Article [Report on the 88th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America: development of an image processing scheme for chest radiographs by using a dot printer].
Academic Article Electrocardiographical findings of WBN/Kob rats.
Academic Article Dermatotoxicity of agricultural chemicals in the dorsal skin of hairless dogs.
Academic Article Biochemical studies on rats with insulin-secreting islet cell tumors induced by streptozotocin: with special reference to physiological response to oral glucose load in the course of and after tumor induction.
Academic Article Kinetics of apoptosis-related genes mRNA expression in the dorsal skin of hypotrichotic WBN/ILA-ht rats after topical application of T-2 toxin.
Academic Article A report from the 2013 international symposium: the evaluation of the effects of low-dose radiation exposure in the life span study of atomic bomb survivors and other similar studies.
Academic Article Age-related changes in susceptibility of mice to low-virulent mouse hepatitis virus (MHV-2-CC) infection.
Academic Article Alteration of antioxidants during the progression of heart disease in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.
Academic Article Analysis of PrPc mRNA by in situ hybridization in brain, placenta, uterus and testis of rats.
Academic Article Automated hepatic volumetry for living related liver transplantation at multisection CT.
Academic Article Image feature analysis for computer-aided diagnosis: detection of right and left hemidiaphragm edges and delineation of lung field in chest radiographs.
Academic Article Apoptosis in feline panleukopenia virus-infected lymphocytes.
Academic Article Ultrastructure of spontaneous cardiac calcification in DBA/2NCrj mice.
Academic Article Effects of simultaneous cholesterol loading upon vitamin D toxicosis in dogs.
Academic Article Regional variations in the distributions of small intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes in germ-free and specific pathogen-free mice.
Academic Article Variation in serum creatine phosphokinase activity as indicated in two-phase EMC-D virus-induced myocarditis.
Academic Article Age-related histochemical and ultrastructural changes in renal glomerular mesangium of APA hamsters.
Academic Article Message from the Editor-in-Chief and Deputy Editors.
Academic Article [Clinical evaluation of Azasetron Hydrochloride: a new selective 5-HT3 receptor antagonist--antiemetic profile and plasma concentration in transcatheter arterial chemoembolization using CDDP for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma].
Academic Article [Predictive factors for speech perception in patients with cochlear implant].
Academic Article Expression and identification of the feline herpesvirus type 1 glycoprotein B (gp143/108).
Academic Article Ultrastructure of the dorsal skins of hairless descendants derived from Mexican hairless dogs.
Academic Article Effects of fructose-induced hypertriglyceridemia on hepatorenal toxicity of acetaminophen in rats: role of pharmacokinetics and metabolism of acetaminophen.
Academic Article Morphologic changes in hepatocyte nuclei of streptozotocin (SZ)-induced diabetic mice.
Academic Article Galactosamine-induced apoptosis in the primary mouse hepatocyte cultures.
Academic Article Sequencing by hybridization in the presence of hybridization errors.
Academic Article A comparative study of age-related brain pathology--are neurodegenerative diseases present in nonhuman animals ?
Academic Article A simple method for determining the modulation transfer function in digital radiography.
Academic Article [Aldosterone radioimmunoassay kit without the use of chromatography].
Academic Article [Simultaneous measurements of free thyroxine and triiodothyronine fractions in human serum by means of equilibrium dialysis (author's transl)].
Academic Article Articular lesions in experimental Erysipelothrix insidiosa infection in rats.
Academic Article New device for accurate measurement of the x-ray intensity distribution of x-ray tube focal spots.
Academic Article Energy and angular dependence of x-ray absorption and its effect on radiographic response in screen--film systems.
Academic Article Secondary erythrocytosis associated with schwannoma in a dog.
Academic Article Insulin-sensitive and insulin-resistant variants in nonobese Japanese type 2 diabetic patients. The role of triglycerides in insulin resistance.
Academic Article The influence of thyroxine on the serum free triiodothyronine concentration.
Academic Article [Philosophy and guide for achieving successful academic research].
Academic Article In vivo 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy for evaluation of testicular function in cryptorchid rats.
Academic Article Immunohistochemical study on type II collagen-induced arthritis in DBA/1J mice.
Academic Article [Statistical analysis of recovery from sudden deafness among treatment groups].
Academic Article Morphological and Biochemical Changes During Aging and Photoaging of the Skin of C57BL/6J Mice.
Academic Article Computer-aided nodule detection on digital chest radiography: validation test on consecutive T1 cases of resectable lung cancer.
Academic Article Efficacy of hydroquinone in the treatment of cutaneous hyperpigmentation in hairless descendants of Mexican hairless dogs (Xoloitzcuintli).
Academic Article [Quantitative evaluation of low contrast detectability in a brain computed tomography: investigation for the effect of window width on recognition of hyperacute ischemic stroke].
Academic Article Contrast enhancement of noisy images by windowing: limitations due to the finite dynamic range of the display system.
Academic Article Diagnostic imaging over the last 50 years: research and development in medical imaging science and technology.
Academic Article Effects of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) on bleomycin-induced lung injury of varying severity.
Academic Article Gene expression profiles in pregnant rats treated with T-2 toxin.
Academic Article Kinetics of cytokines mRnas expression in the dorsal skin of WBN/ILA-Ht rats following topical application of T-2 toxin.
Academic Article Evaluation of video-printer images as secondary CT images for clinical use.
Academic Article Prevalence of autoantibody in cerebrospinal fluids from dogs with various CNS diseases.
Academic Article Impaired proliferation of non-parenchymal cells participates in an impairment of liver regeneration in db/db mice.
Academic Article Early ultrastructural changes in the biliary epithelial cells of BALB/c and DDY mice immunized with swine serum.
Academic Article Investigation of basic imaging properties in digital radiography. 4. Effect of unsharp masking on the detectability of simple patterns.
Academic Article Validity of the MTF of magnification radiography.
Academic Article A new enzymatic method for the determination of sialic acid in serum and its application for a marker of acute phase reactants.
Academic Article Plant regeneration of eucalypts from rotating nodule cultures.
Academic Article Diffusion coefficient for O2 in plasma and mitochondrial membranes of rat cardiomyocytes.
Academic Article Role of endocrine pancreas in temperature acclimation.
Academic Article Kurt Rossmann, Ph.D. (1926-1976): pioneer in image quality evaluation and radiologic imaging research.
Academic Article Oxidative stress augments secretion of endothelium-derived relaxing peptides, C-type natriuretic peptide and adrenomedullin.
Academic Article [Computer-aided diagnosis of interstitial lung diseases].
Academic Article Cerebellar myxoid type meningioma in a Shih Tzu dog.
Academic Article Kinetics of transforming growth factor-beta1 and extracellular matrix in renal tubulointerstitial lesions of mercuric chloride-treated Brown Norway rats.
Academic Article Digital mammography. ROC studies of the effects of pixel size and unsharp-mask filtering on the detection of subtle microcalcifications.
Academic Article Image feature analysis and computer-aided diagnosis in digital radiography. 2. Computerized determination of vessel sizes in digital subtraction angiography.
Academic Article Regional variations in the distributions of small intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) in BALB/c +/+, nu/+, and nu/nu mice.
Academic Article Overexpression of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae MET17/MET25 gene in Escherichia coli and comparative characterization of the product with O-acetylserine.O-acetylhomoserine sulfhydrylase of the yeast.
Academic Article Effect of physical training on insulin sensitivity in Japanese type 2 diabetic patients: role of serum triglyceride levels.
Academic Article Nitrofurazone induces non-regenerative hepatocyte proliferation in rats.
Academic Article Nivalenol--induced apoptosis in thymus, spleen and Peyer's patches of mice.
Academic Article Ultrastructural changes in the dorsal skin of Wistar-derived hypotrichotic WBN/ILA-Ht rats exposed to subchronic ultraviolet B (UVB)-irradiation.
Academic Article Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor exacerbates the acute lung injury and pulmonary fibrosis induced by intratracheal administration of bleomycin in rats.
Academic Article Cervical chondroid chordoma in a Shetland sheep dog.
Academic Article Hydroxyurea (HU)-induced apoptosis in the mouse fetal tissues.
Academic Article Mechanisms of Mycotoxin-induced Dermal Toxicity and Tumorigenesis Through Oxidative Stress-related Pathways.
Academic Article Seasonal variation of plasma glucagon concentrations in men.
Academic Article Ultrastructure of spontaneous glomerular lesions in syrian hamsters of APA strain.
Academic Article Lectin histochemical changes of colon goblet cell mucin in rabbit mucoid enteropathy.
Academic Article [Drug induced hepatitis following sevoflurane anesthesia in a child].
Academic Article Adenovirus-mediated gene transfer of C-type natriuretic peptide causes G1 growth inhibition of cultured vascular smooth muscle cells.
Academic Article The effect of fasting on hepatic lipid accumulation and transcriptional regulation of lipid metabolism differs between C57BL/6J and BALB/cA mice fed a high-fat diet.
Academic Article Distribution of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) in the developing rat brain.
Academic Article Differentiation of common large sellar-suprasellar masses effect of artificial neural network on radiologists' diagnosis performance.
Academic Article Amyloid deposits in the gastrointestinal tract of aging dogs.
Academic Article The role of CD4(+) T cells in biphasic hind limb paralysis induced by the D variant of encephalomyocarditis virus (EMC-D) in DBA/2 mice.
Academic Article Computer-aided diagnosis scheme for histological classification of clustered microcalcifications on magnification mammograms.
Academic Article Whole sequence of spoIIIE-like, sporulation-inhibitory, and transfer gene (spi) in a conjugative plasmid, pSA1.1, of Streptomyces azureus and detection of spi-like gene in the actinomycete chromosome.
Academic Article Murine coronavirus-induced subacute fatal peritonitis in C57BL/6 mice deficient in gamma interferon.
Academic Article Systemic inflammatory response syndrome and organ dysfunction following gastrointestinal surgery.
Academic Article Charles Edgar Metz, Ph.D. (1942-2012): pioneer in receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis.
Academic Article Performance of antiscatter grids in diagnostic radiology: experimental measurements and Monte Carlo simulation studies.
Academic Article Electron microscopic findings on epithelial cells of Lieberkühn's crypts in canine parvovirus infection.
Academic Article Computer-aided diagnosis in chest radiography.
Academic Article Monte Carlo simulation studies of backscatter factors in mammography.
Academic Article Effect of crossover exposure on radiographic image quality of screen-film systems.
Academic Article Ion-induced gamma-ray detection of fast ions escaping from fusion plasmas.
Academic Article Elemental analysis of hair among hydrofluoric acid exposed workers.
Academic Article Glomerular lipidosis in a Syrian hamster of the APA strain.
Academic Article PTHrP and PTH/PTHrP receptor 1 expression in odontogenic cells of normal and HHM model rat incisors.
Academic Article Proliferative changes in the adrenal medulla of aged Chinese native pigs.
Academic Article Apoptotic cell death and cell proliferative activity in the rat fetal central nervous system from dams administered with ethylnitrosourea (ENU).
Academic Article Analysis of prion protein mRNA by in situ hybridization in brain and placenta of sheep.
Academic Article The susceptibility of pregnant mice to encephalomyocarditis (EMC) virus infection on different days of gestation.
Academic Article The fates of trichothecene mycotoxins, nivalenol and fusarenon-X, in mice.
Academic Article Assessment of insulin sensitivity: comparison between simplified evaluations and minimal model analysis.
Academic Article Lectin histochemical study on the kidney of normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic hamsters.
Academic Article Digital image processing of periapical radiographs.
Academic Article Digital image processing: effect on detectability of simulated low-contrast radiographic patterns.
Academic Article Histopathology of spontaneous intimal thickening in the aorta of dogs.
Academic Article Microarray analysis of T-2 toxin-induced liver, placenta and fetal liver lesions in pregnant rats.
Academic Article Apoptosis in the aged dog brain.
Academic Article Histopathology of subacute renal lesions in mice induced by streptozotocin.
Academic Article Decreased glucose effectiveness but not insulin resistance in glucose-tolerant offspring of Japanese non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients: a minimal-model analysis.
Academic Article Optical image processing with liquid-crystal display for image intensifier/television systems.
Academic Article Heart lesions and electrocardiographic changes in DBA/2 and BALB/c mice.
Academic Article Age-related changes in the dorsal skin histology in Mini and Wistar rats.
Academic Article Recovery process of arthritis induced by 6-sulfanilamidoindazole (6SAI) in rats.
Academic Article Disseminated atypical mycobacteriosis.
Academic Article Computerized detection of diffuse lung disease in MDCT: the usefulness of statistical texture features.
Academic Article Effects of pregnancy on CYPs protein expression in rat liver.
Academic Article Acute infection of encephalomyocarditis (EMC) virus in Syrian hamsters.
Academic Article Transmissibility of the D variant of encephalomyocarditis virus (EMC-D) in mice.
Academic Article Acute dorsal skin responses to UVB-irradiation in Wistar-derived hypotrichotic WBN/ILA-Ht rats.
Academic Article Carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver injury in Mini and Wistar rats.
Academic Article Immunohistochemical detection of beta-amyloid and beta-amyloid precursor protein in the canine brain and non-neuronal epithelial tissues.
Academic Article Effects of adrenalectomy and thyroidectomy on in vivo action of glucagon in brown adipose tissue.
Academic Article Age-related changes in skin color and histologic features of hairless descendants of Mexican hairless dogs.
Academic Article Application of radiographic magnification technique with an ultra-high-speed rare-earth screen/film system to oral cholecystography.
Academic Article Development of an image operation system with a motion sensor in dental radiology.
Academic Article Accurate analysis of blood vessel sizes and stenotic lesions using stereoscopic DSA system.
Academic Article Some properties of photon scattering in water phantoms in diagnostic radiology.
Academic Article Evaluation of cassette performance: physical factors affecting patient exposure and image contrast.
Academic Article Cats are protected against feline immunodeficiency virus infection following vaccination with a homologous AP-1 binding site-deleted mutant.
Academic Article Opposite regulation of Gax homeobox expression by angiotensin II and C-type natriuretic peptide.
Academic Article Electrically evoked auditory brainstem response.
Academic Article Increased adipose expression of the uncoupling protein-3 gene by thiazolidinediones in Wistar fatty rats and in cultured adipocytes.
Academic Article Characterization of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes observed in SCID-bg mice.
Academic Article [The Know-how Useful for Publication of Your Article in RPT].
Academic Article Lectin histochemistry of dorsal skin of Wistar-derived hypotrichotic WBN/Ila-Ht rats.
Academic Article Susceptibility of primary culture neurons from rats of different ages to encephalomyocarditis (EMC) virus infection.
Academic Article Enhanced nephrotoxicity of acetaminophen in fructose-induced hypertriglyceridemic rats: contribution of oxidation and deacetylation of acetaminophen to an enhancement of nephrotoxicity.
Academic Article Dorsal skin responses to subchronic ultraviolet B (UVB)-irradiation in Wistar-derived hypotrichotic WBN/ILA-Ht rats.
Academic Article Expression of p53 and its transcriptional target genes mRNAs in the ethylnitrosourea-induced apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in the fetal central nervous system.
Academic Article Morphological and microarray analysis of T-2 toxin-induced rat fetal brain lesion.
Academic Article Immunohistochemical study on inducible type of nitric oxide (iNOS), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and tumor growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) in arteritis induced in rats by fenoldopam and theophylline, vasodilators.
Academic Article Malignant sertoli cell tumor in a goose (Anser cygnoides domesticus).
Academic Article Quantitative evaluation of vessel tracking techniques on coronary angiograms.
Academic Article Hepatic changes in the acute phase of streptozotocin (SZ)-induced diabetes in mice.
Academic Article Cellular proliferative and telomerase activity in canine mammary gland tumors.
Academic Article Morphometric study on the renal glomeruli of streptozotocin (SZ)-induced diabetic APA hamsters.
Academic Article Glomerular lesions in unilateral nephrectomized and diabetic (UN-D) mice.
Academic Article Neural plasticity detected in short- and long-term cochlear implant users using PET.
Academic Article Thermus thermophilus TMY isolated from silica scale taken from a geothermal power plant.
Academic Article Expression of cytokines and proteases in mast cells in the lesion of subcapsular cell hyperplasia in mouse adrenal glands.
Academic Article Classification of normal and abnormal lungs with interstitial diseases by rule-based method and artificial neural networks.
Academic Article Spontaneous comedones on the skin of hairless descendants of Mexican hairless dogs.
Academic Article Modification of spontaneous renal lesion of APA hamsters by streptozotocin-induced diabetes.
Academic Article Improved detection of lung nodules on chest radiographs using a commercial computer-aided diagnosis system.
Academic Article Histopathological study on bone changes induced by recombinant granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in rats.
Academic Article Effects of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor on the kinetics of inflammatory cells in the peripheral blood and pulmonary lesions during the development of bleomycin-induced lung injury in rats.
Academic Article Diagnostic accuracy and reading time to detect intracranial aneurysms on MR angiography using a computer-aided diagnosis system.
Academic Article Thymoma in a dog with a part of granular cell proliferation and concurrent lymphoma cells.
Academic Article Representation of lesion similarity by use of multidimensional scaling for breast masses on mammograms.
Academic Article [Bronchospasm during crush induction with propofol under the Sellick maneuver in a patient for emergency laparotomy].
Academic Article Comparison of the quality of temporal subtraction images obtained with manual and automated methods of digital chest radiography.
Academic Article Ethylnitrosourea induces neural progenitor cell apoptosis after S-phase accumulation in a p53-dependent manner.
Academic Article Comparison of image quality obtained with optical and radiographic magnification techniques in fine-detail skeletal radiography: effect of object thickness.
Academic Article Pathology of experimental atherosclerosis: changes of acute phase in rats loaded with vitamin D2 and cholesterol.
Academic Article Fractal analysis of senile plaque observed in various animal species.
Academic Article Involvement of sex, strain and age factors in high fat diet-induced obesity in C57BL/6J and BALB/cA mice.
Academic Article Complementary distributions of amyloid-beta and neprilysin in the brains of dogs and cats.
Academic Article Regulation of endothelial production of C-type natriuretic peptide by interaction between endothelial cells and macrophages.
Academic Article Hydroxyurea (HU)-induced apoptosis in the mouse fetal lung.
Academic Article Ultrastructural changes in the dorsal skin of Wistar-derived hypotrichotic WBN/ILA-Ht rats following UVA-irradiation.
Academic Article Systemic histopathology of rats treated with 6-sulfanilamidoindazole, a novel arthritogenic sulfonamide.
Academic Article Cochlear implant in a young child with Waardenburg syndrome.
Academic Article Computer simulation study of screen-film system nonlinearity in fine detail imaging.
Academic Article Vascular and perivascular lesions in experimental Erysipelothrix insidiosa infection in rats.
Academic Article Optical spatial filtering of radiographic images with binary filters.
Academic Article Effect of collimators on the measurement of diagnostic x-ray spectra.
Academic Article High-speed, single-screen/single-emulsion film systems: basic imaging properties and preliminary clinical applications.
Academic Article T-2 toxin-induced toxicity in pregnant mice and rats.
Academic Article Cerebral amyloid angiopathy in an aged great spotted woodpecker (Picoides major).
Academic Article Age-related non-neoplastic lesions in the heart and kidneys of Syrian hamsters of the APA strain.
Academic Article Image feature analysis and computer-aided diagnosis in digital radiography. I. Automated detection of microcalcifications in mammography.
Academic Article Early development of spontaneous glomerular lesion in Syrian hamsters of APA strain.
Academic Article D-galactosamine induced hepatocyte apoptosis is inhibited in vivo and in cell culture by a calcium calmodulin antagonist, chlorpromazine, and a calcium channel blocker, verapamil.
Academic Article Cell cycle progression is required for nuclear migration of neural progenitor cells.
Academic Article Changes in submaxillary gland gene expression in F344 rats by multiple dosing of theophylline.
Academic Article Malignant NK/T-cell lymphoma associated with simian Epstein-Barr virus infection in a Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata).
Academic Article Electron microscopic study of subcapsular cell hyperplasia in the adrenal glands of IQI/Jic mice.
Academic Article Histopathological study on effects of potassium aspartate on the hypothalamus of rats.
Academic Article Thermoregulatory nonshivering thermogenesis in men, with special reference to lipid metabolism.
Academic Article In vivo administration of serum thymic factor (FTS) prevents EMC-D virus-induced diabetes and myocarditis in BALB/cAJcl mice.
Academic Article Evidence of apoptosis in the subventricular zone and rostral migratory stream in the MPTP mouse model of Parkinson disease.
Academic Article Detection of viral RNA by electron microscopic in situ hybridization (ISH-EM) in the germinal epithelium of mice infected with encephalomyocarditis (EMC) virus.
Academic Article Distribution of viral RNA in the spinal cord of DBA/2 mice developing biphasic paralysis following infection with the D variant of encephalomyocarditis virus (EMC-D).
Academic Article Serological and immunohistochemical studies on porcine-serum-induced hepatic fibrosis in rats.
Academic Article T-2 toxin-induced acute skin lesions in Wistar-derived hypotrichotic WBN/ILA-Ht rats.
Academic Article Distribution and incidence of calcified lesions in DBA/2NCrj and BALB/cAnNCrj mice.
Academic Article Encephalomyocarditis (EMC) virus infection in PC12 and C6 cells.
Academic Article Dorsal skin responses to topical application with hydrogen peroxide in Mini and Wistar rats.
Academic Article The energy-dependent behavior of noise Wiener spectra in their low-frequency limits: comparison with simple theory.
Academic Article Investigation of the performance of antiscatter grids: Monte Carlo simulation studies.
Academic Article The activity of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPS) and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) in mammary tumors of dogs and rats.
Academic Article Analysis and minimization of overtraining effect in rule-based classifiers for computer-aided diagnosis.
Academic Article Computerized detection of intracranial aneurysms for three-dimensional MR angiography: feature extraction of small protrusions based on a shape-based difference image technique.
Academic Article Biphasic disease of central nervous system induced in DBA/2 mice by the D variant of encephalomyocarditis virus (EMC-D).
Academic Article Encephalomyocarditis (EMC) virus-induced testicular lesion in BALB/c mice.
Academic Article Esophageal adenosquamous carcinoma in a cat.
Academic Article Threshold number of provirus copies required per cell for efficient virus production and interference in moloney murine leukemia virus-infected NIH 3T3 cells.
Academic Article Usefulness of artificial neural network for differential diagnosis of hepatic masses on CT images.
Academic Article Computer-aided diagnosis with radiogenomics: analysis of the relationship between genotype and morphological changes of the brain magnetic resonance images.
Academic Article Etoposide induces TRP53-dependent apoptosis and TRP53-independent cell cycle arrest in trophoblasts of the developing mouse placenta.
Academic Article Antioxidants suppress nitrofurazone-induced proliferation of hepatocytes.
Academic Article Q-switched ruby laser irradiation on spotty pigmentation in the skin of the hairless dog.
Academic Article Improvement of spatial resolution properties of image intensifier-TV digital systems with a multiple-narrow-slit beam imaging technique.
Academic Article Accurate measurement of characteristic curves of II-TV digital systems by use of aluminum stepwedge technique.
Academic Article Generalized dermal dysplasia and perifollicular mucinosis in a dog.
Academic Article Cell cycle and cell death regulation of neural progenitor cells in the 5-azacytidine (5AzC)-treated developing fetal brain.
Academic Article Development of apoptosis and changes in lymphocyte subsets in thymus, mesenteric lymph nodes and Peyer's patches of mice orally inoculated with T-2 toxin.
Academic Article Comparison of non-screen techniques (medical vs. industrial film) for fine-detail skeletal radiography.
Academic Article Changes in TIMP-1 and -2 expression in the early stage of porcine serum-induced liver fibrosis in rats.
Academic Article Differential modulation of nitric oxide and prostacyclin release in senescent rat heart stimulated by angiotensin II.
Academic Article Encephalomyocarditis (EMC) virus infection in the common vole, Microtus arvalis.
Academic Article Effects of long-term high-fiber diet on macrovascular changes and lipid and glucose levels in STZ-induced diabetic SD rats.
Academic Article Ultrastructural features of mast cells in picryl chloride (PCL)-induced contact dermatitis in IQI/Jic mice.
Academic Article Rat strain difference in histology and expression of Th1- and Th2-related cytokines in nasal mucosa after short-term formaldehyde inhalation.
Academic Article Lesions in the central nervous system of DBA/2 mice infected with the D variant of encephalomyocarditis virus (EMC-D).
Academic Article Field characteristics of geometric unsharpness due to the x-ray tube focal spot.
Academic Article In vivo lipolytic action of glucagon in brown adipose tissue of warm-acclimatized and cold-acclimatized rats.
Academic Article Direct radiographic magnification for skeletal radiology. An assessment of image quality and clinical application.
Academic Article Teratologic studies on rat perinates and offspring from dams treated with ethylnitrosourea (ENU).
Academic Article [Development of computerized method for automated classification of the body parts in digital radiographs].
Academic Article Determination of X-ray spectra incident on and transmitted through breast tissue.
Academic Article Magnification film mammography: image quality and clinical studies.
Academic Article Evaluation of the image quality of temporal subtraction images produced automatically in a PACS environment.
Academic Article Aflatoxin contamination in shrimp feed and effects of aflatoxin addition to feed on shrimp production.
Academic Article Thyroxine binding by albumins in bisalbuminemic serum.
Academic Article A simple source of fluorescent x rays for the study of radiographic imaging systems.
Academic Article Differences in bone responses to recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor between mice and rats.
Academic Article Effects of indomethacin on sunburn and suntan reactions in hairless descendants of Mexican hairless dogs.
Academic Article Auditory plasticity in cochlear implant patients.
Academic Article [An interview with Dr. Kunio Doi, an honorary Advisor of Japanese Society of Radiological Technology, by Hiroshi Fujita].
Academic Article Effect of cold adaptation and high-fat diet on cold resistance and metabolic responses to acute cold exposure in rats.
Academic Article A comparison of physical image quality indices and observer performance in the radiographic detection of nylon beads.
Academic Article Radiation dose in diagnostic radiology: Monte Carlo simulation studies.
Academic Article [The prognostic value preoperative promontory testing in Japanese cochlear implant patients].
Academic Article AP214, an analogue of alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone, ameliorates sepsis-induced acute kidney injury and mortality.
Academic Article [Fundamental and clinical evaluation of Spac T4 RIA Kit (author's transl)].
Academic Article Glucose effectiveness in two subtypes within impaired glucose tolerance. A minimal model analysis.
Academic Article Morphological and functional changes of rabbit mesenteric artery cultured with fetal bovine serum.
Academic Article Assessment of insulin sensitivity from a single sample.
Academic Article Assessment of insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion from the oral glucose tolerance test in nonobese Japanese type 2 diabetic patients: comparison with minimal-model approach.
Academic Article Transfer function analysis of radiographic imaging systems.
Academic Article Effects of chronic treatment with clofibric acid on response of rat hepatocytes to mitogenic stimuli.
Academic Article Improved contralateral subtraction images by use of elastic matching technique.
Academic Article Regional variations in the number and subsets of intraepithelial lymphocytes in the mouse small intestine.
Academic Article Antihypertensive effect of tryptic hydrolysate of milk casein in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Academic Article Regional variations in the distribution of small intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes in three inbred strains of mice.
Academic Article Aging-related changes in calcium oscillations in fertilized mouse oocytes.
Academic Article Renal glomerular fibrosis in a cat.
Academic Article Deposition of amyloid beta protein (A beta) subtypes [A beta 40 and A beta 42(43)] in canine senile plaques and cerebral amyloid angiopathy.
Academic Article Intracranial aneurysms at MR angiography: effect of computer-aided diagnosis on radiologists' detection performance.
Academic Article Subcapsular cell hyperplasia and mast cell infiltration in the adrenal cortex of mice: comparative study in 7 inbred strains.
Academic Article Effects of 6-chloro-2',3'-dideoxyguanosine (6-Cl-ddG) in surface lymph nodes of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) chronically infected with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIVmac239).
Academic Article Vulval angiomyofibroblastoma. Clinicopathologic analysis of six cases.
Academic Article [Fundamental and clinical evaluation of SPAC T3 uptake kit (author's transl)].
Academic Article Depigmentation and rejuvenation effects of kinetin on the aged skin of hairless descendants of Mexican hairless dogs.
Academic Article ROC analysis of detection of metastatic pulmonary nodules on digital chest radiographs with temporal subtraction.
Academic Article Automated region identification and its application to measuring cardiac function.
Academic Article Accumulation of MAC387+ macrophages in paracortical areas of lymph nodes in rhesus monkeys acutely infected with simian immunodeficiency virus.
Academic Article Encephalomyocarditis (EMC) virus-induced myocarditis by different virus variants and mouse strains.
Academic Article Development of a rigid fluorescent x-ray source for monoenergetic radiation studies in radiographic imaging.
Academic Article Embryonic heart rate of the domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus) in a quasiequilibrium state of altered ambient temperatures.
Academic Article Synaptic input-induced increase in intraneuronal Ca2+ in the medial vestibular nucleus of young rats.
Academic Article Improved cold tolerance of newborns from cold-acclimated pregnant rats.
Academic Article X-ray tube focal spot sizes: comprehensive studies of their measurement and effect of measured size in angiography.
Academic Article A novel gene, Btcl1, encoding CUB and LDLa domains is expressed in restricted areas of mouse brain.
Academic Article Responses of the skin over the dorsum to sunlight in hairless descendants of Mexican hairless dogs.
Academic Article Comparative studies of some functional and morphological parameters in the livers of germfree, conventional and ex-germfree mice.
Academic Article Kinetics of chemokines and their receptors in mercuric chloride-induced tubulointerstitial lesions in brown Norway rats.
Academic Article Insulin secretion, insulin sensitivity, and glucose effectiveness in nonobese individuals with varying degrees of glucose tolerance.
Academic Article Encepalomyocarditis virus-induced apoptosis and ultrastructural changes in the lacrimal and parotid glands of mice.
Academic Article Hair cycle induction by hair plucking in Mini rats.
Academic Article Significance of vascular natriuretic peptide system in vascular remodeling in humans and its application to gene therapy.
Academic Article [Tutorial review: Historical background for investigation of Wiener spectrum--beginning of quantum mottle research--].
Academic Article [Report on the 90th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America-- Comparison of LCD and CRT monitors for detection of pulmonary nodules and interstitial lung diseases on digital chest radiographs by using receiver operating characteristic analysis].
Academic Article Role of the extracellular Ca2+ on the intracellular Ca2+ changes in fertilized and activated mouse oocytes.
Academic Article Automatic detection of abnormalities in chest radiographs using local texture analysis.
Academic Article Backscatter from metal surfaces in diagnostic radiology.
Academic Article Accelerated reendothelialization with suppressed thrombogenic property and neointimal hyperplasia of rabbit jugular vein grafts by adenovirus-mediated gene transfer of C-type natriuretic peptide.
Academic Article Remnant-like particle cholesterol and insulin resistance in nonobese nonhypertensive Japanese glucose-tolerant relatives of type 2 diabetic patients.
Academic Article Studies of x-ray energy absorption and quantum noise properties of x-ray screens by use of Monte Carlo simulation.
Academic Article Computer-aided detection of microcalcifications in mammograms. Methodology and preliminary clinical study.
Academic Article Truncation errors in calculating the MTF of radiographic screen-film systems from the line spread function.
Academic Article Plasma lipid profiles in the winter of Hokkaido inhabitants.
Academic Article Histochemical characteristics of glycoproteins in the bile duct system of mice immunized with swine serum.
Academic Article Thermal and metabolic responses of temperature-acclimated rats during cold and heat exposures.
Academic Article Isolation of Fusarium solani from a dog: identification by molecular analysis.
Academic Article A case of congenital hyperostosis in a newborn piglet.
Academic Article Measurements of CO2 diffusivity and buffering capacity in myoglobin solutions.
Academic Article [Potential usefulness of computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) in a mass survey for lung cancer using photo-fluorographic films].
Academic Article Expression of an inwardly rectifying K(+) channel, Kir4.1, in satellite cells of rat cochlear ganglia.
Academic Article Histopathological and immunohistochemical studies on arteritis induced by fenoldopam, a vasodilator, in rats.
Academic Article Reduction of bias and variance for evaluation of computer-aided diagnostic schemes.
Academic Article C-type natriuretic peptide induces redifferentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells with accelerated reendothelialization.
Academic Article [Science of similar images: quantitative evaluation on the similarity of images to be used in the next generation CAD].
Academic Article Determination of instantaneous and average blood flow rates from digital angiograms of vessel phantoms using distance-density curves.
Academic Article Radiological Physics and Technology (RPT): Current Status and its Future.
Academic Article The inheritance and breeding results of hairless descendants of Mexican hairless dogs.
Academic Article MHV-induced fatal peritonitis in mice lacking IFN-gamma.
Academic Article Cloning of rat uncoupling protein-3 and uncoupling protein-2 cDNAs: their gene expression in rats fed high-fat diet.
Academic Article Computerized analysis of interstitial infiltrates on chest radiographs: a new scheme based on geometric pattern features and Fourier analysis.
Academic Article Electrically evoked auditory brainstem response and Fos-immunoreactivity in kanamycin-deafened rats.
Academic Article T-2 toxin-induced apoptosis in hematopoietic tissues of mice.
Academic Article Detection of DNA abnormalities by arbitrarily primed PCR fingerprinting: allelic losses in chromosome 10q in lung cancers.
Academic Article Temporal reduction in size of salivary acinus in rats induced by theophylline.
Academic Article Histopathological study of time course changes in PTHrP-induced incisor lesions of rats.
Academic Article Increased expression of rat ribosomal protein L4 mRNA in 5-azacytidine-treated PC12 cells prior to apoptosis.
Academic Article Changes in location and number of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP)-positive cells during the development of type II collagen-induced arthritis in DBA/1J mice.
Academic Article Enhanced nephrotoxicity of acetaminophen in fructose-induced hypertriglyceridemic rats: effect of partial hepatectomy.
Academic Article Expression of ribosomal protein L4 (rpL4) during neurogenesis and 5-azacytidine (5AzC)-induced apoptotic process in the rat.
Academic Article Case report on mixed infection of canine parvovirus and canine coronavirus--electron microscopy and recovery of canine coronavirus.
Academic Article Vitamin D2-induced arteriosclerosis in spontaneously hypertensive rats and protection by diltiazem, a calcium antagonist.
Academic Article Development of early apoptosis and changes in T-cell subsets in mouse thymocyte primary cultures treated with nivalenol.
Academic Article Kinetics of matrix metalloproteinases and their regulatory factors in mercuric chloride-induced tubulointerstitial fibrosis in Brown Norway rats.
Academic Article Expression of cytochrome P450 (CYP) isozymes in rat placenta through pregnancy.
Academic Article Effects of insulin treatment on fetal pancreatic hormonal interaction in diabetic pregnant rats.
Academic Article Significance of administration of fat emulsion: hepatic changes in infant rats receiving total parenteral nutrition with and without fat.
Academic Article [Measurement of plasma renin activity by angiotension I radioimmunoassay].
Academic Article In vitro study on the effects of bradykinin potentiating factor and angiotensin II analogue on degradation and conversion of angiotensin I and II in plasma.
Academic Article The critical roles of serum/glucocorticoid-regulated kinase 3 (SGK3) in the hair follicle morphogenesis and homeostasis: the allelic difference provides novel insights into hair follicle biology.
Academic Article Ganglioglioma in the thalamus of a puppy.
Academic Article Evaluation of bone contusions with fat-saturated fast spin-echo proton-density magnetic resonance imaging.
Academic Article [Studies on the mechanism of the diabetogenic activity of streptozotocin and on the ability of compounds to block the diabetogenic activity of streptozotocin (author's transl)].
Academic Article [Feline viral rhinotracheitis in Japan--Isolation of herpes type virus and pathologic picture (author's transl)].
Academic Article Utility of Tc-99m GSA whole-body scintigraphy in detecting bone metastases from hepatocellular carcinoma.
Academic Article Apoptosis in mouse fetuses from dams exposed to T-2 toxin at different days of gestation.
Academic Article Giant cell hepatitis in two young cats.
Academic Article Deafness induced up-regulation of GluR2/3 and NR1 in the spiral ganglion cells of the rat cochlea.
Academic Article Foreign serum-induced bile duct lesion (BDL) in athymic BALB/c nude mice.
Academic Article Hair follicles of young Wistar strain hairless rats: a histological study.
Academic Article Effects of tacrolimus (FK506) on encephalomyocarditic virus-induced diabetes in mice.
Academic Article 5-Azacytidine induces toxicity in PC12 cells by apoptosis.
Academic Article Posterior lens rupture in rats.
Academic Article Dermal histology of hairless rat derived from Wistar strain.
Academic Article Direct observation of radial intracellular PO2 gradients in a single cardiomyocyte of the rat.
Academic Article Activation of type I interferon signaling in the parotid and exorbital lachrymal glands during the acute phase of encephalomyocarditis (EMC) virus infection in mice.
Academic Article Characteristics of testicular lesions in mice infected with a low dose of encephalomyocarditis (EMC) virus.
Academic Article Glycoconjugate expression in follicle-associated epithelium (FAE) covering the nasal-associated lymphoid tissue (NALT) in specific pathogen-free and conventional rats.
Academic Article X-ray images of small blood vessels in angiography: question of isoplanatism.
Academic Article Long-term effects of dietary fiber supplementation on serum glucose and lipoprotein levels in diabetic rats fed a high cholesterol diet.
Academic Article Seasonal variation of urinary excretion of total metanephrines.
Academic Article Image feature analysis for computer-aided diagnosis: accurate determination of ribcage boundary in chest radiographs.
Academic Article Remnant-like particle cholesterol, triglycerides, and insulin resistance in nonobese Japanese type 2 diabetic patients.
Academic Article Sunburn reaction in the dorsal skin of hypotrichotic WBN/ILA-Ht rats.
Academic Article Mechanisms of neurotoxicity induced in the developing brain of mice and rats by DNA-damaging chemicals.
Academic Article Histological characteristics of respiratory system in Brown Norway rat.
Academic Article Hydrogen peroxide-induced dermatitis in WBN/Kob-Ht rats.
Academic Article The skin injury induced by high energy dose of ultraviolet in hairless descendants of Mexican hairless dogs.
Academic Article Ultrastructure of atheromatous lesions experimentally induced in Syrian hamsters of the APA strain.
Academic Article 5-Azacytidine (5Az) induces apoptosis in PC12 cells: a model for 5Az-induced apoptosis in developing neuronal cells.
Academic Article Development of a voxel-matching technique for substantial reduction of subtraction artifacts in temporal subtraction images obtained from thoracic MDCT.
Academic Article Effects of tacrolimus and dexamethasone on tubulointerstitial fibrosis in mercuric chloride treated Brown Norway rats.
Academic Article Lectin histochemistry in the aged dog brain.
Academic Article An ATP-dependent inwardly rectifying potassium channel, KAB-2 (Kir4. 1), in cochlear stria vascularis of inner ear: its specific subcellular localization and correlation with the formation of endocochlear potential.
Academic Article Evaluation of uneven distribution of VA/Q ratio from data on exchange of respiratory gases.
Academic Article Density dependence of the line spread function of radiographic screen-film systems.
Academic Article Difference in the mode of acute cold-induced hypothermia between rat and hamster.
Academic Article MHC class II-related genes expression in porcine-serum-induced rat hepatic fibrosis.
Academic Article Longitudinal study or serum thyroid hormones, chorionic gonadotrophin and thyrotrophin during and after normal pregnancy.
Academic Article Experimental and theoretical energy and angular dependencies of scattered radiation in the mammography energy range.
Academic Article Etoposide induces apoptosis and cell cycle arrest of neuroepithelial cells in a p53-related manner.
Academic Article Role of endotoxin in 6-sulfanilamidoindazole(6SAI)-induced arthritis in rats.
Academic Article Plasma branched-chain amino acids in cold- and heat-acclimatised rats.
Academic Article Transient infantile hyperthyrotropinaemia. Report of a case.
Academic Article Systemic histopathology of rats with CCl4-induced hepatic cirrhosis.
Academic Article The disturbance of water-maze task performance in mice with EMC-D virus infection.
Academic Article [Symposium III computer-aided diagnosis: benefits and challenges in diagnostic radiology. 1. Current status and future potential of computer aided diagnosis].
Academic Article Microarray analysis on Phase II drug metabolizing enzymes expression in pregnant rats after treatment with pregnenolone-16alpha-carbonitrile or phenobarbital.
Academic Article Changes in cytochrome P450 isozymes (CYPs) protein levels during lactation in rat liver.
Academic Article Psittacine beak and feather disease in three captive sulphur-crested cockatoos (Cacatua galerita) in Thailand.
Academic Article Regional variations in the distribution of small intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes in alymphoplasia (aly/aly) mice and heterozygous (aly/+) mice.
Academic Article Development of a computerized method for identifying the posteroanterior and lateral views of chest radiographs by use of a template matching technique.
Academic Article Histopathology of streptozotocin-induced diabetic DBA/2N and CD-1 mice.
Academic Article Ethylnitrosourea-induced apoptosis in primordial germ cells of the rat fetus.
Academic Article Lesions in pulmonary artery in feline dirofilariasis.
Academic Article Effect of hyperlipidemia on cardiovascular responses to adrenergic stimulation in piglets.
Academic Article Isolation and properties of sialodacryoadenitis virus of rats.
Academic Article Pathological observations on natural cases of sialodacryoadenitis of rats.
Academic Article Effect of bezafibrate on insulin sensitivity in nonobese Japanese type 2 diabetic patients.
Academic Article Formation of NaCl-type monodeuteride LaD by the disproportionation reaction of LaD2.
Academic Article [Quantitative evaluation of observer performance studies: importance and usefulness of psychophysical experiments].
Academic Article Prospects for observing and localizing gravitational-wave transients with Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo and KAGRA.
Academic Article Histopathological sequence of hepatic and renal lesions in rats after cessation of the repeated administration of CCl4.
Academic Article Effects of fructose-induced hypertriglyceridemia on hepatorenal toxicity of acetaminophen in rats.
Academic Article Immunohistochemical study on galactosamine-induced subacute hepatitis in rats of JCL: Wistar-TGN (ARGHGEN) 1 Nts strain (Mini rats).
Academic Article Histopathological study on the PTHrP-induced incisor lesions in rats.
Academic Article Involvement of p53 in 1-beta-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine-induced rat fetal brain lesions.
Academic Article Gelatin sheet incorporating basic fibroblast growth factor enhances healing of devascularized sternum in diabetic rats.
Academic Article Behavioral characteristics in mice with brain lesions induced by hypertonic saline.
Academic Article Three-dimensional structures of canine senile plaques.
Academic Article Diurnal variations of plasma free fatty acid levels and influence of starvation on its level.
Academic Article Possible involvement of DNA methylation in 5-azacytidine-induced neuronal cell apoptosis.
Academic Article Detectability of depth information by use of magnification stereoscopic technique in cerebral angiography.
Academic Article [Looking Back on the 10th Anniversary of Radiological Physics and Technology(RPT)].
Academic Article Auditory and tactile processing in a postmeningitic deaf-blind patient with a cochlear implant.
Academic Article Development of a new image manipulation system based on detection of electroencephalogram signals from the operator's brain: a feasibility study.
Academic Article [1. Significance of Research and How to Find a Research Subject].
Academic Article A recurrent subcutaneous tumour of the thumb: a case of a capicua transcriptional repressor (CIC)-rearranged sarcoma.
Academic Article Hendee's physics of medical imaging, fifth edition, by Ehsan Samei and Donald J. Peck.
Academic Article [Book Review "Hendee's Physics of Medical Imaging"].
Academic Article [In Order to Publish Your Article in RPT: Authors× Reviewers=Good Science].
Academic Article [Computer-aided diagnosis with radiogenomics: Analysis of the relationship between genotype and morphological changes of the brain magnetic resonance images].
Academic Article Combination of Dual Wavelength Picosecond and Nanosecond Pulse Width Neodymium-Doped Yttrium-Aluminum-Garnet Lasers for Tattoo Removal.
Academic Article Effect of corticotropin and adrenocortical hormone on the blood flow through brown adipose tissue in the rat.
Academic Article Distinct biomarkers for different bones in osteoporosis with rheumatoid arthritis.
Academic Article Prospects for observing and localizing gravitational-wave transients with Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo and KAGRA.
Academic Article Evaluation of the homogeneity of native T1 myocardial mapping using the polarity corrected inversion time preparation method in a myocardial phantom and healthy volunteers.
Academic Article [Case of HCG producing lung squamous cell carcinoma].
Academic Article Normal differentiation of rat brown adipocytes in primary culture judged by their expressions of uncoupling protein and the physiological isoform of glucose transporter.
Academic Article [How Can We Protect Democracy?]
Academic Article [1. Initial Polishing and Final Polishing by the Journal to Support Authors].
Academic Article [Let's Submit a Manuscript to Radiological Physics and Technology (RPT)!(2) Impact Factor and its Importance].
Academic Article [2. Impact Factor and Its Importance].
Academic Article Message from the retiring Editor-in-Chief.
Academic Article Protective Effects of Sunscreens on Sunburn and Suntan Reactions in Cross-bred Mexican Hairless Dogs.
Academic Article The effect of topical minoxidil treatment on hair follicular growth of neonatal hairless descendants of Mexican hairless dogs.
Academic Article Room temperature crystal structure of the fast switching M159T mutant of the fluorescent protein dronpa.
Academic Article Russell H. Morgan, MD (1912-1986): pioneer in image quality assessment and radiological science.
Academic Article [The World with Many Islands: New Zealand, Indonesia, Tahiti, Balkan Nations].
Academic Article Quantitative measurements of emphysema in ultra-high resolution computed tomography using model-based iterative reconstruction in comparison to that using hybrid iterative reconstruction.
Academic Article [Beautiful Mountains in Switzerland].
Academic Article Middle-ear carcinoid tumour metastasising to the parapharyngeal space and the parotid gland.
Academic Article [Portugal, Hungary, South Africa, and Thailand].
Concept Mometasone Furoate
Concept Olive Oil
Concept Uncoupling Protein 2
Concept Tartrate-Resistant Acid Phosphatase
Concept Uncoupling Protein 3
Concept Uncoupling Protein 1
Concept Src Homology 2 Domain-Containing, Transforming Protein 1
Concept Connexin 26
Concept Islands
Concept Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated Proteins
Concept Heparin-binding EGF-like Growth Factor
Academic Article [Chile, Guam Island, Czech, and Argentina].
Academic Article [Investigating the Usefulness of Breath-holding Instructions by Change in the Room Light for the Hearing Impaired].
Academic Article [Spain, France, Germany, Italy].
Academic Article [United Kingdom, China, Arizona].
Academic Article John Roderick Cameron (1922-2005): Scientist, teacher, mentor, inventor, and philanthropist extraordinaire.
Search Criteria
  • 1
  • 2
  • Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine